Barratt–Priddy theorem

In homotopy theory, a branch of mathematics, the Barratt–Priddy theorem (also referred to as Barratt–Priddy–Quillen theorem) expresses a connection between the homology of the symmetric groups and mapping spaces of spheres. The theorem (named after Michael Barratt, Stewart Priddy, and Daniel Quillen) is also often stated as a relation between the sphere spectrum and the classifying spaces of the symmetric groups via Quillen's plus construction.

Statement of the theorem


The mapping space   is the topological space of all continuous maps   from the n-dimensional sphere   to itself, under the topology of uniform convergence (a special case of the compact-open topology). These maps are required to fix a basepoint  , satisfying  , and to have degree 0; this guarantees that the mapping space is connected. The Barratt–Priddy theorem expresses a relation between the homology of these mapping spaces and the homology of the symmetric groups  .

It follows from the Freudenthal suspension theorem and the Hurewicz theorem that the kth homology   of this mapping space is independent of the dimension n, as long as  . Similarly, Minoru Nakaoka (1960) proved that the kth group homology   of the symmetric group   on n elements is independent of n, as long as  . This is an instance of homological stability.

The Barratt–Priddy theorem states that these "stable homology groups" are the same: for  , there is a natural isomorphism


This isomorphism holds with integral coefficients (in fact with any coefficients, as is made clear in the reformulation below).

Example: first homology


This isomorphism can be seen explicitly for the first homology  . The first homology of a group is the largest commutative quotient of that group. For the permutation groups  , the only commutative quotient is given by the sign of a permutation, taking values in {−1, 1}. This shows that  , the cyclic group of order 2, for all  . (For  ,   is the trivial group, so  .)

It follows from the theory of covering spaces that the mapping space   of the circle   is contractible, so  . For the 2-sphere  , the first homotopy group and first homology group of the mapping space are both infinite cyclic:


A generator for this group can be built from the Hopf fibration  . Finally, once  , both are cyclic of order 2:


Reformulation of the theorem


The infinite symmetric group   is the union of the finite symmetric groups  , and Nakaoka's theorem implies that the group homology of   is the stable homology of  : for  ,


The classifying space of this group is denoted  , and its homology of this space is the group homology of  :


We similarly denote by   the union of the mapping spaces   under the inclusions induced by suspension. The homology of   is the stable homology of the previous mapping spaces: for  ,


There is a natural map  ; one way to construct this map is via the model of   as the space of finite subsets of   endowed with an appropriate topology. An equivalent formulation of the Barratt–Priddy theorem is that   is a homology equivalence (or acyclic map), meaning that   induces an isomorphism on all homology groups with any local coefficient system.

Relation with Quillen's plus construction


The Barratt–Priddy theorem implies that the space + resulting from applying Quillen's plus construction to can be identified with Map0(S,S). (Since π1(Map0(S,S))≅H1(Σ)≅Z/2Z, the map φ: →Map0(S,S) satisfies the universal property of the plus construction once it is known that φ is a homology equivalence.)

The mapping spaces Map0(Sn,Sn) are more commonly denoted by Ωn0Sn, where ΩnSn is the n-fold loop space of the n-sphere Sn, and similarly Map0(S,S) is denoted by Ω0S. Therefore the Barratt–Priddy theorem can also be stated as


In particular, the homotopy groups of + are the stable homotopy groups of spheres:


"K-theory of F1"


The Barratt–Priddy theorem is sometimes colloquially rephrased as saying that "the K-groups of F1 are the stable homotopy groups of spheres". This is not a meaningful mathematical statement, but a metaphor expressing an analogy with algebraic K-theory.

The "field with one element" F1 is not a mathematical object; it refers to a collection of analogies between algebra and combinatorics. One central analogy is the idea that GLn(F1) should be the symmetric group Σn. The higher K-groups Ki(R) of a ring R can be defined as


According to this analogy, the K-groups Ki(F1) of F1 should be defined as πi(BGL(F1)+)=πi(+), which by the Barratt–Priddy theorem is:



  • Barratt, Michael; Priddy, Stewart (1972), "On the homology of non-connected monoids and their associated groups", Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 47: 1–14, doi:10.1007/bf02566785, S2CID 119714992
  • Nakaoka, Minoru (1960), "Decomposition theorem for homology groups of symmetric groups", Annals of Mathematics, 71 (1): 16–42, doi:10.2307/1969878, JSTOR 1969878, MR 0112134