Bicrossed product of Hopf algebra

In quantum group and Hopf algebra, the bicrossed product is a process to create new Hopf algebras from the given ones. It's motivated by the Zappa–Szép product of groups. It was first discussed by M. Takeuchi in 1981,[1] and now a general tool for construction of Drinfeld quantum double.[2][3]

Bicrossed product


Consider two bialgebras   and  , if there exist linear maps   turning   a module coalgebra over  , and   turning   into a right module coalgebra over  . We call them a pair of matched bialgebras, if we set   and  , the following conditions are satisfied






for all   and  . Here the Sweedler's notation of coproduct of Hopf algebra is used.

For matched pair of Hopf algebras   and  , there exists a unique Hopf algebra over  , the resulting Hopf algebra is called bicrossed product of   and   and denoted by  ,

  • The unit is given by  ;
  • The multiplication is given by  ;
  • The counit is  ;
  • The coproduct is  ;
  • The antipode is  .

Drinfeld quantum double


For a given Hopf algebra  , its dual space   has a canonical Hopf algebra structure and   and   are matched pairs. In this case, the bicrossed product of them is called Drinfeld quantum double  .


  1. ^ Takeuchi, M. (1981), "Matched pairs of groups and bismash products of Hopf algebras", Comm. Algebra, 9 (8): 841–882, doi:10.1080/00927878108822621
  2. ^ Kassel, Christian (1995), Quantum groups, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 155, Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-0783-2, ISBN 9780387943701
  3. ^ Majid, Shahn (1995), Foundations of quantum group theory, Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/CBO9780511613104, ISBN 9780511613104