Diamagnetic inequality

In mathematics and physics, the diamagnetic inequality relates the Sobolev norm of the absolute value of a section of a line bundle to its covariant derivative. The diamagnetic inequality has an important physical interpretation, that a charged particle in a magnetic field has more energy in its ground state than it would in a vacuum.[1][2]

To precisely state the inequality, let denote the usual Hilbert space of square-integrable functions, and the Sobolev space of square-integrable functions with square-integrable derivatives. Let be measurable functions on and suppose that is real-valued, is complex-valued, and . Then for almost every , In particular, .



For this proof we follow Elliott H. Lieb and Michael Loss.[1] From the assumptions,   when viewed in the sense of distributions and   for almost every   such that   (and   if  ). Moreover,   So   for almost every   such that  . The case that   is similar.

Application to line bundles


Let   be a U(1) line bundle, and let   be a connection 1-form for  . In this situation,   is real-valued, and the covariant derivative   satisfies   for every section  . Here   are the components of the trivial connection for  . If   and  , then for almost every  , it follows from the diamagnetic inequality that  

The above case is of the most physical interest. We view   as Minkowski spacetime. Since the gauge group of electromagnetism is  , connection 1-forms for   are nothing more than the valid electromagnetic four-potentials on  . If   is the electromagnetic tensor, then the massless MaxwellKlein–Gordon system for a section   of   are   and the energy of this physical system is   The diamagnetic inequality guarantees that the energy is minimized in the absence of electromagnetism, thus  .[3]

See also



  1. ^ a b Lieb, Elliott; Loss, Michael (2001). Analysis. Providence: American Mathematical Society. ISBN 9780821827833.
  2. ^ Hiroshima, Fumio (1996). "Diamagnetic inequalities for systems of nonrelativistic particles with a quantized field". Reviews in Mathematical Physics. 8 (2): 185–203. Bibcode:1996RvMaP...8..185H. doi:10.1142/S0129055X9600007X. hdl:2115/69048. MR 1383577. S2CID 115703186. Retrieved November 25, 2021.
  3. ^ Oh, Sung-Jin; Tataru, Daniel (2016). "Local well-posedness of the (4+1)-dimensional Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation". Annals of PDE. 2 (1). arXiv:1503.01560. doi:10.1007/s40818-016-0006-4. S2CID 116975954.