Davidhorn is a Norwegian-British company working in the field of Investigative Interviewing and police interview recording. Established as a result of a merger of David Horn Communications Ltd. and Indico Systems AS.

David Horn Communications Ltd. was founded by former Chief Superintendent David Horn in 1985. David was on the original Steering Committee for the introduction of recorded interviewing. The company was the first to develop a digital recording solution which fully met the legislation for interview recording in the UK.

10 years later the Norwegian Police followed the same process of reforming the investigative interview process. Under a scientifically based guiding principle, non-coercive interviewing techniques were proven to be more accurate in deriving the truth.

Indico was established in Norway in 2002, bringing an interview recording solution capable of withstanding the scrutiny in court.

In February 2021, David Horn Communications Ltd. was acquired by the Norwegian Indico Systems AS.

The company works globally with Norwegian Police in the client base.

