Archetyp or Archetyp market is a darknet market launched in May 2020, operating on the Tor network and accessible only through specific secure web browsers. It only conducts transactions in Monero, a cryptocurrency designed to be private. Archetyp is known for its uptime and security.[1][2]

Type of site
Darknet market
Available inEnglish
Created byYosemiteGhostWrite/ASNT
LaunchedMay 2020
Current statusOnline



The development of Archetyp Market is linked to the personal history of its founder, whose early life unfolded in socioeconomically challenged circumstances. These beginnings were punctuated by encounters with illicit substances. The founder's experiences with LSD at the age of 20 catalyzed a period of introspection and a critical reassessment of previous behaviors, including the habitual use of alcohol.[3] The Silk Road introduced the founder them to a set of values that would later influence the creation of Archetyp Market. Archetyp Market is distinct in its introduction of games and a lottery system,[4] features that differentiate it from other markets.[5] The founder positioned Archetyp Market as a counterpoint, seeking to balance commercial interests with principled conduct. The objective was to create a marketplace that would eschew the purely profit-driven tendencies of its predecessors in favor of a more value-oriented approach, contributing to broader discussions on drug decriminalization and legalization.[3]


Signed PGP message from the Archetyp owner announcing the contest.

At DEFCON 32, the Archetyp darknet market organized a scavenger hunt with a $10,000 Monero prize, challenging participants to find three hidden QR codes across Las Vegas. Despite initial excitement, the event was criticized for its near-impossible difficulty, with complex requirements like cracking encrypted hashes and a tight 24-hour timeframe. No one won the contest, leading to widespread belief that the event was a publicity stunt orchestrated by the Archetyp admin rather than a genuine competition[6][7].


  1. ^ "Archetyp: In Depth on the Largest Darknet Market | Medium". 2024-04-10. Retrieved 2024-09-01.
  2. ^ "Archetyp Market Enhances Security Protocols". 2024-07-04. Retrieved 2024-09-01.
  3. ^ a b "Archetyp: neuer Darknet-Drogenshop will an die Spitze - Interview". 2023-11-06. Retrieved 2024-09-01.
  4. ^ "Archetyp: From Underground Hideaway to Digital Revolution and 420k Users". Darknet Discussions. 2024-04-29. Retrieved 2024-09-01.
  5. ^ "Historic Win: Archetyp Lotto Awards 514.865 XMR Jackpot". 2024-05-26. Retrieved 2024-09-01.
  6. ^ "Defcon 32 : $10k Giveaway by Darknet Market Archetyp was a SCAM - Here's Why..." DoingFedTime. 2024-08-14. Retrieved 2024-09-02.
  7. ^ "Crushing the Self Delusions of a Narcissistic Darknet Admin BigBossChefOfArchetyp Archetyp Darknet". Darknet Discussions. 2024-08-28. Retrieved 2024-09-02.

See also
