Doris Barabas


Doris Barabas is a charcter from the Doris Universe "DCU" and there have been one short film and one animated series

Doris was born in the early 1960's and her father SUNDOWN-PER raised her. Doris is mostly known for defeating tromolos who is a evil monster who feeds on swear rice water. Doris has a iconic look with her red curly hair and her long red coat. Doris is also a elit in gymnastics and marshall arts witch she learned from a marshall arts master at the top of MT-Everest.


Family tree


This is the doris family tree that was found in 2021 by russian powerplant worker Adrian Kraksavorsha. This photo shows all of doris sisters and her now infamous father VIRE UNKEN who now does videos on his youtube "SEVENTIMES"

Doris Actor


The actor that plays doris is called Benjamin Dal Cero who has a famous following on his youtube channel called "Benjamin Dal Cero"