Wikipedia:About you

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The Wikimedia community welcomes you!

Hello. You may have been directed to this page because Wikipedia has an article about you (or someone you represent).

If so, Welcome to Wikipedia!

Wikipedia wants the article about you to be as accurate and fair as possible. We would also like it to have a picture of you, and a recording of your spoken voice.



We invite you to make a recording of your spoken voice, so that people using Wikipedia may know what you sound like, and how you pronounce your name. For more details of how to make and upload a recording, examples, and a suggested script, please see Commons:Voice intro project.



If the article about you has no picture, you can provide one, or ask someone else to do so (perhaps a family member or colleague can take one; or your employer may have one on file). Likewise, if the picture we have is out-of-date, or doesn't show you at your best, a better one may be provided.

We think such images should be made available for everyone to reuse, not just Wikipedia, so we only accept images that have an open licence. So a statement saying “OK to use on Wikipedia” is not sufficient.

Images may only be uploaded by (or with the permission of) the copyright holder. If you upload a picture taken by someone else, you may be asked to provide, by email, evidence that the copyright holder has granted such a licence.

Uploading to Wikimedia Commons


Because we can't fit all the images on every topic onto the relevant Wikipedia page, we hold extra images at our sister project, Wikimedia Commons. That also makes them available for use not just on this, the English-language Wikipedia, but all Wikipedias (there are around three hundred, in languages from French to Japanese, Urdu to Cornish), and other Wikimedia projects, such as Wikisource and Wikiquote.

The default licence on Wikimedia Commons is CC by-sa 4.0 ("Creative Commons, attribution, share-alike"). That says that anyone may use the image, even commercially, but they must give the copyright owner credit for it; and must use the same licence if they make another ("derivative") image from it. (Other open licences may be used.)

If you're happy with that, please use the page for uploading images to Commons.

You don't have to create an account, but if you do, you can be notified of changes to the descriptions of your images, and receive messages about them. You can also then use the Upload Wizard to add more than one image at once, if you have an account. Accounts work on all the Wikipedias, on Wikimedia Commons, and on our other sister projects. We recommend you sign up.

You must not upload pictures if you do not own the copyright!



We use various identifiers on Wikipedia, to help distinguish between people with the same (or very similar) names. If you have published books, it's likely that you have a VIAF or ISNI identifier. You can tell us about these, and we will see that they are included. If you have published elsewhere (journals, newspapers, blogs, etc) you can register for an ORCID identifier, and we will include that.

Please also let us know if you have your own website, a profile page on your employer's website, or accounts on services like Facebook, GitHub, Google Scholar, ResearcherID, Scopus, Twitter, etc. - we may or may not include these in the article about you, but we will add them to our sister database, Wikidata.



People with a conflict of interest regarding an article (such as their own biography) are strongly advised not to edit that article, or at least to proceed with extreme caution. Of course, we'd welcome you to edit in other areas, including those on which you have subject expertise!

You may of course remove blatant vandalism (such as the addition of swear-words or gibberish) or blatant falsehoods (for example fake death dates, claims that you have been convicted when you have not) from the article about you, but we reserve the right to report any misdeeds or other negative incidents that have been reported in reliable sources. We aim to do so with balance, so if you feel that there has been an error, or that something negative is unduly prominent, you do have recourse. You should not remove content about you that you simply find objectionable.

If you think something should be added to, removed from, or changed in the article about you, there are a number of methods you may use:

Please remember that any changes or additions must be verified using citations to reliable sources. If you need help finding these, you can visit the reference desk.

See also


We have a lengthy FAQ for article subjects

More about Wikipedia


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