Sans the Skeleton is a fictional character created by Toby Fox and first appeared in the 2015 role-playing video game Undertale. According to the game's lore, Sans and his brother Papyrus are skeleton monsters who live in the underground kingdom of the game's protagonist, a human child who has fallen into the underground Personality. Sans is shown to be very laid-back, sleeping on the job as often as he takes breaks. He enjoys making bad puns relating to skeletons, to the annoyance of his brother. He is kind and reassuring, but becomes eerily serious at abrupt moments (particularly when angry.) Powers & Abilities Bones: Sans can shoot out rows of bones at his opponents as very fast rates. Blue Bones: Similar to his brother, he can also shoot out blue bones in rows. Teleportation: Sans has been known to teleport around the underground calling them "shortcuts."  Sans is the older brother, and this is because in a tweet Toby once stated that Papyrus would call Sans "aniki" which is a Japanese term usually used to refer to an older brother. However, it could also just mean that Papyrus has respect for Sans and not be about their ages at all.

