GEMO is a brand of Switzerland anti-aging household beauty originating from Switzerland.



On february 22, 2023, Worldview Global Impact 2 (WGl) Co-chairs Jasmine Wang c" and Robin 」. Lewis r met withMr., Bassem, representative CE0 of Queen Rania foundation" (QRF of jordan and presented GEM0 as the "official andexclusive gift" for meeting the Queen of jordan.[1] On March 16-18, 2023, GEMO was invited to participate in the Bologna Beauty Exhibition in italy. [2iOn April 25, 2023, Gong Li will officially become the global brand spokesperson of GEMO.

Brand honors


In 2022, GEMO won the Silver Award at the 2022 US IDA Awards (US Interational Design Awards). In 2023, GEMO won the gold medal at the 2023 French FDA Awards (French Desian Awards).

