Draft:A History of Time


A history of Time:

In the beginning was the void with Hydrogen abundant and all was good.

Gravity pulled the Hydrogen together forming H2.

When enough H2 gathered together, ignition formed the first Stars and there was light BIG BANG(S).

Helium was now produced, the nobelest of the noble gases.

Following Fred Hoyle's findings, all elements upto Fe (Iron) were now created in these furnances before supernova created the remaining radioactive elements.

As all the Hydrogen is used up, their will come a time when the light of the stars will dim and eventually disappear, and all will be good again (No Big Crunch).

The End

--- Quantum Everything ---

Hydrogen acts like either a (Particle) or (1s Orbital / Pulsating Puffball (Blown up balloon))

All to do with -e magnet and +p magnet and when spin match

Hydrogen (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched) Acts like (Particle)



Hydrogen (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched) Acts like 1s orbital / Pulsating Puffball (Blown up balloon)

               NN SS

               SS NN

Standing Wave Information (Forms Particle + Orbital 1s):

              [0] [0]  [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched)       <-|

              [0] [+1] [0] (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched)      |

              [0] [0]  [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched)         |

              [0] [-1] [0] (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched)    >-|


              ---           (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

              /^\           (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)

              ---           (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

              \V/           (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)


Hydrogen 2 molecule (-e magnets and +p magnet Matched) Acts like (Particle)

All to do with -e magnets and +p magnet and when spin matches

Hydrogen 2 molecule (-e magnets and +p magnet Matched) Acts like Particle

Hydrogen 2 molecule (-e magnets and +p magnet not Matched) Acts like 1s orbital / Pulsating Puffball (Blown up baloon)

               NNN SSS NSS SSN

               SSS NNN SNN NNS

Standing Wave Information (Forms Orbital 1s):

              [0] [0]  [0]  [0] [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched Particle)         <-|

              [0] [+1] [0] [-1] [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched 1s Orbital)     |

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched Particle)           |

              [0] [-1] [0] [+1] [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched 1s Orbital)   >-|



              -----           (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

              /^\             (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)


              -----           (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

                 /^\          (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)



Helium element ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched) Acts like (Particle)

All to do with 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets and when spin matches

Helium element (2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched) Acts like Particle

Helium element (2 * -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched) Acts like 1s orbital (No Pulsating)



Standing Wave Information (Forms Orbital 1s):

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle)         <-|

              [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)     |

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle)           |

              [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)     |

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle)           |

              [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)     |

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle)           |

              [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)   >-|



              ---------       (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

              /^\   /^\       (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)

                 \V/   \V/

              ---------       (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)

                 /^\   /^\    (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)

              \V/   \V/

              ---------       (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)

              /^\   /^\       (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)

                 \V/   \V/

              ---------       (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)

                 /^\   /^\    (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)

              \V/   \V/


Oxygen element ( 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched) Acts like (Particle)

All to do with 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets and when spin matches

Oxygen element (8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched) Acts like Particle

Oxygen element (8 * -e magnets and 8* +p magnets not Matched) Acts like 1s orbital (No Pulsating)



Standing Wave Information (Forms Orbital 1s):

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched Particle)         <-|

              [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0]  ( 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)     |

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched Particle)           |

              [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0]  ( 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)     |

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched Particle)           |

              [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0]  ( 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)     |

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched Particle)           |

              [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0]  ( 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)   >-|



              ---------------       (8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

              /^\   /^\   /^\       (8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet not Matched = 1s 2s 2p Orbital)

                 \V/   \V/   \V/

              ---------------       (8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

                 /^\   /^\   /^\    (8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet not Matched = 1s 2s 2p Orbital)

              \V/   \V/   \V/

              ---------------       (8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

              /^\   /^\   /^\       (8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet not Matched = 1s 2s 2p Orbital)

                 \V/   \V/   \V/

              ---------------       (8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

                 /^\   /^\   /^\    (8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet not Matched = 1s 2s 2p Orbital)

              \V/   \V/   \V/


Water molecule (H2O)  ( 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched) Acts like (Particle)


         / \

        H   H

All to do with, Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets and Hydrogen 2* -e magnets and 2 +p magnets when spin matches

Hydrogen element (2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched) and Oxygen element (8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched) Acts like Particle

Hydrogen element (2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched) and Oxygen element (8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched) Acts like Buckyball (Water droplet)



Standing Wave Information Forms Buckyball (Water droplet):

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0] [0] (Hydrogen 2*-e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched = Particle)           <-|

              [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0]  [1]  [0] [-1]  [0]  [1] [0] (Hydrogen 2*-e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched Particle and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets not Matched = Buckyball)    |

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0] [0] (Hydrogen 2*-e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched = Particle)             |

              [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0]  [0]  [1]  [0]  [-1] [0] [0] (Hydrogen 2*-e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched Particle and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets not Matched = Buckyball)    |

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0] [0] (Hydrogen 2*-e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched = Particle)             |

              [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0]  [-1] [0] [-1]  [0]  [1] [0] (Hydrogen 2*-e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched Particle and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets not Matched = Buckyball)    |

              [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0]  [0] [0] (Hydrogen 2*-e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched = Particle)             |

              [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0]  [1]  [0]  [-1] [0]  [1] [0] (Hydrogen 2*-e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched Particle and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets not Matched = Buckyball)  >-|



              -----------------                     (Hydrogen 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched = Particle)  

              /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\     (Hydrogen 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets not Matched = Buckyball )  

                 \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/

              -----------------                     (Hydrogen 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched and Oxygen 8* -e magnets and 8* +p magnets Matched = Particle)  

                 /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\  (Hydrogen 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched and Oxygen 8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet not Matched = Buckyball )  

              \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/

              -----------------                     (Hydrogen 2* -e magnet and 2* +p magnet Matched and Oxygen 8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

              /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\     (Hydrogen 2* -e magnet and 2* +p magnet not Matched and Oxygen 8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet not Matched = Buckyball )  

                 \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/

              -----------------                     (Hydrogen 2* -e magnet and 2* +p magnet Matched and Oxygen 8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet Matched = Particle)  

                 /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\   /^\  (Hydrogen 2* -e magnet and 2* +p magnet not Matched and Oxygen 8* -e magnet and 8* +p magnet not Matched = Buckyball )

              \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/   \V/


All Elements and molecules are Particles when magnetic paticles match otherwise they form Orbitals e.g. 1s , 2s , 2p, ... Buckyball ... etc.

The spin of Electrons and Protons are represented by [ 0 , 1 , 0 , -1 ] Standing Waves (String Theory?)

Proves Quantum Everything?

Proves Single / Double Slit Experiments and others?


