Draft:Alaa Alhamwi Englisch

Alaa Alhamwi (2023)

Alaa Alhamwi (Arabic: علاء الحموي‎) (born. 17. April 1984:[1] in Damaskus) is a German politician (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen).[2] and, together with Greta Garlichs, has been chairman of the Alliance Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Niedersachsen.[3] In his work as a local politician in Oldenburg City Council, he is the Chairman of the Environment Committe. He is elected by the city council as an EU local councillor.

His life


Alaa Alhamwi was born on 17. April 1984[4] in Damaskus, Syrien. He is married and has two children. Alhamwi left Syria in 2011 to study for a master's degree in renewable energies and moved to Cairo. He came to Germany in 2012 to complete his master's degree. Since then, he has lived and worked in Oldenburg (Oldb). He is also a hobby beekeeper.

Studies Profession


In 2003, he began his bachelor's degree in mechanical and energy engineering at the University of Aleppo. He interrupted his Master's degree in Aeronautics in 2011 to pursue a double Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the Middle East and North Africa(REMENA[5]) at the University of Cairo in Egypt and the University of Kassel with the support of a scholarship from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). After successfully completing his master's thesis, Alhamwi worked for the German Aerospace Center as a research assistant in the field of energy system analysis. He then completed his doctorate in the field of urban energy systems at DLR and the University of Oldenburg. He received his doctorate in engineering (Dr.-Ing.) from the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in 2018. In his doctoral thesis, he dealt with the optimization of urban energy systems using geographic information systems (GIS) and open source data. As part of his doctorate, Alhamwi developed the FlexiGIS model. FlexiGIS[6]is an open-source GIS-based model for modeling energy systems and flexibility options in urban areas. In addition to his political activities, he works part-time as a postdoc for the German Aerospace Center and conducts research in the field of energy system analysis with a focus on the integration of green hydrogen in urban energy systems.



In 2014, Alhamwi joined the Alliance 90/The Greens party in Oldenburg. As part of his doctoral scholarship[7] from the Heinrich Böll Foundation, he campaigned for the foundation's ideal funding and was involved in various committees of the foundation. Alhamwi has been involved in local politics on a voluntary basis since 2021 and stood as a candidate for Oldenburg City Counci[8]. He won the direct mandate in his electoral area and sits for his party on the city council in the committees: Urban Greenery, Environment and Climate as Chairman and in Economic Development, Digitization and International Cooperation. In addition, he was delegated to the EU Commission Partnership "Europe starts in the community" by the City Council and EU Community Council[9].Alhamwi is a board member of the Europa-Union/European Federalists Oldenburg, a non-partisan and independent European citizens' movement. He also sits on the supervisory board of the Technology and Start-up Center Oldenburg (TGO) for his party.

In 2023, he ran for the state chairmanship of the Greens in Lower Saxony and won the election.[10] This makes him the first chairman of the Greens in Lower Saxony with a history of migration.[11] Alhamwi criticizes what he sees as the excessive expansion of LNG terminals in Germany and calls for a common integrated European energy policy. He advocates the use and promotion of geothermal energy[12] and waste heat in conjunction with heat pumps.Alhamwi is politically and scientifically committed to the development of green hydrogen..

Publikationen (Auswahl)


Selected scientific publications[13]

  • Alhamwi et al.: Optimal mix of renewable power generation in the MENA region as a basis for an efficient electricity supply to Europe. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, S. 03004. (2014)
  • Alhamwi et al.: Moroccan National Energy Strategy reviewed from a meteorological perspective. Energy Strategy Reviews, 6. Jg., S. 39-47. (2015)
  • Alhamwi et al.: Open Source Tool for the Analysis and Simulation of Urban Energy Infrastructures, OSMSES, IEEE Xplore, pp. 1-6, (2022)
  • Alhamwi et al: Modeling Urban Street Lighting Infrastructure Using Open Source Data Sets. In ETG Congress 2021, IEEE Xplore, (pp. 1-6). VDE. (2021)
  • Ranalli and Alhamwi: Configurations of renewable power generation in urban energy systems using open source data and models: with case study in Philadelphia, Applied Energy, (2020),
  • Alhamwi et al.: Development of an open source GIS-based platform for the allocation and optimisation of distributed storage in urban energy systems, special issue in Applied Energy (2019),
  • Alhamwi et al.: FlexiGIS: an open source optimisation platform for the optimisation of flexibility options in urban energy systems, Energy Procedia, Volume 152, 941-949 (2018),
  • Alhamwi et al.: Modelling urban energy requirements using open source data and models, Applied Energy, Volume 231, 1100-1108 (2018),
  • Alhamwi et al.: OpenStreetMap data in modelling the urban energy infrastructure: a first assessment and analysis, Energy Procedia, Volume 142, 1968– 1976 (2017),
  • Alhamwi et al.: GIS-based urban energy systems models and tools: Introducing a model for the optimisation of flexibilisation technologies in urban areas, Applied Energy, Volume 191, 1-9 (2017),


  1. ^ "Dr. Alaa Alhamwi". Grüne Fraktion Oldenburg (in German). Retrieved 2023-09-08.
  2. ^ "Dr. Alaa Alhamwi". Google scholar. Retrieved 2023-09-07.
  3. ^ Conti, Nadine (21 March 2023). "Zwei fürs Gemüt". Die Tageszeitung: Taz (in German). Retrieved 2023-09-07.
  4. ^ "Dr. Alaa Alhamwi". Grüne Fraktion Oldenburg (in German). Retrieved 2023-09-08.
  5. ^ "REMENA - Master Program in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency". Retrieved 2023-09-08.
  6. ^ Alaa Alhamwi (2023-07-28). "FlexiGIS: an open source GIS-based platform for modelling energy systems and flexibility options in urban areas". GitHub. Retrieved 2023-09-08.
  7. ^ Alaa Alhamwi, Carl von Ossietzky Universität – Oldenburg (2016-05-27). "Evaluation of Renewable Energy and Flexibilisation Technologies for the Deployment of Smart Cities through the Application of Geographic Information Systems". Heinrich Böll Stiftung (in German). Retrieved 2023-09-07.
  8. ^ "Diese Frauen und Männer sitzen künftig im Stadtrat". NWZonline.de (in German). 2021-09-13. Retrieved 2023-09-08.
  9. ^ "Europa fängt in der Gemeinde an - Mitglieder und Partner" (in German). Retrieved 2023-09-08.
  10. ^ "Neue grüne Landesvorsitzende stellen sich vor". Nordwest Zeitung Online (in German). 2023-04-18. Retrieved 2023-09-07.
  11. ^ "Grünen-Parteitag wählt neues Spitzen-Duo für Niedersachsen" (Video). Norddeutscher Rundfunk (in German). 2023-03-18. Retrieved 2023-09-07.
  12. ^ "Antrag Erstellung eines Geothermie-Katasters für das Stadtgebiet Oldenburg". Grüne Fraktion Oldenburg (in German). 2022-05-31. Retrieved 2023-09-08.
  13. ^ "FlexiGIS: Open source GIS-based platform for the optimisation of flexibility options in urban areas — FlexiGIS 1.0.0 documentation". Retrieved 2023-09-08.