Chandrasekhar virial equations

In astrophysics, the Chandrasekhar virial equations are a hierarchy of moment equations of the Euler equations, developed by the Indian American astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, and the physicist Enrico Fermi and Norman R. Lebovitz.[1][2][3]

Mathematical description


Consider a fluid mass   of volume   with density   and an isotropic pressure   with vanishing pressure at the bounding surfaces. Here,   refers to a frame of reference attached to the center of mass. Before describing the virial equations, let's define some moments.

The density moments are defined as


the pressure moments are


the kinetic energy moments are


and the Chandrasekhar potential energy tensor moments are


where   is the gravitational constant.

All the tensors are symmetric by definition. The moment of inertia  , kinetic energy   and the potential energy   are just traces of the following tensors


Chandrasekhar assumed that the fluid mass is subjected to pressure force and its own gravitational force, then the Euler equations is


First order virial equation


Second order virial equation


In steady state, the equation becomes


Third order virial equation


In steady state, the equation becomes


Virial equations in rotating frame of reference


The Euler equations in a rotating frame of reference, rotating with an angular velocity   is given by


where   is the Levi-Civita symbol,   is the centrifugal acceleration and   is the Coriolis acceleration.

Steady state second order virial equation


In steady state, the second order virial equation becomes


If the axis of rotation is chosen in   direction, the equation becomes


and Chandrasekhar shows that in this case, the tensors can take only the following form


Steady state third order virial equation


In steady state, the third order virial equation becomes


If the axis of rotation is chosen in   direction, the equation becomes


Steady state fourth order virial equation


With   being the axis of rotation, the steady state fourth order virial equation is also derived by Chandrasekhar in 1968.[4] The equation reads as


Virial equations with viscous stresses


Consider the Navier-Stokes equations instead of Euler equations,


and we define the shear-energy tensor as


With the condition that the normal component of the total stress on the free surface must vanish, i.e.,  , where   is the outward unit normal, the second order virial equation then be


This can be easily extended to rotating frame of references.

See also



  1. ^ Chandrasekhar, S; Lebovitz NR (1962). "The Potentials and the Superpotentials of Homogeneous Ellipsoids" (PDF). Ap. J. 136: 1037–1047. Bibcode:1962ApJ...136.1037C. doi:10.1086/147456. Retrieved March 24, 2012.
  2. ^ Chandrasekhar, S; Fermi E (1953). "Problems of Gravitational Stability in the Presence of a Magnetic Field" (PDF). Ap. J. 118: 116. Bibcode:1953ApJ...118..116C. doi:10.1086/145732. Retrieved March 24, 2012.
  3. ^ Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan. Ellipsoidal figures of equilibrium. Vol. 9. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1969.
  4. ^ Chandrasekhar, S. (1968). The virial equations of the fourth order. The Astrophysical Journal, 152, 293.