Chomsky–Schützenberger enumeration theorem

In formal language theory, the Chomsky–Schützenberger enumeration theorem is a theorem derived by Noam Chomsky and Marcel-Paul Schützenberger about the number of words of a given length generated by an unambiguous context-free grammar. The theorem provides an unexpected link between the theory of formal languages and abstract algebra.



In order to state the theorem, a few notions from algebra and formal language theory are needed.

Let   denote the set of nonnegative integers. A power series over   is an infinite series of the form


with coefficients   in  . The multiplication of two formal power series   and   is defined in the expected way as the convolution of the sequences   and  :


In particular, we write  ,  , and so on. In analogy to algebraic numbers, a power series   is called algebraic over  , if there exists a finite set of polynomials   each with rational coefficients such that


A context-free grammar is said to be unambiguous if every string generated by the grammar admits a unique parse tree or, equivalently, only one leftmost derivation. Having established the necessary notions, the theorem is stated as follows.

Chomsky–Schützenberger theorem. If   is a context-free language admitting an unambiguous context-free grammar, and   is the number of words of length   in  , then   is a power series over   that is algebraic over  .

Proofs of this theorem are given by Kuich & Salomaa (1985), and by Panholzer (2005).



Asymptotic estimates


The theorem can be used in analytic combinatorics to estimate the number of words of length n generated by a given unambiguous context-free grammar, as n grows large. The following example is given by Gruber, Lee & Shallit (2012): the unambiguous context-free grammar G over the alphabet {0,1} has start symbol S and the following rules

SM | U
M → 0M1M | ε
U → 0S | 0M1U.

To obtain an algebraic representation of the power series   associated with a given context-free grammar G, one transforms the grammar into a system of equations. This is achieved by replacing each occurrence of a terminal symbol by x, each occurrence of ε by the integer '1', each occurrence of '→' by '=', and each occurrence of '|' by '+', respectively. The operation of concatenation at the right-hand-side of each rule corresponds to the multiplication operation in the equations thus obtained. This yields the following system of equations:

S = M + U
M = M²x² + 1
U = Sx + MUx²

In this system of equations, S, M, and U are functions of x, so one could also write  ,  , and  . The equation system can be resolved after S, resulting in a single algebraic equation:


This quadratic equation has two solutions for S, one of which is the algebraic power series  . By applying methods from complex analysis to this equation, the number   of words of length n generated by G can be estimated, as n grows large. In this case, one obtains   but   for each  .[1]

The following example is from Bassino & Nicaud (2011): which simplifies to 

Inherent ambiguity


In classical formal language theory, the theorem can be used to prove that certain context-free languages are inherently ambiguous. For example, the Goldstine language   over the alphabet   consists of the words   with  ,   for  , and   for some  .

It is comparably easy to show that the language   is context-free.[2] The harder part is to show that there does not exist an unambiguous grammar that generates  . This can be proved as follows: If   denotes the number of words of length   in  , then for the associated power series holds  . Using methods from complex analysis, one can prove that this function is not algebraic over  . By the Chomsky-Schützenberger theorem, one can conclude that   does not admit an unambiguous context-free grammar.[3]


  1. ^ See Gruber, Lee & Shallit (2012) for a detailed exposition.
  2. ^ Berstel & Boasson (1990).
  3. ^ See Berstel & Boasson (1990) for detailed account.


  • Bassino, Frederique; Nicaud, Cyril (December 16, 2011). "Philippe Flajolet & Analytic Combinatorics: Inherent Ambiguity of Context-Free Languages" (PDF). Retrieved 5 April 2023.
  • Berstel, Jean; Boasson, Luc (1990). "Context-free languages" (PDF). In van Leeuwen, Jan (ed.). Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume B: Formal Models and Semantics. Elsevier and MIT press. pp. 59–102. ISBN 0-444-88074-7.
  • Chomsky, Noam; Schützenberger, Marcel-Paul (1963). "The Algebraic Theory of Context-Free Languages" (PDF). In P. Braffort and D. Hirschberg, eds., Computer Programming and Formal Systems (pp. 118–161). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  • Flajolet, Philippe; Sedgewick, Robert (2009). Analytic Combinatorics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-89806-5.
  • Gruber, Hermann; Lee, Jonathan; Shallit, Jeffrey (2012). "Enumerating regular expressions and their languages". arXiv:1204.4982 [cs.FL].
  • Kuich, Werner; Salomaa, Arto (1985). Semirings, Automata, Languages. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-642-69961-0.
  • Panholzer, Alois (2005). "Gröbner Bases and the Defining Polynomial of a Context-free Grammar Generating Function". Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics. 10: 79–97.