2024 Orenburg Oblast gubernatorial election

The 2024 Orenburg Oblast gubernatorial election will take place on 6–8 September 2024, on common election day. Incumbent Governor Denis Pasler is running to a second term in office.

2024 Orenburg Oblast gubernatorial election

← 2019 6–8 September 2024 2029 →

Governor before election

Denis Pasler
United Russia





Energy executive Denis Pasler, a former Chairman of the Government of Sverdlovsk Oblast (2012–2016) was appointed acting Governor of Orenburg Oblast in March 2019, replacing two-term Governor Yury Berg.[1] Berg's resignation was widely expected as by the end of 2018 Berg was rated among the most unpopular governors in Russia.[2]

Pasler was nominated for full term by United Russia and won the September 2019 gubernatorial election with 65.94% of the vote with Communist Maksim Amelin placing second (23.72%).[3] During the campaign 2014 gubernatorial candidate and LDPR State Duma member Sergey Katasonov initially expressed interest in running for a second time[4] but eventually did not file, while in exchange Pasler renominated LDPR member and incumbent Senator Yelena Afanasyeva.

In January 2022 rumours surfaced that Governor Pasler in a short time would resign and return to the private sector,[5] however, Pasler has never actually resigned during 2022. In November 2023 it was again reported that Pasler had considered retirement since at least 2021 and was thought to resign in spring 2024, ahead of the 2024 gubernatorial election.[6] In case of Pasler's early resignation Presidential Administration adviser Aleksandr Sokolov had been considered a potential appointee prior to his nomination as acting Governor of Kirov Oblast in May 2022. Senator Afanasyeva expressed her interest in running for the governor to succeed Pasler in 2024,[7] while some experts view State Duma member Oleg Dimov as the frontrunner for the position.[8] Rumours about Pasler's potential retirement intensified in early 2024 after disastrous Orsk Dam collapse, leaving Orsk, the second largest city in the region, flooded since early April. However, in May 2024 during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin Governor Pasler announced his intention to run for a second term and received Putin's endorsement.[9]



In Orenburg Oblast candidates for Governor can be nominated only by registered political parties. Candidate for Governor of Orenburg Oblast should be a Russian citizen and at least 30 years old. Candidates for Governor should not have a foreign citizenship or residence permit. Each candidate in order to be registered is required to collect at least 5% of signatures of members and heads of municipalities.[10] Also gubernatorial candidates present 3 candidacies to the Federation Council and election winner later appoints one of the presented candidates.


Candidate name,
political party
Occupation Status Ref.
Ramil Gafarov
Communists of Russia
Pensioner Nominated [11]
Vladimir Gudomarov
Communist Party
Member of Legislative Assembly of Orenburg Oblast (2021–present)
Energy executive
Nominated [12][13]
Yekaterina Kalegina
New People
Member of Legislative Assembly of Orenburg Oblast (2021–present) Nominated [15]
Oksana Nabatchikova
Former Member of Legislative Assembly of Orenburg Oblast (2016–2021, 2021–2023) Nominated [16]
Denis Pasler
United Russia
  Incumbent Governor of Orenburg Oblast (2019–present) Nominated [9][17]
Oksana Rodimtseva
Party of Russia's Rebirth
Dentist Nominated [18]

Eliminated at convention




See also



  1. ^ "Биография врио губернатора Оренбургской области Дениса Паслера". tass.ru. Retrieved 2024-03-29.
  2. ^ "Мусор и коррупция: почему у 30 губернаторов упал рейтинг доверия". rbc.ru. Retrieved 2024-03-29.
  3. ^ "На выборах губернатора Оренбургской области победил Паслер с 65,93% голосов". kommersant.ru. Retrieved 2024-03-29.
  4. ^ "Сергей Катасонов и Елена Афанасьева подтвердили намерение участвовать в выборах губернатора". ural56.ru. Retrieved 2024-03-29.
  5. ^ "Znak.com: Денис Паслер уйдет с поста губернатора Оренбуржья в ПАО "Т Плюс"". 56orb.ru. Retrieved 2024-03-29.
  6. ^ "Глава Оренбургской области Денис Паслер может не пойти на второй срок". vedomosti.ru. Retrieved 2024-03-29.
  7. ^ a b "Сенатор Елена Афанасьева заявила, что будет выдвигать свою кандидатуру на пост губернатора Оренбургской области, если Денис Паслер уйдет". ural56.ru. Retrieved 2024-03-29.
  8. ^ a b "Кто может заменить Паслера?". rosbalt.ru. Retrieved 2024-03-29.
  9. ^ a b "Встреча с губернатором Оренбургской области Денисом Паслером". kremlin.ru. Retrieved 2024-05-29.
  10. ^ "Закон "О выборах Губернатора Оренбургской области" от 25 июня 2012 года N 883/250-V-ОЗ (с изменениями на 31 августа 2023 года)". docs.cntd.ru. Retrieved 2024-03-29.
  11. ^ "Гафаров Рамиль Рафаилович". orenburg.vybory.izbirkom.ru. Retrieved 2024-06-26.
  12. ^ "Орский коммунист Владимир Гудомаров, возможно, примет участие в выборах губернатора Оренбургской области". pda.orsk.ru. Retrieved 2024-06-01.
  13. ^ "КПРФ сдает кандидатский минимум". kommersant.ru. Retrieved 2024-06-03.
  14. ^ "Гудомаров Владимир Ильич". orenburg.vybory.izbirkom.ru. Retrieved 2024-06-14.
  15. ^ "Калегина Екатерина Викторовна". orenburg.vybory.izbirkom.ru. Retrieved 2024-06-24.
  16. ^ "Набатчикова Оксана Валерьевна". orenburg.vybory.izbirkom.ru. Retrieved 2024-06-14.
  17. ^ "Паслер Денис Владимирович". orenburg.vybory.izbirkom.ru. Retrieved 2024-06-13.
  18. ^ "Родимцева Оксана Николаевна". orenburg.vybory.izbirkom.ru. Retrieved 2024-06-19.
  19. ^ "«Единая Россия» поддержала выдвижение губернатора Паслера на второй срок". rbc.ru. Retrieved 2024-06-01.
  20. ^ "Депутат Госдумы Нина Останина анонсировала возможное участие в выборах губернатора Оренбургской области в 2024 году". ural56.ru. Retrieved 2024-03-29.