Yabutian languages

(Redirected from Yabuti languages)

The Yabutian or Jabutian languages are two similar moribund languages of southern Rondônia, Brazil, namely Arikapú (Maxubí) and Djeoromitxi (Yabutí/Jabotí). They are members of the Macro-Je language family.

Rondônia, Brazil
Linguistic classificationMacro-Gê
  • Yabutian
Language codes



Loukotka (1968) lists the following basic vocabulary items for Yabutian language varieties.[1]

gloss Yabutí Aricapú Mashubi
one nichi owá
two yämbo krokro
three kamekü
ear hi-nĩpí chi-nipoaró chi-nipuré
tooth hi-dö shi-shakriá maishambishi
hand hi-nikú chi-nuhu chi-nikaimu
woman páko pakohä chininika
water bzirú bi
fire pichä pikö piku
sun tõhõ töhã tadzyó
maize tsitsi chichi kokoví
tapir huá nowö chimoré
house híkö arikó erikoná


Reconstruction ofYabutian languages

Proto-Jabutí reconstructions by van der Voort (2007):[2]

Proto-Jabutí reconstructions by van der Voort (2007
gloss Proto-Jabutí
'kind of yam' *mu(rε)
'sun' *tõhã
'moon' (*kupa)
'water (n); liquid' *miru
'LOC' *(-)tʃε
'NOM' *h.
'classifier (skin)' *-kakə
'AUG' *-tʃitʃi
'ABL' *kunĩ
'DAT' *ri
'to remove' *kokɨ
'water, liquid' (*ɨ)
'to squeeze liquid' *ɨmĩ
'needle' *pudʒi
'to hang (up), to tie (up)' *tətʃəj
'clay for making pots and dishes' *mr(.)
'INTENS.' *(-)wεhε
'container, large leaf, bag' *təkə
'bench, mat' *nĩpraj
'belly' *prika
'shell, nutshell, bug/beetle' *kakə
'tooth' *tʃo
'mouth' *tʃa-, *tʃako
'arm, branch' *tʃapa
'to play' *hãtõj
'earring' *nĩpɨkuj
'monkey species (Callithrix jacchus)' (macaco sauim) *mihi
'robust capuchin monkey' (macaco prego) *mirə
'hair on backside (?)' *kaw
'way, path' *wɪ
'field' *rɛhi
'meat; flesh' *nĩ
'classifier (meat)' *-nĩ
'tick' *tʃitʃika
'hole; classifier (hole)' *-ko
'small basket' *pupuka
'to cry/weep/sing/shout' *mõ
'to suck' *u
'to rain' *rõko
'cicada' *piti
'clear; light (n)' *praj
'snake' *mrãj
'calango (kind of lizard)' *mrãjdʒi
'lizard genus (Tupinambis)' *tʃaurə
'to cover' *hεtʃəj(to)
'to give'
'to take away, to get, to catch' *hɨ̃j
'to eat; to bite' *ku
'to eat' *pu
'pamonha (traditional food), food; classifier (pamonha, food)' *nũ
'COM' *pakəj
'to add; COM' *pakə
'to give orders, to command' *mətɨ̃
'to tell, to teach' *pamo
'heart' *mə(tutu)ka
'haircut, lap/flap' *kuro
'to boil' *toto
'termite' *irε
'to heal/cure, to pray' *wi
'agouti' *təri
'finger' *nĩku
'to keep/have, to put, to stash/hide' *dʒi
'to lie (down)' (*...rãj)
'son, daughter, cub, offspring' *kraj
'son' *wikoko
'niece' *prõ
'to hurt; ill, sour/harsh, strong' *tʃomi
'to sleep' *nũtõ
'leaf, thorn; classifier (thorn)' *-nĩ
'to stretch/pull/arrange' *tə(j)təj
'liver' *mə
'cord, rope' *tʃoko
'string, cord' *tʃukə
'song/singing (?)' *tʃua
'breechcloth string' *unĩ
'tucuma palm; rope made from tucuma palm' *nũrõ
'arrow shaft' *məku
'arrow splinter' *itʃopu
'flower' *tʃawa
'tree, log, stick' *ku
'fire' *pitʃə
'ashes' *pitʃə(mrə)
'eye' *hãka(rε)
'fat, grease' *tũ(ka)
'aunt' *dʒikũ(ro)
'to put/insert; to change clothes' *tɨ̃
'INSTR' *nə
'to go, to walk' (*kərεj)
'tayra (weasel species)' (irara, papa-mel) *mεjmia
'older sister' *tʃuhε
'new, young' *kamu
'blackbird genera (Psarocolius)' (japu, rubixá) *(a)rimu
'jug' *məro
'pot, pan, jug' *wa
'walking palm leaf' *kumɛ̃
'peach palm' *onɨ̃
'kind of indigenous frame for grilling meat or fish' *kamεkə
'to grill on a jirau' *rĩ
'knee' *mε̃pε
'tongue' *nu(ku)tə(rε)
'female, mother' *dʒi
'wife' *krajdʒi
'grandmother' *kurε
'manioc' *murε
'hand' *nĩ.u
'to chew' *pa
'to kill (by blow)' *t.mr.
'worm, larva; classifier (worm)' *-rε
'young girl' *nũnɨka
'to grind' *kũ
'mosquito' *patʃĩ
'woman' *paku
'to bathe' *tʃo
'NEG; no' *tõ
'no' *mãj
'bone' *dʒi, *i
'night' *patʃitʃu
'name' *tõhĩ
'cloud' *mε̃(ko)
'ear' *nĩpɨ
'other; companion' *tʃanãj
'to hear; to know' *mə
'egg' *(.)ε̃
'male; father' *tʃu, *tʃutʃi
'husband' *krajtʃu
'grandfather' *tʃuta
'foot' *praj
'stone' *kra
'breasts, chest' *nunɨ
'skin, leather, bark; classifier (leather, skin)' *kə
'body hair, down, hair' *kəmõ
'little' *kokə
'to throw, to lose, to drop, to spill' (*k...aj)
'to get lost' *atõ
'to weigh; heavy' *kumɨ
'neck' *poko
'peanut' *kumrε̃j
'aricuri kernel' *mətaj
'cluster of aricuri coconuts' *mətajtʃu
'Brazil nut tree' *urə
'aricuri; straw; green coconut' *urõ
'well (spring)' *kawiru
'bridge' *mirukurõ
'door' *mitʃakə
'tired' *tʃamə
'we (1PL)' *hi..., *hi-
'you (2SG/PL)' *a
'lung' *mə(ki)rɪ
'pus' *tʃu
'to burn (tr. v)' *tʃə(...)
'hot' *tʃə
'round' *ka
'classifier (round)' *-ka
'lips; spit/saliva' *tʃokə
'toad' (*.ka)
'dry' *karo
'seed, kernel' *hã
'classifier (seed, kernel)' *-hã
'to go away' *kũ
'on (top)' *tʃutʃε
'snuff, tobacco, cigarette' *padʒi
'tamanduá' (*patʃuri)
'tortoise' *mi.ku
'armadillo' *tõw
'to fear' *pɨ
'land, earth' *mĩ(ka)
'yard, square' *miku
'testicles' *nũ(.)ε̃ka
'all ('finished')' (*...tã)
'claw, nail' *nĩkətaj
'vulture' *tõtõtʃi
'deer' *kurɨj
'old' *rõjtʃi
'to see' *arã
'green' *kapɨ
'red' *nũr(ə̃)o
'to come (arrive)' *prəj
'to come back/return' *m(.)rε̃hε̃
'to want' *iro
'fish' *minũ
'slowly' *hãt.j
'reed' *kunĩkurõ
'half' *mə
'genipap fruit' *mɪ
'"right?", "isn't it?"' *nĩ
'hat' *kanũ
'Brazilian tinamou bird' (inambu relógio) *dʒui
'general term for the tinamou bird genus' *mɨkraj
'cotton' *tʃamuj
'place' *kutʃiprajka
'big cará (kind of yam)' *mutʃitʃi
'achiote' *kutʃamrəj
'to salt' *nɨ
'nettle' *nõ
'tree species (Vochysia haenkeana)' (escorrega-macaco) *hawajtε
'sticky' *kanə
'arrowleaf elephant's ear (plant)' (taioba) *m(.)rε̃
'lamp, candle, torch; tar/pitch' *hãtjə
'sugar, cane' *mεkɨ
'to pour, to flow/run, to throw' *kuhi
'yellow' *numuj
'to stir, to row; mixture' *kotʃu
'point' *nĩnũ
'hawk' *pɨ̃jkuri
'plug for the nose' *nĩkoku
'small larva' *urɨ
'aricuri larva' *tʃanõ
'hog plum (tree)' (cajá) *urənĩ
'fish poison plant' (timbó) *tanãj
'to beat (fish poison); to knock/bring down' *prõ
'stump' *prajka
'tree species (Cecropia)' (umbaúba) *tõwkuri
'to form/shape, to weave, to draw up' *pətʃa
'ingá (tree genus)' *tʃumɨ̃
'to bring/bear' *tə
'ripe, to ripen' *tʃu
'necklace' *m(.)rɨ̃(to)

For a list of Proto-Jabutí reconstructions by Nikulin (2020),[3] see the corresponding Portuguese article.


  1. ^ Loukotka, Čestmír (1968). Classification of South American Indian languages. Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center.
  2. ^ van der Voort, H. (2007). Proto-Jabutí: um primeiro passo na reconstrução da língua ancestral dos Arikapú e Djeoromitxí. In Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (Ciências humanas) 2 (2):133–168. Accessed from DiACL, 9 February 2020.
  3. ^ Nikulin, Andrey. 2020. Proto-Macro-Jê: um estudo reconstrutivo. Doctoral dissertation, University of Brasília.

Further reading
