Dora Moutot, born 23 May 1987 is a French writer, blogger, influencer, polemicist and feminist activist who advocates for an essentialist biological approach, based on the ability to procreate, to define women.

Dora Moutot
Born (1987-05-23) 23 May 1987 (age 37)

Her views, which she describes as "femellist," have generated significant opposition from trans activists and other feminists, who associate her with the TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) movement.





She graduated in fashion journalism from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design[1].

Media career: blogging and journalism


La Gazette du mauvais goût


In 2009[2], Dora Moutot created the blog La Gazette du mauvais goût[3], where she cataloged "all things bizarre, eccentric, unusual, trashy, marginal, and folkloric."[4]

Webcam Tears project


In February 2012, she launched Webcam Tears[5] · [6], an artistic blog compiling videos of people crying in front of their webcams[7] · [8]. This project was discussed in Zoe Alderton's book The Aesthetics of Self-Harm and gained media attention for its commentary on emotions as a new form of "pornography."[9][10].

Other activities


In 2013, she won the Google-Le Monde prize for her blog and co-founded the webzine The Other in 2014, focusing on alternative subcultures[11][12]..

She has written for online outlets like Vice and was deputy editor-in-chief at Konbini[13].

Feminine sexuality on social media


On 23 August 2018 Moutot created the Instagram account T'as joui?, which focuses on educating about female sexuality and critiques traditional heterosexual relationships[14]. By 2021, the account had nearly 600,000 followers. She also published the book Mâle-baisées in 2021[15]..

Progressive split from contemporary feminism


Essentialist feminism


From the 2020s, Moutot increasingly distanced herself from contemporary feminist movements, criticizing "gender theory" and advocating an essentialist feminist view, which she refers to as "femellist."[16] She argues that women have specific needs based on their biology and opposes the inclusion of transgender women within the category of women.[17].

She has also voiced reservations about second-wave feminist achievements, criticizing contraception as "psychic excision" in 2022.

Opposition to transgender identity


In February 2020, she co-signed a controversial article questioning whether self-identification was enough to be considered a woman, sparking backlash. She has lobbied against the inclusion of gender identity in legal definitions and launched initiatives to oppose the influence of what she calls the "transgender ideology."

In 2022, she and Marguerite Stern published a manifesto and founded a platform for women opposing transgender inclusion in feminist debates[18].



Trans Lobby Criticism and Alleged Extremist Connections Moutot has made several claims about a "trans lobby" funded by billionaires with transhumanist agendas. Her positions have drawn accusations of transphobia, and she has been linked to far-right movements, though she denies these connections[19].

She has also promoted non-conventional treatments for small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), a condition she has suffered from since 2009[20][21][22].


  • À fleur de pet (2019)
  • Mâle-baisées (2021)
  • Transmania (2024, co-authored with Marguerite Stern)


  1. ^ Sevin Rey-Sahin (30 May 2024). "En polémiste antitrans, Dora Moutot vire à droite toute". Le Monde..
  2. ^ "Dora Moutot, la reine du mauvais goût". Neon. 16 July 2014..
  3. ^ "Hématomes, Nirvana et mélancolie pastel : l'esthétique du « pale » sur Tumblr, c'est quoi?". Les Inrockuptibles. 20 November 2013..
  4. ^ "Tous les goûts sont-ils permis ?". 27 July 2015..
  5. ^ "The Radical Potential Of A Woman Crying In Public". 12 March 2015..
  6. ^ "Here's Why The Webcam Tears Project Collects Videos Of People Crying On Camera". 1 December 2015..
  7. ^ Schetrit, Noémie (16 July 2014). "Dora Moutot, la reine du mauvais goût". Neon (in French). Retrieved 1 September 2022..
  8. ^ Laystary, Émilie (20 February 2012). "Dora Moutot lance Webcam Tears, les larmes qui s'exposent sur la toile". Madmoizelle (in French). Retrieved 1 September 2022..
  9. ^ Zoe Alderton (2018). The Aesthetics of Self-Harm: The Visual Rhetoric of Online Self-Harm Communities. p. 97..
  10. ^ "Crying Into a Webcam Is a 'New Form of Pornography,' Artist Claims". 2 December 2015..
  11. ^ "Seize des 68 participants au Monde Académie récompensés". Le (in French). 7 June 2013. Retrieved 1 September 2022..
  12. ^ "Sophia Aram : grande favorite des Gérard de la télévision". (in French). 16 December 2013. Retrieved 3 September 2022..
  13. ^ Marie-Pierre Genecand (31 August 2018). "Plaisir féminin, le raz-de-marée de "T'as joui ?"". Le Temps (in French). ISSN 1423-3967. Retrieved 1 September 2022..
  14. ^ Léa Iribarnegaray (31 August 2021). "Sur Instagram, la nouvelle génération de l'éducation sexuelle". Le (in French). Retrieved 1 September 2022..
  15. ^ Tardy, Romane (24 February 2022). ""Si un homme dit tu es mal baisée, il admet qu'un certain nombre d'hommes sont mal baiseurs" : Dora Moutot, créatrice du compte T'as joui, dénonce le patriarcat sous les draps". Tribunal Du Net (in French). Retrieved 1 September 2022..
  16. ^ Corre, Maëlle Le (17 October 2022). "Débattre de la transidentité avec Dora Moutot : le pari osé et foireux de France 2". Madmoizelle (in French). Retrieved 18 October 2022..
  17. ^ Maxime Macé, Pierre Plottu et Johanna Luyssen (12 September 2022). "Entre féministes Terf et extrême droite, des passerelles idéologiques pour un même combat antitrans". Libération. Retrieved 23 November 2022..
  18. ^ Marie Zafimehy (19 February 2020). "Pourquoi une tribune féministe est-elle accusée de transphobie ?". (in French). Retrieved 1 September 2022..
  19. ^ Alison Terrien (9 December 2021). ""Thérapies de conversion" : le Sénat ne cède pas aux sirènes d'une prétendue idéologie du genre". Causette (in French). Retrieved 1 September 2022..
  20. ^ Baldit, Étienne (31 August 2022). "Grosses tensions entre élus LREM sur fond de transphobie". Libération (in French). Retrieved 1 September 2022..
  21. ^ Benichou, Sarah (24 August 2022). "Affiche du Planning familial : "Ce n'est pas une question de genre, c'est une question de droit"". Mediapart (in French). Retrieved 1 September 2022..
  22. ^ « Dora Moutot - Marguerite Stern: "Dans les cours de récréation, la dysphorie de genre est devenue une mode" »,', 13 1 2023.