James "Akio" Xiang (Chinese: 項明生) (born 12 Sep 1969) is a travel writer, broadcaster, TV host and columnist from Hong Kong.[1][2][3]

Akio Hong
BornSep 12, 1969
Chengdu, Suchuan, China
EducationBA in Psychology and Philosophy from the University of Hong Kong in 1992. Master's in Marketing from Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Occupation(s)travel writer
TV host
TelevisionTVB travelogues
Cable TV Hong Kong and Open TV travelogues
Board member ofSony



Hong was born in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. He moved to Hong Kong when he was 15 years old with his family. He attended HKSYCIA Wong Tai Shan Memorial College during 1985 to 1989.

In 1992, he was awarded a BA in Psychology and Philosophy from the University of Hong Kong. He also studied German in Bremen University in 1990, and Japanese language from 1989 to 1992. Then he completed his master's in marketing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.[4]



Hong began his marketing career in two Japanese brands, namely Fujifilm Hong Kong (1992 to 1997) and Sony Computer Entertainment Hong Kong (1997 to 2013).[5] He was awarded as 2006 Most Outstanding Marketer of the Year from HKMA[clarification needed] due to his PSP[clarification needed] marketing campaign.  [6]

He was promoted as the first Chinese in the Board of Director in Sony in 2011.   [7]

He moved from marketing to travel writing from 2009 when his first book《5000 Years of Adventure》(足足五千年) was published and  raised HK$500,000 for Heifer International Hong Kong. The electronic version of this book was ranked No. 1 at the Hong Kong eBook Chart for a consecutive 13 days.[8]

Hong started to write columns for various newspaper since 2009 including Oriental Daily, The Sun(太陽報, 已關閉), HK Economic Journal, Metro Daily, am730, Sky Post 晴報, Headline Daily, etc.[9][10]

TV works


Hong later jointed TVB, Now TV and Cable TV to host a series of travelogue programs.

Premiere Title Translation Role
18, Feb, 2013 叻哥遊世界-巴西篇 Nat Around The World (Brazil) Guest host
25, May, 2015 一路向東非 Heading to East Africa Host and writer
18, June, 2016 日韓台櫻花三角戀 Sakura Blossom in Japan, Korea and Taiwan Host, research, copywriter, and Producer, Co-host with Chip Tsao
12, Nov, 2016 日耳曼的天空 Under the Germanic Sky Host, research, copywriter, Producer

Co-host with:

Chip Tsao

8, June, 2017 京都奈良夢華錄 Dreaming about ancient China in Kyoto and Nara Host, research, copywriter, Producer
Cable TV Hong Kong, Open TV
28, Oct, 2018 明治憑什麼 Meiji Restoration 150th Anniversary Travelogue Host, research, copywriter, producer

Co-host with Chip Tsao

3, Aug, 2019 明日世遺 UNESCO World Heritage in Tomorrow Host, research, copywriter, producer



Major works by Hong.

Title Translation Publication On ISBN Publisher
足足五千年 5000 Years of Adventure 2009 ISBN 978-988-18-4512-2 Soleil Marketing Co. Ltd
足足五千年-電子版 5000 Years of Adventure - EBook 2010 Innopage Ltd
十天敢動假期:墨西哥、古巴 10 Stunning Days in Mexico and Cuba 2011 ISBN 978-962-14-4619-0 Wanli Book
十天敢動假期:秘魯 10 Stunning Days in Peru 2012 ISBN 978-962-14-4950-4 Wanli Book
十天敢動假期:巴西 10 Stunning Days in Brazil 2013 ISBN 978-962-14-4678-7 Wanli Book
十天敢動假期:南極、阿根廷、烏拉圭 10 Stunning Days in Antarctica, Argentina, Uruguay 2013 ISBN 979-988-216-286-9 Wanli Book
異色‧北韓 Colors of North Korea 2013 ISBN 978-988-219-892-0 Cosmos Books
足足五萬年 50,000 Years of Adventures 2013 ISBN 979-988-216-286-9 Crown Publishing Co
足足五萬年:西遊記 50,000 Years of Adventures: India 2014 ISBN 978-988-216-330-0 Crown Publishing Co
快樂到極點:從北極到南極 From Pole to Pole: Arctic to Antarctica 2014 ISBN 978-988-8254-89-7 Cosmos Books
足足五萬年:世界通史精華遊 50,000 Years of Adventures: Travel in General History 2014 ISBN 978-988-216-332-4 Crown Publishing Co
十天敢動假期:天空之鏡、復活節島 10 Stunning Days in Bolivia, Chile, Easter Island 2014 ISBN 978-962-14-5452-2 Wanli Book
足足五千年(簡體字版) 5000 Years of Adventures (Simplified Chinese) 2015 ISBN 978-7-80768-051-2 Joint Publishing
日本東北花見紀行 Sakura journey in Tohoku, Japan 2015 ISBN 978-988-13350-4-3 豐林出版
提前退休, 坐郵輪遊世界 Cruising around the world after earlier retirement 2015 ISBN 978-988-8255-63-4 Cosmo Books
足足五萬年:跟達爾文去進化島 50,000 Years of Adventures: Galapagos with Charles Darwin 2015 ISBN 978-988-216-381-2 Crown Publishing Co
人生若只如花見 Sakura journey in Tohoku Japan (II) 2016 ISBN 979-988-77196-0-1 Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: checksum 5000 Years Adventure Co
提前退休2:坐河船遊世界 Cruising around the world by river cruise (Earlier Retirement II) 2016 ISBN 978-988-8257-25-6 Cosmo Books
十天敢動假期:墨西哥、古巴(簡體字版) 10 Stunning Days in Mexico, Cuba(Simplified Chinese) 2016 ISBN 978-7-80768-112-0 Joint Publishing
《十天敢動假期:巴西、秘魯》簡體字 10 Stunning Days in Brazil, Peru (Simplified Chinese) 2016 ISBN 978-7-80768-113-7 Joint Publishing
《十天敢動假期:阿根廷、南極》簡體字 10 Stunning Days in Antarctica, Argentina, Uruguay(Simplified Chinese) 2016 ISBN 978-7-80768-115-1 Joint Publishing
《十天敢動假期:玻利維亞、智利》簡體字 10 Stunning Days in Bolivia, Chile (Simplified Chinese) 2016 ISBN 978-7-80768-114-4 Joint Publishing
提前退休3:坐郵輪遊冰島、大西洋、太平洋 Crusing to Iceland, Atlantic, Pacific Ocean 2017 ISBN 978-988-8258-09-3 Cosmo Books
天地之旅 Voyage of a lifetime 2017 ISBN 978-988-165-477-9 Buddhist Compassion
提前退休 4:坐河船遊多瑙河、巴爾幹及意大利 River Cruising to Danube, Balkans, Italy 2018 ISBN 9789888547029 Cosmo Books
明治憑什麼 Meiji Restoration 150th Anniversary Travelogue 2019 ISBN 9789888548200 Cosmo Books
明日世遺 World Heritage of Tomorrow 2020 ISBN 9789888548798 Cosmo Books

Radio Programme


Hong has hosted a radio programme on Commercial Radio Hong Kong named Global Explorer (全世界嚮導) since 2018 that runs on Fridays from 10:30pm to 11:00pm.[11]


  1. ^ 項明生 (June 18, 2012). 再見不丹. 太陽報 (in Chinese). Retrieved 13 July 2012.
  2. ^ "項明生:項明生(James Hong)為索尼電腦娛樂香港(Sony Comput -華人百科". www.itsfun.com.tw. Archived from the original on 2021-10-03. Retrieved 2021-10-03.
  3. ^ "項明生 (James Hong) - Sony首位華人董事". Retrieved 2021-10-03.
  4. ^ 張嘉敏 (2019-07-19). "【逃犯條例】港大舊生項明生怒轟張翔言論:不堪入目、無知歪理". 香港01 (in Chinese (Hong Kong)). Retrieved 2021-10-03.
  5. ^ "PlayStation.com (亞洲) - 中国香港特别行政区". asia.playstation.com. Retrieved 2021-10-03.
  6. ^ "香港管理專業協會". www.hkma.org.hk. Retrieved 2021-10-03.
  7. ^ "40歲退休項明生 派報紙悟生存之道 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - 商業". inews.hket.com. Retrieved 2021-10-03.
  8. ^ "由「足足五千年」走到「足足五萬年」". Adman's Rants 廣告風涼話. 2013-07-17. Retrieved 2021-10-03.
  9. ^ 頭條日報. "專欄作家 | 非誠勿遊 - 項明生". 頭條日報 Headline Daily (in Chinese). Retrieved 2021-10-03.
  10. ^ "遊戲人生: 項明生". am730 (in Chinese (Hong Kong)). Retrieved 2021-10-03.
  11. ^ "全世界嚮導|節目|商業電台 881903". 商業電台 881903 (in Traditional Chinese). Retrieved 2021-10-03.
  1. ^ "James Hong Official 項明生 - YouTube". www.youtube.com. Retrieved 2021-10-03.