Charles Charpentier de Longchamps (1768 – 17 April 1832) was a French playwright.

Charles de Longchamps
Charles Charpentier de Longchamps

Died17 April 1832(1832-04-17) (aged 63–64)

A Secretary to the Grand Duchess of Berg, Naples Theatres Superintendent under the reign of Joachim Murat, a lyricist for François-Adrien Boieldieu for his Quinzième recueil de quatre nouvelles romances avec accompagnement de piano-forte and for his Recueil de six nouvelles romances avec accompagnement de harpe par Cléry, his plays were presented on the most important Parisian stages of the 19th century: Théâtre du Vaudeville, Théâtre de l'Opéra-Comique, Théâtre-Français, etc.


  • 1797: Ma Tante Aurore, ou le roman impromptu, comedy in 2 acts, mixed with ariettes, music by François-Adrien Boieldieu,[1]
  • 1799: L'Heureuse nouvelle, opera impromptu à l'occasion de la paix
  • 1799: L'Arbitre, ou les Consultations de l'an sept, comedy in 1 act in prose mixed with vaudevilles
  • 1799: Comment faire ? ou Les épreuves de misanthropie et repentir, comedy in one act, with Michel Dieulafoy and Étienne de Jouy
  • 1799: La Prisonnière, opera in 1 act and in prose, mixed with ariettes, with Claude Godard d'Aucourt de Saint-Just, music by Boieldieu and Luigi Cherubini
  • 1799: Le Vaudeville au Caire, comédie-folie in 1 act and in vaudevilles
  • 1799: Emma ou La prisonnière, opéra comique, music by Boieldieu and Cherubini
  • 1800: Le Tableau des Sabines, vaudeville in 1 act, with Dieulafoy and de Jouy
  • 1803: Le Séducteur amoureux, comedy in 3 acts, in verses
  • 1806: L'Ivrogne corrigé, comedy in 2 acts and in prose, with Dieulafoy
  • 1819: A-t-il perdu ?, comedy in 1 act and in prose
  • 1821: Poésies fugitives
  • 1825: Dans quel Siècle sommes-nous ?, comedy in 1 act, mixed with vaudevilles, with Dieulafoy and de Jouy
  • 1826: L'Égoïste par régime, comédie en vaudevilles in 1 act, with Ferdinand Laloue




  1. ^ There exists a recording on vinyl of that play made in 1960. (Écouter sur Gallica)