Chang Gu-nien (Chinese: 張穀年, 1905 – 1987), also known as Huai Chun, was a Chinese painter from Wujiang, Jiangsu, Republic of China.[1][2]



In his early years, Chang sold paintings in Shanghai before entering public service, but he continued to create art. He worked for the government and travelled to various scenic spots[3]. He began studying painting under his uncle, the famous Hai School artist Feng Chaoran, and copied paintings from collectors in Shanghai, establishing a foundation in painting. In the 1940s, his style gradually shifted from copying ancient styles to sketching from life. In 1943, he held his first solo exhibition of paintings and calligraphy in Shanghai. Chang studied the styles of various painters, particularly learning from the techniques of Wang Hui[4]. After moving to Taiwan, he emphasized sketching and focused on depicting the local scenery.

In 1955, he and six other painters, including Ma Shouhua, Chen Fang, Tao Yun-lou, Cheng Man-ching, Liu Yan-tao, and Kao I-hong, formed the "Seven Friends Painting Society."

Chang also wrote about painting, discussing the use of perspective and the differences between sketching in traditional Chinese painting and Western painting. He proposed the use of oblique perspective and scattered-point perspective in traditional Chinese painting, which enriches the content of the painting.

In the preface to Liu Yan-tao's book "Illustrated Explanation of Chinese Landscape Painting Techniques," Liu praised Chang's "stubbornness" and his efforts to constantly improve his art. 'Ching-shui Cliff' created in 1968 is the masterpiece of Chang's constant innovation[5]." Chang's various interpretations and pursuit of sketching led to the creation of multiple artistic styles based on natural landscapes.

Chang passed away in March 1987 at the age of 82.



"Cross-Island Highway" (1960), collection of National Museum of History[6].

"Viewing Waterfall in Wulai" (1961).[7]

"Chingshui Cliff" (1968).


  1. ^ 張, 維璽; 韓, 君; 常, 娥 (2008). 常州歷史文化名人擷英. p. 330.
  2. ^ 喬, 曉軍 (2007). 補, 遺一 (ed.). 中國美術家人名辭典. 三秦出版社. p. 209.
  3. ^ 邱, 琳婷 (2006). 省展一甲子紀念專輯. 台北市: 林文海計畫主持. pp. 64–81. ISBN 9789860082241.
  4. ^ 周, 妙齡 (2020-12-01). "寫生暢意:史博館典藏張穀年勝景山水圖與《中國山水畫法圖解》". 典藏古美術 (第339期). 典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司.
  5. ^ 詹, 前裕 (1996). "張穀年的山水畫發展歷程". 臺灣美術. 9 (2). 臺灣省立美術館: 65-75.
  6. ^ "National Museum of History to reopen after over 5 years of renovation - Focus Taiwan". Focus Taiwan - CNA English News. 2024-02-07. Retrieved 2024-08-09.
  7. ^ 林君穎 (2020-07-10). "水墨筆下的台灣勝景 「彩墨寶島」展現全台「長青」之美". 香港01. Retrieved 2023-10-17.