Anupama Rajaraman is a senior official in the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), holding the position of Mission Director in Colombia.[1] She is currently USAID's Mission Director in Guatemala.[2][3]

Rajaraman is a member of the Senior Foreign Service, where she has played a role in various USAID missions across the globe for two decades.[4] [5][6]

Early career and education


Anupama Rajaraman began her career with USAID as an Urban Management Fellow in 2001, working with the Regional Urban Development Office in South Africa.[7] [8] [9] [10]

She joined USAID as an Urban Management Fellow assigned to USAID's Regional Urban Development Office in South Africa in 2001, and later as a Presidential Management Fellow (Democracy & Governance Officer) in the year 2003.[11] [12]

Raised on Galveston Island, Texas, she earned her Bachelor of Arts in government from the University of Texas at Austin and holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University.[10]



Rajaraman's tenure with USAID has included leadership roles in multiple countries. As the Mission Director in Colombia, she oversees a team of 145 professionals. Her leadership was instrumental in initiatives such as the "Restoring Our Future" program, which seeks to consolidate peace and reconciliation efforts in Colombia.[13][14]

Prior to her current role, Rajaraman served as Mission Director in Guatemala. There, she focused on strengthening partnerships with Indigenous peoples and promoting locally led development. Her efforts were critical to advancing USAID's goals of inclusivity and self-reliance.[11] [12]

Rajaraman has also participated in USAID's broader strategies, including her work as the USAID Forward Coordinator and lead on the Journey to Self-Reliance initiative. She spearheaded efforts to integrate science, technology, innovation, and private sector partnerships into USAID's operations, particularly during her tenure with the U.S. Global Development Lab.[15] [16]

Rajaraman's experience extends to India, where she and her team redefined USAID's development model to better leverage local entrepreneurship and innovation. She has also previously served in Colombia between 2007 and 2011, managing development projects across South Asia, Latin America, and Southern Africa.[17] [18] [19] [20]

Recent initiatives


In recent years, Rajaraman has been involved in high-level international cooperation efforts between the United States and Colombia. Notably, she played a key role in the signing of an international cooperation agreement between the Colombian Ministry of Justice and USAID, aimed at implementing the Holistic Drug Strategy formulated by the White House. This agreement marks a significant step in the collaboration between the two governments in combating drug trafficking and supporting related social programs.[21] [22] [23] [24]


  1. ^ "Anupama Rajaraman | Biography". U.S. Agency for International Development. May 26, 2023.
  2. ^ "Letter on USAID/Colombia Human Rights Consultation with U.S. Civil Society". WOLA. February 12, 2024.
  3. ^ "USAID Album: Administrator Samantha Power at the Swearing-in Ceremony for Anupama Rajaraman - NC Commons".
  4. ^ "AGEXPORT makes a recognition and farewells the director of the USAID Mission in Guatemala, Mrs. Anupama Rajaraman | Agexport Hoy". June 28, 2022.
  5. ^ "First GSTC Latin American and Caribbean Summit in Santa Marta, Colombia". GSTC. May 24, 2024.
  6. ^ "La viceministra de Asuntos Multilaterales, Elizabeth Taylor Jay, se reunió con la directora para Colombia de USAID, Anupama Rajaraman | Cancillería".
  7. ^ "NASA Administrator visit to SERVIR Amazonia Highlights Climate Efforts | SERVIR GLOBAL". August 14, 2023.
  8. ^ "None".
  9. ^ "USAID y Gobernación de Antioquia trabajarán para consolidar la paz". Rcn Radio. April 17, 2024.
  10. ^ a b País, El (February 4, 2024). ""La titulación de tierras puede reducir los cultivos ilícitos": Directora de Misión de Usaid en Colombia".
  11. ^ a b
  12. ^ a b "Santa Marta elegida sede de la 1° Cumbre Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Turismo Sostenible del GSTC | MINCIT - Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo".
  13. ^ "Restaurando Nuestro Futuro: USAID y OIM unen fuerzas para contribuir a la paz y la reconciliación en Colombia".
  14. ^ Espectador, El (February 13, 2024). "ELESPECTADOR.COM". ELESPECTADOR.COM.
  15. ^ "La OPS/OMS participa en el lanzamiento de Estrategia de rastreo de casos y contactos COVID-19 del Ministerio de Salud - OPAS/OMS | Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde". August 12, 2020.
  16. ^ S.A.S, Editorial La República. "Foro: "Trabajamos juntos para prevenir la corrupción" organizado por la Contraloría General de la República y USAID - Revista Economía Colombiana".
  17. ^
  18. ^ "Finanzas para la Equidad apoyará la inclusión y educación financiera en corredores económicos rurales del país".
  19. ^ "Notícias - Imaflora encontra o administrador da NASA, Bill Nelson, em visita ao SERVIR-Amazônia - Imaflora".
  20. ^ "International Women's Day Policy Event".
  21. ^
  22. ^ "FNC y USAID firman memorando de entendimiento para formalización de tierras".
  23. ^ "Colombia avanza hacia la paz: USAID y OIM unidos con el programa Restaurando Nuestro Futuro".
  24. ^ "Alianza por la Educación: juntos por el desarrollo de los jóvenes en Nebaj". February 11, 2021.