Draft:Dash (Card Game)

Dash is a not really famous card game originated in Italy. There are not official rules, it’s a game to play when you’re at the beach with your friends!

It’s not difficult but it’s a strategic and fun to play game.


Minimum: 2 players

Maximum: 8 players

Preparation: you have to use one deck of 54 cards without jollies. You have to remove 8, 9 and 10 cards, too.

5 cards are dealt face down at each player. A player can only choose two of its cards and watch them, the other 3 remain face down on the table.

At each turn, you have to take a card from the centre pile and discard another one.

Cards have a special value:

Kings: Black Kings (clubs and spades) are worth 0 points, Red ones (hearts and diamonds) are worth 15 points.

Queens: are worth 13 points. When you discard one you have the power to change a card of yours with an opponent’s one. Both card have to be put face down, so you won’t be able to see what card you have chosen and viceversa.

Jacks: are worth 11 points. When you discard one, you can take in your cards a card of yours face down on the table.

Aces: are only worth 11 points. (Not 1 like in other games)

When someone discards a card, no matter which turn it is, everyone can discard one or more cards equal (same number of figure) to the one discarded.

When you discard a card, you can still put down two or more of them like in the rule before.

When someone feels ready, he or she can say “minor sum”, the turn ends and everybody sums the values of its cards, both face up and face down. The winner is the player who has the least points.



There are not written references, it’s a game invented by random players at the beach.