

CampusTech is a website that compares laptops for college students, graduates, and professionals. Sponsored by Intel, they provide ratings for all kinds of laptops to educate and give users the best recommendations tailored to them.

"CampusTech is the new solution for finding the right laptop for your college experience. We have researched the industry, technology, and software to know what laptops are best for you based on your school, major, and interests!

We are an independent organization determined to build the next generation of great thinkers through a modern, digital campus experience for students. We work with the top technology providers, Acer, HP, Lenovo, Microsoft, and others, to handpick the best laptops for college students. There is thought behind every recommendation and you can see our process in our technology guides and CampusTech ratings that are on every search page."[1]

Providing Laptop Recommendations for College Students


The main goal of CampusTech is to provide expert recommendations for college students on which laptops best work for their major. Some college courses require specific software per major that may need hardware components in order to run properly, thus creating a sort of confusion in the shopping space when trying to determine what specs you might need.



  1. ^ "CampusTech: Find your best laptop for college". Retrieved 2024-04-08.