Counts who reigned over the county of Meaux include:

Counts of Meaux


Viscounts of Meaux


The counts of Meaux were assisted by the viscounts of Meaux,[3] at least since 1081/1098.

They were also Lords of La Ferté-Ancoul/-sous-Jouarre, and from the end of the 11th century until the Revolution, the viscounts were descended from the old masters of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre: the families of La Ferté-Ancoul, then Oisy (Simon), of Montmirail (Jean de Montmirail and his daughter Marie; they had also Condé, long associated with La Ferté-Ancoul and Meaux), Coucy (Enguerrand III ; Enguerrand V), of Béthune-Locres, Bar (Robert of Marle and his daughter Jeanne), of Luxembourg-Saint-Pol (Louis and his granddaughter Marie), of Bourbon-Vendôme (Charles, duke of Vendôme and the grandfather of the King Henri IV) then Bourbon-Condé (Louis).

And then on 13 August 1627 Henri II of Condé (1588-1646, 26th Viscount of Meaux) yields the viscount (épicène at the time) to Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully, from Béthune-Locres. The valuation was very low, 15,000 livres only (except if it concerns the income and not the capital of the viscount).[4]

The latter leaves it to his youngest son François, duke of Orval (1602-1678, brother of Maximilien II) and to his grandson Philippe (born August 1682, son of François, he is said to have ceded the viscount during his lifetime to his first cousin Maximilien III), then to Maximilien II, dukes of Sully, Maximilien III François (1615-1662), Maximilien IV Pierre (1640-1694), Maximilien V Pierre-François-Nicolas (1664-1712), Maximilien VI Henri (1669-1729, without offspring, vacant at his death), Maximilien VIII Antoine-Armand of Orval (1730-1786, known as viscount of Meaux "since his birth"[5] father of Maximilien IX Alexis (1750-1776) and Maximilien X Gabriel-Louis (1756-1800)).


  1. ^ Régine Le Jan, Famille et pouvoir dans le monde franc (VIIe-Xe siècle), Essai d'anthropologie sociale, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2003, p. 206
  2. ^ a b c Régine Le Jan, Famille et pouvoir dans le monde franc (VIIe-Xe siècle), Publications de la Sorbonne, 1995 - Herbert Ier de Vermandois p. 258 ; Teutbert, comte de Madrie, note 33 p. 411 ; Teutbert, frère d'Anschéric p. 412
  3. ^ "Vicomtes de Meaux, p. 724-727 (il vaut mieux ne pas contenir compte d'Hugues Ier et II d'Oisy)". Histoire de l'Eglise de Meaux, t. Ier, par dom Toussaints du Plessis, à Paris, 1731. 1731.
  4. ^ cf. the pages Google and La fortune de Sully, p. 112, by Isabelle Aristide)
  5. ^ "Seigneurs (ducs) de Sully du nom de Béthune, p. 183". Mémoires de la Société d'Agriculture, Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Orléans, t. XI, 1868. 1868.