
3 4 dichloro 1 buten is a organochlorine compound with formula CICH2CH=CHCH2CI. These compound are precursor of chloroprene, an important monomer for synthetic rubber.

Synthesis and applications


Chlorine add to 1 3 butadiene, gives a mixture of two isomer 1,4-Dichlorobut-2-ene(1 4 addition) and 3 4 dichloro 1 buten(3 4 addition). The mixture is isomerized to 3 4 dichloro 1 buten by heating it to 60-120°C with a catalyst. 3 4 dichloro 1 buten eliminate a hydrogen atom at 2 position and chlorine atom at 1 position give 2 chloro 1 3 butadiene.