Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Hot/C
- g = Google search
- wp = Wikipedia search
- gwp = Google search of Wikipedia
- co = Columbia Encyclopedia search
- eb = Encyclopædia Britannica search
- gct = Google search of the Encyclopedia
of Computer Terms - sw = Eric Weinstein's
World of Science search
Hotlist index (edit)
A A2 A3
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C C2 C3 C4
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E E2
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I I2
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P P2 P3 P4
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T T2 T3
Suggestions for non-inclusion
When working on this list, please NEVER simply remove a red link because "we have the article elsewhere". Always create the appropriate redirect as this helps our readers and, as a bonus, creates an audit trail for this project.
- C/S ELEMENTS () - double check?
- C82 () - dab - one still remains
- Cable gateway () - double check?
- Cable matcher () - all covered?
- Cable plant () - double check?
- Cable router () - all covered?
- Cabletext ()
- Caching appliance ()
- Caching controller ()
- Caching server ()
- Cadmium metallurgy ()
- Cafaggiolo Majolica ()
- Caffeine based ()
- CaffeineMark ()
- Cage hydrocarbon ()
- Cairene Rug ()
- Calcichordates () - double check?
- Calculated field ()
- Calderón Bridge ()
- Calendaring () calendering?
- Caliciales ()
- Call center in a box ()
- Call center overflow ()
- Call generator ()
- Call pickup service ()
- Call routing service ()
- Callan-Gross Relation ()
- Callide Valley ()
- Calling program ()
- Calling routine ()
- Calumet District NE Indiana, Greater Chicago.
- Calumet Harbor () - all covered?
- Cam mechanism ()
- Cambodian art and architecture ()
- Cambridge Radio Survey ()
- Cameo cat ()
- Camptostromatoidea ()
- Canaanite Inscriptions ()
- Canadian High ()
- Canarsee () - should be its own article?
- Candlestand ()
- Canned routine ()
- Canonical Distributions ()
- Canonical Field Theory ()
- Canonical Invariant ()
- Cantala ()
- Canton Enamel ()
- Cantorial song - see Hazzan
- Capacitance measurement ()
- Capacitance multiplication ()
- Capacities () - all covered?
- Capacity-on-demand ()
- Cape Ecnomus ()
- Cape Emerald ()
- Cape Sao Tome () - see pt:Cabo de São Tomé in Rio de Janeiro
- Cape Spartivento () - see Cabo Spartivento in Sardinia - Own article?
- Cape Verde Basin ()
- Captains' Revolution ()
- Capture buffer ()
- Car podding ()
- Car systems ()
- Caran ()
- Carboloy () - double check?
- Carbonate-Apatite ()
- Carcas () - double check?
- Card cage ()
- Card column ()
- Card not present account ()
- Card services ()
- Cardioid Orbit ()
- Careah ()
- Caricature and Cartoon () -- Caricature and Cartoon
- Carl Henrik, Greve Anckarsvard ()
- Carnival Song ()
- Carpaii ()
- Carpet Moss ()
- Carrack Porcelain ()
- Carrara Family () - ruling family of Carrara
- Carriage of Goods () - double check?
- Carrier based ()
- Carrier class ()
- Carrier detect ()
- Carrier serving area ()
- Carrier switch ()
- Carrier-class switch ()
- Carrington Rotation Number () - double check?
- Carshena ()
- Carterfone decision () double check?
- Cartridge font ()
- Carver Chair ()
- Case cracker ()
- Casebearer ()
- Casimir Trick ()
- Casimir-Leon Maistre ()
- Casimir's Function ()
- Casiphia ()
- Cassegrain focus () - double check?
- Cassel Porcelain ()
- Cassini States ()
- Castlemainian Stage ()
- Cataclastite ()
- Catalan art ()
- Catalog Verse ()
- Catalyst Poison ()
- Catechetical School ()
- Caucasian Gates () - double check?
- Caudle Cup ()
- Caughley Ware ()
- Cayapa ()
- Cayley-Klein parameters () Cayley-klein parameters - double check?
- Cayugan Series () Cayugan series
- CBT Systems () Cbt systems
- CcApp () Ccapp
- CCC/Harvest () Ccc/harvest
- CCFT () Ccft - Dab page? All dab pages below could be multiple things as shown on google results...
- CCIA () Ccia - dab page?
- CCK/OFDM () Cck/ofdm
- CCTA () Ccta - Dab page?
- Cdev ()
- CDIA () Cdia -dab page?
- CDIF () Cdif - probably Case Data Interchange Format
- CDN peering () Cdn peering
- CDRS () Cdrs - dab page?
- CDRS-03 () Cdrs-03
- CDSL () Cdsl - dab page?
- CDSP () Cdsp - dab page?
- Cecil Family () Cecil family
- Cedar-Apple Rust () Cedar-apple rust - Should it be its own article?
- CD business card () Cd business card
- CD card () Cd card
- CD duplicator () Cd duplicator
- CD jukebox () Cd jukebox
- CD label printer () Cd label printer
- CD title lookup () Cd title lookup
- CD tower () Cd tower
- CD track titles () Cd track titles
- CD tray () Cd tray
- CD/DVD label printer () Cd/dvd label printer
- CDE.INI () Cde.ini
- CD-PROM () Cd-prom
- CD-ROM changer () Cd-rom changer
- CDRAM () Cdram
- CD-ROM Extensions () Cd-rom extensions
- CD-ROM jukebox () Cd-rom jukebox
- CD-ROM server () Cd-rom server
- CD-ROM tower () Cd-rom tower
- CD-UDF () Cd-udf
- Cascading menu ()
- Cascading windows ()
- Celestra ()
- Cell constancy ()
- Cell permeability () - double check?
- Cell plastids () - double check?
- Cell polarity (biology) () - double check?
- Cell switch ()
- Cellspace ()
- Cell-surface ionization ()
- Cellular immunology ()
- Cellular programming ()
- CELP socket () Celp socket
- Centering cone ()
- Central African Workshop () Central african workshop
- Central American and Northern Andean Indian ()
- Central Brahui Range () Central brahui range
- Central office switch ()
- Central Orbit () Central orbit
- Central Pacific Basin () Central pacific basin
- Central Region Plateau () Central region plateau
- Central University Botanical Garden ()
- Centralized processing ()
- Centrifugal Potential () Centrifugal potential
- Centura Team Developer () Centura team developer
- Century date change ()
- Cenu ()
- Cephalobaenida ()
- Cereal Farming () Cereal farming - all covered?
- Cereal Processing () Cereal processing
- Ceremonial Object () Ceremonial object
- CERQUAD () Cerquad - can it be own article now?
- Certified Internet Webmaster () Certified internet webmaster
- CFG file () Cfg file
- CgFX () Cgfx
- Chabruma ()
- Chaff and winnow () -- we have Chaff and Winnowing
- Chaillu Massif () Chaillu massif
- Chain compound ()
- Chained list ()
- Chakossi ()
- Chalcotrichite ()
- Chalk Drawing () Chalk drawing
- Chalna ()
- Chambre Des Enquetes () Chambre des enquetes
- Chambre Des Requetes () Chambre des requetes
- Chaminuka ()
- Chan I () Chan i
- Chan II () Chan ii
- Chan Painting () Chan painting
- Chancelade Skeleton () Chancelade skeleton
- Chandrasekhar Mean Opacity () Chandrasekhar mean opacity
- Change file ()