The Top 25 Report
- The Wikipedia:Top 25 Report was created in January 2013. This page is part of an archive project to preserve data from previous popular page reports.
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The most viewed articles for April 2004, derived from historical data scattered in various places on the English Wikipedia,, and elsewhere.
The April 2004 statistics were first posted at Wikipedia:Popular_pages, limited to pages exceeding 10,000 hits for the month. The list includes the Main Page (unlike the way the WP:TOP25 is currently done), but the list was curated to exclude non-article pages.
Most Viewed Wikipedia Pages for April 2004
edit- 1421027 Main Page
- 70058 Jew (Googlebombing)
- 45177 Current events
- 24120 Frame dragging (Linked to from Slashdot)
- 22294 Columbine High School massacre
- 22165 Wikipedia
- 19373 World War II
- 19168 United States
- 14273 Wiki
- 13866 Sexual intercourse
- 13622 Eric Harris
- 13330 Short term memory
- 13277 Diana, Princess of Wales
- 12557
- 11768 List of sex positions
- 11255 A
- 10519 Pictures
- 10507 Mathematics
- 10099 Penis
- 9797 Adolf Hitler
- 9726 Recent deaths
- 9667 Germany
- 8843 France
- 8750 Computer science
- 8710 United Kingdom