The Conservation Agreements Act
The Conservation Officers Act
The Crown Lands Act
Except section 1 as it relates to agricultural Crown lands, and subsection 7(1) and section 7.1 as they relate to work permits on agricultural Crown lands, and section 7.1 to 7.6 and 7.7
The East Side Traditional Lands Planning and Special Protected Areas Act
The Endangered Species and Ecosystems Act
The Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund Act
The Fisheries Act
The Fishermen's Assistance and Polluter's Liability Act
The Forest Act
The Forest Health Protection Act
The Mines and Minerals Act
The Mining and Metallurgy Compensation Act
The Manitoba Natural Resources Transfer Act
The Natural Resources Agreement Act
An Act to Ratify a Certain Agreement Between the Government of the Dominion of Canada and the Government of the Province of Manitoba
The Manitoba Natural Resources Transfer Act Amendment Act
The Manitoba Natural Resources Transfer Act Amendment Act, 1963
The Oil and Gas Act
The Oil and Gas Production Tax Act
The Peatlands Stewardship Act
The Polar Bear Protection Act
The Resources Tourism Operators Act
The Surface Rights Act
The Surveys Act
The Wildfires Act
The Wildfire Act
except the portion of clause 89(e) that relates to compensation for damage to crops caused by wildlife as it pertains to big game and migratory waterfowl
The Wild Rice Act
The Manitoba Fishery Regulations, 1987
made under s. 43 of the Fisheries Act (Canada)