Autonomic Insignias of the Azores

The Azorean Autonomic Insignia are regional honours in the Azores region, Portugal, which were created by Regional Legislative Decree n. 36/2002/A, of 28 November[1] and are regulated by Regional Legislative Decree n. 10/2006/A, of 20 March.[2] The aim of the honours are to distinguish, in life or posthumously, citizens or legal persons who stand out for personal or institutional merits, acts, civic deeds or services rendered to the Azorean people.[3] The attribution of the Azorean Autonomic Insignia is made through parliamentary decision and they are usually awarded on the Region's Day, in a solemn session co-chaired by the Presidents of the Legislative Assembly and the Regional Government of the Azores.



Pursuant to Article 3 of Regional Legislative Decree No. 36/2002/A of 28 November,[1][2] the Azorean Autonomic Insignia fall in four categories:[4][5]

  • Autonomic Insignia of Valour (Insígnia Autonómica de Valor);
  • Autonomic Insignia of Recognition (Insígnia Autonómica de Reconhecimento);
  • Autonomic Insignia of Merit (Insígnia Autonómica de Mérito);
  • Autonomic Insignia of Dedication (Insígnia Autonómica de Dedicação)

Autonomic Insignia of Valour


Is to be bestowed upon those who:[1][5]

  • had an exceptionally relevant performance in positions of Azorean governing bodies or in the service of the Region;
  • performed civic feats of great relief.

The physical insignia is constituted by four separate pieces (breast star, collar, medal and rosette).

Autonomic Insignia of Recognition


It is intended to distinguish acts or conduct of exceptional relevance performed by Portuguese or foreign nationals who:[1][5]

  • value and honor the Region at home or abroad or contribute to it; contribute to the expansion of Azorean culture or to the knowledge of the Azores and its history; They are distinguished by their literary, scientific, artistic or sporting merit.

The physical insignia is constituted by three separate pieces (collar, medal and rosette).

Autonomic Insignia of Merit


It aims to distinguish meritorious acts or services performed by Portuguese or foreign citizens in the exercise of any public or private functions.[1][5] The insignia consists of two pieces (medal and rosette), it is divided into three categories:

Profissional Merit


Rewards outstanding performance in any professional activity, whether on their own or on behalf of others.

Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Merit


Reward those who, having developed their activities in the industrial, commercial or agricultural areas, have been highlighted by relevant services for their development or exceptional merits in their performance.

Civic Merit


This insignia is intended to reward those who, as a result of a clear understanding of civic duties, have made a significant contribution to community service, particularly in the areas of social and cultural action.

Autonomic Insignia of Dedication


It aims to highlight relevant services rendered in the performance of duties in the Public Administration, as well as to reward those employees who demonstrate unusual qualities within their career and who, by their behavior, can be mentioned as an example to follow.[1][5]


  1. ^ a b c d e f "Decreto Legislativo Regional 36/2002/A, 2002-11-28". Diário da República Eletrónico (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2019-12-03.
  2. ^ a b "Assembleia Legislativa da Região Autónoma dos Açores - Insígnias Honoríficas". Retrieved 2019-12-03.
  3. ^ "Insígnias Honoríficas Açorianas distinguem este ano 38 personalidades e instituições". Governo dos Açores. May 18, 2018. Retrieved December 3, 2019.
  4. ^ "Kit Autonómico". Retrieved 2019-12-03.
  5. ^ a b c d e Acores24horas (23 September 2009). "Insígnias Autonómicas distinguem este ano 29 personalidades e instituições | Açores 24Horas - Jornal Diário" (in European Portuguese). Retrieved 2019-12-03.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)


  • Governo dos Açores. Insígnias Honoríficas Açorianas. s.l.: s.e., s.d. [2008].