The domain-to-range ratio (DRR) is a ratio which describes how the number of outputs corresponds to the number of inputs of a given logical function or software component. The domain-to-range ratio is a mathematical ratio of cardinality between the set of the function's possible inputs (the domain) and the set of possible outputs (the range).[1][2] For a function defined on a domain, , and a range, , the domain-to-range ratio is given as:It can be used to measure the risk of missing potential errors when testing the range of outputs alone.[3]



Consider the function isEven() below, which checks the parity of an unsigned short number  , any value between   and  , and yields a boolean value which corresponds to whether   is even or odd. This solution takes advantage of the fact that integer division in programming typically rounds towards zero.

bool isEven(unsigned short x) {
    return (x / 2) == ((x + 3)/2 - 1);

Because   can be any value from   to  , the function's domain has a cardinality of  . The function yields  , if   is even, or  , if   is odd. This is expressed as the range  , which has a cardinality of  . Therefore, the domain-to-range ratio of isEven() is given by: Here, the domain-to-range ratio indicates that this function would require a comparatively large number of tests to find errors. If a test program attempts every possible value of   in order from   to  , the program would have to perform   tests for each of the two possible outputs in order to find errors or edge cases. Because errors in functions with a high domain-to-range ratio are difficult to identify via manual testing or methods which reduce the number of tested inputs, such as orthogonal array testing or all-pairs testing, more computationally complex techniques may be used, such as fuzzing or static program analysis, to find errors.

See also



  1. ^ Voas, J.M.; Miller, K.W. (March 1993). "Semantic metrics for software testability". Journal of Systems and Software. 20 (3): 207–216. doi:10.1016/0164-1212(93)90064-5.
  2. ^ Woodward, Martin R.; Al-Khanjari, Zuhoor A. (5 September 2000). Testability, fault size and the domain-to-range ratio: An eternal triangle. ACM SIGSOFT. pp. 168–172. doi:10.1145/347324.349016. ISBN 978-1-58113-266-3. S2CID 17772461.
  3. ^ Tarlinder, Alexander. Developer testing : building quality into software. ISBN 0-13-429106-9. OCLC 992888632.