Draft:CQQRS Slow CW Practice QSO Group

CQQRS Slow CW Practice QSO Group

The CQQRS Slow CW Practice QSO Group runs an uncontrolled Morse code practice QSO Group on the 40m and 80m amateur bands every Tuesday evening Australia / New Zealand time.

The aim of the Group is to encourage licensed amateur radio operators and short wave listeners who are learning to use Morse code (or CW) to have a go with slow morse (also called QRS as a Q-code) in a safe environment, with the support of other new operators and experienced ones.

The Group has been on air every single Tuesday since mid-2021, and attracts around 5 dozen stations plus listeners across Australia, New Zealand and other places around the world every Tuesday. The Group has fostered many first-time contacts (or QSOs) with people taking the first steps into CW, and by the same token, there’s many old-hands who’ve re-discovered the joy of ambling along with CW rag chews or basic exchanges, without stress.

The Group has a free a weekly newsletter (RagChew) to encourage the team and a WhatsApp Group with both Alerts and Rag Chews to allow easy communication between Group members both during and outside of the weekly activity.