Dellosexuality is a term on the asexual spectrum that is characterized by divided sexual attraction, being similar to demisexuality for some genders and allosexuality for others. The dellosexuality is specifically for multisexual individuals, such as bisexuals, pansexuals, polysexuals, etc.; who experience their sexual attraction directed towards some gender(s) without any conditions or "difficulties" while for other(s) the attraction arises only when there is emotional or affective involvement or connection

Etymology and origin


The term dellosexual, is a neologism coming from demi- (from French, meaning "half" or "part"), and allo- (meaning "other" in classical Greek). Because delosexual and romantic individuals are " demisexual in relation to one gender" while being "allosexual in relation to another".

The origin of the term was thanks to User GenderGay on Wikia FANDOM, the term was coined on January 1, 2021, after they did extensive research and were unable to find a label for what they and others experienced. Note that the experience is much older than the label.



The dellosexual flag was designed by user GenderGay on Wikia FANDOM on January 1, 2021. The flag is inspired by the demisexual flag, however the light gray and black are inverted to represent being in a gray area in demisexuality. The meanings of the colors remain the same as those of the demisexual flag, which are:

Conditions and guidelines


See main article: Gray asexuality

Even though the spectrums in the gray area do not take into account sexual and/or romantic orientations as conditions for the attraction experienced by them. Like the examples:

  • of dellosexuality itself, which presents as a condition for the emergence of attraction the formation of a deep emotional connection with another gender other than the one you are non-conditionally attracted to;
  • demisexuality, which presents the formation of a deep emotional connection with someone as a condition for the emergence of attraction;
  • from the noetisexuality that presents as a condition for the emergence of attraction to the mentality;

It is common for people of grace (that is, people who identify in the gray area spectrum) to identify with some sexual orientation, therefore, it is necessary to differentiate sexuality as a whole from its orientation aspects, whether sexual and/or romantic. Thus, someone can identify as demi, or another gray area spectrum, and as straight, homo, bi, etc. at the same time.

In the case of dello people, it must be a multi label. (bi, pan, etc.)

See main article: Romantic orientation

Although we portray dellosexuality as a gray area spectrum, it can only appear as a romantic orientation, that is, someone can be allosexual, but have romantic attraction exclusively in a delosexual way or within another gray area spectrum.

Just as someone can be a strict asexual and only feel romantic attraction to them, and they can consider themselves as deloromantic or dellorromantic.

See also




Category:Demisexuality Category:Asexuality Category:Sexuality Category:Sexual orientation Category:LGBT