1995 Governor General's Awards

The 1995 Governor General's Literary Awards were presented by Roméo LeBlanc, Governor General of Canada on November 14 at the Winter Garden Theatre in Toronto.[1] Each winner received a cheque for $10,000 and a copy of their books specially bound by master bookbinder Pierre Ouvard.


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction   Greg Hollingshead, The Roaring Girl
Non-fiction   Rosemary Sullivan, Shadow Maker: The Life of Gwendolyn MacEwen
Poetry   Anne Szumigalski, Voice
Drama   Jason Sherman, Three in the Back, Two in the Head
Children's literature   Tim Wynne-Jones, The Maestro
Children's illustration   Ludmila Zeman, The Last Quest of Gilgamesh
French to English translation   David Homel, Why Must a Black Writer Write About Sex? (Dany Laferrière, Cette grenade dans la main du jeune nègre est-elle une arme ou un fruit?)


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction   Nicole Houde, Les Oiseaux de Saint-John Perse
Non-fiction   Yvan Lamonde, Louis-Antoine Dessaulles. Un seigneur libéral et anticlérical
Poetry   Émile Martel, Pour orchestre et poète seul
Drama   Carole Fréchette, Les Quatre morts de Marie
Children's literature   Sonia Sarfati, Comme une peau de chagrin
Children's illustration   Annouchka Gravel Galouchko, Sho et les dragons d'eau
English to French translation   Hervé Juste, Entre l'ordre et la liberté


  1. ^ "Writer's Roaring success: Greg Hollingshead wins Governor-General's Award for fiction". Vancouver Sun, November 15, 1995.