• Comment: Very likely passes WP:NPROF. However, the draft has several uncited paragraphs, and the bibliography needs to be considerably trimmed. Curbon7 (talk) 02:00, 30 July 2024 (UTC)

György Inzelt
Born (1946-11-02) November 2, 1946 (age 77)
Alma materEötvös Loránd University Budapest (M.Sc., 1970) (Ph.D., 1972)
Occupation(s)Chemistry, Physical chemistry, Electrochemistry, Nuclear chemistry, History of chemistry
Years activeEötvös Loránd University Budapest (1970-)

Professor (1990-2016)

Professor emeritus (2016-)
AwardsEötvös József Laureatus Academiae (2022)

Eötvös ring (2016) Széchenyi Prize (2011) Szilárd Leo Professor Award (2011) Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2009) Knight Cross of the Order of Merit of Republic of Hungary (2007) Polányi Mihály Prize (2004)

Doctor and Professor Honoris causa, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania (2000)

György Inzelt (born November 2, 1946) is a Hungarian chemist. He is a professor emeritus and the head of the Laboratory for Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.[1]

György Inzelt is a very well-known and highly respected member of the electrochemical community.[2][3][4][5] He is a worldwide recognized scientist in the field of conducting polymer films and other modified electrodes, as well as for his innovative research activities spanning a much wider range, including sensors, electrochemistry of solid microcrystals, electrochemical oscillations, electrocatalysis, electrosorption, and fuel cells by developing and using such advanced techniques as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, radiotracer labelling, spectroelectrochemistry and electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalance. He also has published several papers and books dealing with the history of chemistry.

Personal life and education


György Inzelt was born in Budapest on November 2, 1946. His parents were György Inzelt (1909–1967) and his wife Erzsébet (neé Grünwald) (1910–1974). His brother was Inzelt Péter (1944–2019). Inzelt married to Marianna Kovács in 1981. They had two children, György (1982–2018) and Éva (1985). He attended the Than Károly chemistry highschool between 1961 and 1965. After studying at the Institute of Chemical Engineering in Moscow (MIHM) in 1965-66, he enrolled the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (ELTE), where he earned a M. Sc. diploma with honours in chemistry in 1970 studying self-diffusion of water in mixtures under the supervision of Tibor Erdey-Grúz and a summa cum laude Ph.D. in 1972.

Career and research


In 1970 he began working at the Department of Physical Chemistry and Radiology of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, and has continued there for his entire career as an assistant professor (1970-1977), senior assistant professor (1977-1983), associate professor (1983-1990), full professor (1990-2016), and professor emeritus (2016-). As a dedicated teacher he has educated generations for electrochemistry as well as for physical chemistry, nuclear chemistry and history of chemistry in all levels including the supervision of many PhD dissertations.[6]

At the beginning he worked on polyelectrolytes and hydration. Later he carried out research in the field of electrocatalysis and electrosorption under the quidance of György Horányi, and he defended his Candidate of Science (C. Sc.) thesis in 1978. In 1981 he spent three months in the laboratory of Henning Lund at the University of Aarhus studying organic electrochemistry. In 1982-83 he worked as a postdoctoral research associate in the laboratory of James Q. Chambers at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville where he carried out fundamental research on TCNQ redox polymer films introducing combined spectroelectrochemical techniques such as ESR and UV-VIS-NIR in order to monitor the species formed as a function of potential. After returning in Budapest he continued research on conducting polymers, and he defended his Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) thesis at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1988.

In the field of redox and intrinsically conducting polymers his most significant results are as follows. He clarified the essential features of the interdependent ionic and solvent transports coupled to the electron transport and their dependences on the nature and concentration of the electrolyte as well as on the temperature. He established a polyelectrolyte model based on the potential dependent swelling-deswelling kinetics which determine the rate of the charge transport. He concluded that in a more compact structure of the polymer, that is the case in more concentrated electrolytes and at low temperatures, an increase in the rate of the electron hopping and simultaneously a hindrance of the counterion movement are expected. He used the radiotracer technique to follow the sorption-desorption processes and equilibria of the ions and the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM), that was developed in his laboratory since 1989 (patent 1996), to monitor the total mass changes. Consequently, the ion and the solvent content in the polymer films could be separated. Based on the results of these studies and, in situ spectrophotometric investigations the reaction schemes of several redox and intrinsically conducting polymers have been established. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy based on new models elaborated in his laboratory provided fundamental data for the characterization of these systems. Electrochromic display devices and sensors by using electrodes based on conducting polymers (hemoglobin, NH3) or other modified electrodes (NAD+) have also been developed.

Inzelt has shown that oxidative electropolymerization can be achieved in microcrystals and microdroplets attached to the surface of metal or carbons. He has shown that the microcrystals during redox reactions can be stabilized by decreasing the water activity of the contacting solutions. Inzelt pioneered in detecting the simultaneous mass change due to the chemisorbed species during potential oscillations. By using EQCM technique three new discoveries concerning the platinum electrode have been achieved: beside the oxidative dissolution during the reduction of the platinum oxide formed, a dissolution of platinum also occurs which explains the phenomena observed in fuel cells; the appearance of the third anodic hydrogen peak is explained; the specific adsorption of the cations has been shown and elucidated.

Inzelt has published more than 240 peer-reviewed research papers, and more than 250 other publications including science history articles, and has 4 patents. His Hirsch index is 47, and has more than 9460 citations.[7]

He has served two terms as national secretary (1993–1998), three terms (1996–2003) as co-chairperson of Division 2 (“Electronically and Ionically Conducting Phases”), chair of Division 1 (Analytical electrochemistry) (2005-2010), member of the Tajima Prize (2000-2003), DeNora Prize (2006-2010), and ISE Fellow Nominating Committees (2003-2005) of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE). György Inzelt has been the national representative (1991-2000), a member of Division V (Analytical chemistry) and Advisory Board of Division 1 (Physical chemistry), Fellow (2000) at the IUPAC.

He has been a member of the Editorial Board of Electrochimica Acta (Pergamon) (1997–2002, 2005–2007), Electrochemistry Communications (Elsevier) (1999-), Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering (2011-), Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2014-), member of the Honorary Board of the Russian Journal of Electrochemistry (2016-). Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Springer) member of the Editorial Board (1998-), Regional Editor Europe (2003-2007), Topical Editor 2007-2022)[8], ChemTexts (Springer) Topical Editor (2014-2021).

György Inzelt has served as the Vice Rector for Education and Research (1994–1997), the head of the Chemistry Institute (1999–2005), head of the Doctoral School in Chemistry (1994–2016)[9][10], head of the Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry (2006–2024) at the ELTE as well as as a Member of the National Doctoral and Habilitation Council (1994-1998), Member of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (2007-2010), chairman of the Electrochemistry Commission of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1994–2006). Member of the Committee of Physical Chemisty (1991-2017) and Analytical Chemistry (1996-2002), Vice chair of the Committee of the History of Science and Technology of Hungarian Academy of Science (2020-).



Among Inzelt's awards are the Eötvös József Laureatus Academiae for the outstanding lifetime scientific achievement from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2022), the Eötvös ring (2016), the highest recognition of the Eötvös Loránd University, Széchenyi Prize (2011), the highest honour in Hungary for scientific achievements as well as Szilárd Leó Professor Award (2011), Polányi Mihály Prize (2004) from the respective board of trustees of these scientific prizes. He was elected a Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2009) for the recognition of his continuing outstanding scientific achievement within the field of electrochemistry. His teaching activity and research co-operation was acknowledged by the title of Doctor and Professor Honoris causa, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania (2000). Other prizes for research and teaching activities: Scientific Prize (Eötvös Univ. Faculty of Science) (1991), Pro Universitate (Eötvös Univ.) (1997), Széchenyi Professorship (1997-2000), Knight Cross of the Order of Merit of Republic of Hungary (2007).

For the HY-GO and HY-GO-2™ fuel cell driven, hydrogen based vehicle developed by his research group they received the 1st prize of the prototype (2009 and 2010) and the prize for the most innovative vehicle (2009 and 2010) and also the special prize of Honda in 2009 at the Széchenyi competition of the alternative vehicles.



Selected Articles

  • T. Erdey-Grúz, G. Inzelt, P. Fodor-Csányi: Self-diffusion coefficients of water in methanol-water mixtures. Acta Chim. Acad. Sci. Hung. 77: 173-178 (1973)
  • G. Horányi, G. Inzelt: Periodical changes in the adsorption of chloride ions accompanying the potential oscillations produced in the course of galvanostatic electrooxidation. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 87: 423-427 (1978)
  • G. Inzelt, E. Szetey: Oxidation of oxalic acid on a platinum electrode. Acta Chim. Acad. Sci. Hung. 107: 269-284 (1981)
  • G. Inzelt, R. W. Day, J. F. Kinstle, J. Q. Chambers: Electrochemistry and electron spin resonance of tetracyanoquinodimethane modified electrodes. Evidence for mixed-valence radical anions in the reduction process. J. Physical Chemistry 87: 4592-4598 (1983)
  • G. Inzelt, R. W. Day, J. F. Kinstle, J. Q. Chambers: Spectroelectrochemistry of tetracyanoquinodimethane modified electrodes. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 161: 147-161 (1984)           
  • G. Inzelt, J. Q. Chambers, J. F. Kinstle, R. W. Day: Protonation equilibria and charge transport in electroactive tetracyanoquinodimethane polymer films. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106: 3396-3401 (1984)
  • G. Inzelt, G. Horányi: Combined cyclic voltammetric and radiometric study of polymer film electrodes. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 200: 405-410 (1986)
  • G. Inzelt, J. Q. Chambers, J. Bácskai, R. W. Day: The effect of the counter ion concentration on the electrochemistry of tetracyanoquinodimethane polymer film electrodes. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 201: 301-314 (1986)
  • G. Inzelt, L. Szabó: The effect of the nature and the concentration of counter ions on the electrochemistry of poly(vinylferrocene) polymer film electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 31: 1381-1387 (1986)
  • G. Inzelt, G. Horányi, J. Q. Chambers: Radiotracer study of the sorption of counter- and co-ions in tetracyanoquinodimethane and poly(vinylferrocene) modified electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 32: 757-763 (1987)
  • G. Inzelt: The role of the polymeric properties in the electrochemical behaviour of redox polymer-modified electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 34: 83-91 (1989).
  • G. Inzelt, G. Horányi: Some problems connected with the study and evaluation of the effect of pH and electrolyte concentration on the behaviour of polyaniline film electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 35: 27-34 (1990)
  • G. Inzelt: Temperature dependence of the voltammetric response of polyaniline film electrodes. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 279: 169-178 (1990)
  • G. Inzelt: Quartz crystal microbalance study of the sorption of ions and solvent molecules in poly(tetracyanoquinodimethane) electrodes. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 287: 171-177 (1990)
  • G. Láng, G. Inzelt: Some problems connected with impedance analysis of polymer film electrodes. Effect of the film thickness and the thickness distribution. Electrochimica Acta 36: 847-854 (1991)
  • G. Inzelt, J. Bácskai: Combined electrochemical and quartz crystal microbalance study on the temperature dependence of the ion and solvent sorption in electroactive polymer films on electrodes. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 308: 255-267 (1991)
  • J. Bácskai, V. Kertész, G. Inzelt: An electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of the influence of pH and solution composition on the electrochemical behaviour of poly(aniline) films. Electrochimica Acta 38: 393-397 (1993)
  • G. Inzelt: Oscillations of the EQCM frequency response in the course of open-circuit copper dissolution is aqueous solutions of H2SO4 and CuSO4. J. Electroanal.Chemistry 348: 465-471 (1993)
  • G. Inzelt, V. Kertész, G. Láng: Simultaneous oscillations of the surface mass and potential in the course of the galvanostatic oxidation of 2-propanol. J. Physical Chemistry 97: 6104-6106 (1993)
  • G. Inzelt, V. Kertész: Experimental evidence for the periodical changes of the amount of chemisorbed species accompanying the potential oscillations produced in the course of galvanostatic oxidation of formic acid on platinum. Electrochimica. Acta 38: 2385-2386 (1993)
  • G. Inzelt, G. Láng, V. Kertész, J. Bácskai: Effect of the temperature on the conductivity and capacitance of poly(aniline) film electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 38: 2503-2510 (1993)
  • G. Inzelt, G. Láng: Model dependence and reliability of the electrochemical quantities derived from the measured impedance spectra of polymer modified electrodes. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 378: 39-49 (1994)
  • G. Inzelt, V. Kertész: Enhanced frequency oscillations accompanying galvanostatic potential oscillations at Pt electrode in Cu2+-formic acid systems. Electrochim. Acta 40: 221-225 (1995)
  • J. Bácskai, K. Martinusz, E. Czirók, G. Inzelt, P.J. Kulesza, M. A. Malik: Polynuclear nickel hexacyanoferrates: monitoring of film growth and hydrated countercation flux/storage during redox reactions. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 385: 241-248 (1995)
  • V. Kertész, G. Inzelt, C. Barbero, R. Kötz, O. Haas: Probe beam deflection studies on electrochemical oscillations during galvanostatic oxidation of formic acid at a platinum electrode. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 392: 91-95 (1995)
  • V. Kertész, J. Bácskai, G. Inzelt: Monitoring of formation and redox transformations of poly(methylene blue) films using an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance. Electrochimica Acta 41: 2877-2881 (1996)
  • G. Inzelt, V. Kertész: Effect of poly(aniline) pseudocapacitance on potential and EQCM frequency oscillations arising in the course of galvanostatic oxidation of formic acid on platinum. Electrochimica Acta 42: 229-235 (1997)
  • S. Pruneanu, E. Csahók, V. Kertész, G. Inzelt: Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of the influence of solution composition on the behaviour of poly(aniline) electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 43: 2305-2323 (1998)
  • E. Csahók, E. Vieil, G. Inzelt: Optical beam deflection study of the transport of ions during the redox reaction of indium-hexacyanoferrate films. J. Electroanal.Chemistry 457: 251-255 (1998)
  • G. Láng, G. Inzelt: An advanced model of the impedance of polymer film electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 44: 2037-2051 (1999)
  • C. M. A. Brett, G. Inzelt, V. Kertesz: Poly(methylene) blue modified electrode sensor for hemoglobin. Anal. Chim. Acta, 385: 119-123 (1999)
  • M. A. Vorotyntsev, J.-P. Badiali, G. Inzelt: Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of thin films with two mobile charge carriers: Effects of the interfacial charging. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 472: 7-19 (1999)
  • G. Inzelt, V. Kertesz, A.-S. Nyback: Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of the ion transport accompanying the charging/discharging of poly(pyrrole) films. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 3 (5): 251-257 (1999)
  • G. Inzelt, M. Pineri, J.W. Schultze, M.A. Vorotyntsev: Electron and proton conducting polymers. Electrochimica Acta 45: 2403-2421 (2000)
  • G. Inzelt: Simultaneous chronoamperometic and quartz crystal microbalance studies of redox transformations of polyaniline film. Electrochimica Acta, 45: 3865-3876 (2000)
  • G. Inzelt, G. Horányi: On the alloy formation in the course of UPD of Cd on gold. J. Electroanal. Chemistry 491: 111-116 (2000)
  • G. Harsányi, G.Inzelt: Comparing migratory resistive short formation abilities of conductor systems in advance interconnected systems. Microelectronics Reliability 41: 229-237 (2001)
  • A. Gergely, G. Inzelt: Electropolymerization of 3-methylthiophene at liquid 3-methylthiophene/aqueous solution/graphite three-phase junction. Electrochemistry Communications 3: 753-757 (2001)
  • G. Inzelt: Formation and redox behaviour of polycarbazole prepared by electropolymerization of solid carbazole crystals immobilized on an electrode surface. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 7: 503-510 (2003)
  • G. Inzelt, Z. Puskás: Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study on the redox transformations of ruthenium(III)trichloride microcrystals attached to a gold electrode. Electrochemistry Communications 6: 805-811 (2004)
  • R. P. Buck, E. Lindner, W. Kutner, G. Inzelt: Piezoelectric chemical sensors. Pure & Appl. Chemistry 76: 1139-1160 (2004)
  • G. Inzelt: Einstein and the osmotic theory. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 10: 1008-1011 (2006)
  • G. Inzelt: Michael Polányi (1891-1976), the electrochemist. Russian J. Electrochemistry: 42: 109-110 (2006)
  • A. Róka, I. Varga, G. Inzelt: Electrodeposition and dissolution of yttrium-hexacyanoferrate layers. Electrochimica Acta 51:6243-6250 (2006)
  • G. Inzelt, K. Németh, A. Róka: Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of redox transformations of TCNQ microcrystals in concentrated LiCl solutions. Electrochimica Acta 52: 4015-4023 (2007)
  • I. Ciglenecki, E. Bura-Nakic, G. Inzelt: Voltammetry as an alternative tool for trace metal detection in peloid marine sediments. Electroanalysis 19: 1437-1445 (2007)
  • Á. Kriston, G. Inzelt: Estimation of the characteristic parameters of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells under operating condition. J. Appl. Electrochemistry 38: 415-424 (2008)
  • E. Bura-Nakic, A. Róka, I. Ciglenecki, G. Inzelt: Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of FeS particles attached to Au surface. Electroanalysis 21: 1699-1708 (2009)
  • Á. Kriston, G. Inzelt, I. Faragó, T. Szabó: Simulation of the transient behavior of fuel cells by using operator splitting techniques for real-time applications. Computers and Chemical Engineering 34: 339-348 (2010)
  • S. Sopsic, M. Kraljic-Rokovic, Z. Mandic, G. Inzelt: Preparation and characterization of RuO2/polyaniline composite electrodes. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 14: 2021-2026 (2010)
  • G. Inzelt, B.B. Berkes, Á. Kriston: Temperature dependence of two types of dissolution of platinum in acid media. An electrochemical nanogravimetric study. Electrochimica Acta 55: 4742-4749 (2010)
  • B.B. Berkes, A. Székely, G. Inzelt: Effect of Cs+ ions on the electrochemical nanogravimetric response of platinum electrode in acid media. Electrochemistry Communications 12: 1095-1098 (2010)
  • G. Inzelt: Milestones of the development of kinetics of electrode reactions. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 15: 1373-1389 (2011)
  • G. Inzelt: Rise and rise of conducting polymers. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 15: 1711-1718 (2011)
  • B.B. Berkes, G. Inzelt, W. Schuhmann, A.S. Bondarenko: Influence of Cs+ and Na+ on specific adsorption of *OH, *O and *H at platinum in acidic sulfuric media. J. Physical Chemistry C 116: 10995-11003 (2012)
  • B. B. Berkes, G. Inzelt: Generation and electrochemical nanogravimetric response of the third anodic hydrogen peak on a platinum electrode in sulfuric acid media. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 18: 1239-1249 (2014)
  • B. B. Berkes, G. Inzelt: Electrochemical nanogravimetric studies on the electropolymerization of indole and on polyindole. Electrochimica Acta 122: 11-15 (2014)
  • B. B. Berkes, S. Vesztergom, G. Inzelt: Combination of nanogravimetry and visible spectroscopy: A tool for the better understanding of electrochemical processes. J. Electroanalytical Chemistry 719: 41–46 (2014)
  • G. Inzelt, A. Róka: Cyclic voltammetric and nanogravimetric studies of NADP+ redox transformations on a yeast-modified platinum electrode. Electrochemistry Communications 45: 9-12 (2014)
  • C. E. Moore, G. Inzelt: Electrochemical nanogravimetric study on the sorption processes occurring in multiwalled carbon nanotube layers immobilized on a gold surface. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 19: 45–56 (2015)
  • K. Borsos, G. Inzelt: Electrochemical and nanogravimetric studies of poly(copper phthalocyanine) microparticles immobilized on gold in aqueous solutions. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 19: 2565–2577 (2015)
  • B. B. Berkes, A. S. Bandarenka, G Inzelt: Electropolymerization: Further insight into the formation of conducting polyindole thin films. J. Physical Chemistry C – Nanomaterials and Interfaces 119: 1996-2003 (2015)
  • G. Inzelt: Recent advances in the field of conducting polymers. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 21:1965–1975 (2017)
  • B. Broda, G Inzelt: Internal resistance and temperature change during over-discharge of lead-acid battery. J. Electrochem. Sci. Eng. 8: 129–139 (2018)
  • B. Broda, G. Inzelt: Investigations of the electrochemical behavior of lead dioxide in aqueous sulfuric acid solutions by using the in situ EQCM technique. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 24: 1-10 (2020)
  • G. Inzelt: Loose building blocks in the edifice of electrochemistry in a historical perspective and their impact on the teaching. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 28: 1171–1189 (2024)

Books and chapters

  • G. Inzelt: Conducting polymers – A New Era in Electrochemistry, Springer, 2008, 2nd edn. 2012.
  • G. Inzelt: Electrochemical Dictionary A. J. Bard, G. Inzelt, F. Scholz (eds.) Springer, 2008, 2nd edn edition 2012. 155 entries.
  • G. Inzelt: Electroanalytical Chemistry, A. J. Bard (ed.) Mechanism of charge transport in polymer-modified electrodes. Marcel Dekker, Vol.18. 1994. pp. 89-241.
  • G. Inzelt: Electroanalytical Methods, F. Scholz (ed.) Chapters I.3. Kinetics of electrode reactions, II.4. Chronocoulometry, II. 10, Electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalance, IV.1. Seminal Publications in Electrochemistry and Electroanalysis (with F. Scholz and Z. Stojek), Springer, 2002, 2nd edn. 2010, Russian edn. Binom, Moscow, 2006.  
  • G. Inzelt: Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry, Vol. 7, A.J. Bard, M. Stratmann, F. Scholz, Ch. Pickett (eds.), Chapters 1. Standard potentials, 2. Standard, formal and other characteristic potentials of selected electrode reactions, 7.2. Nitrogen oxides and oxyanions, 18. The nickel group (nickel, palladium, platinum) (with G. Horányi), Wiley-VCH, 2006.
  • G. Inzelt: Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry, Vol. 10, A.J. Bard, M. Stratmann, I. Rubinstein, J. Rusling, M. Fujihara (eds.), Ch. 9. Charge transport in polymer modified electrodes, Wiley-VCH, 2007.
  • G. Inzelt (with G. Láng):  Electropolymerization, S. Cosnier, A. Karyakin (eds.) Ch. 3. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) for Polymer Characterization, Wiley-VCH, 2010.
  • G. Inzelt: Dvenadcaty imen Rossii, Gy. Szvák (ed.) Dmitrij Ivanovich Mendeleev, Knyigi po rusistike Vol. 35, Hungarian Institute of Russian Studies, Budapest, 2012, pp. 165-181. (in Russian)
  • G. Inzelt:  Handbook of Reference Electrodes, G. Inzelt, A. Lewenstam, F. Scholz (eds.) Chapters 1. Electrode potentials, 14. Pseudo-reference electrodes, Springer, 2013.
  • G. Inzelt: Encyclopedia of Applied Electrochemistry, G. Kreysa; K. I. Ota; R. F. Savinell (eds.) Chronoamperometry, Chronocoulometry, and Chronopotentiometry, Coulometry, Radiotracer Methods, Springer, 2014.
  • G. Inzelt: Electrochemistry in a Divided World. Innovations in Eastern Europe in the 20th Century, F. Scholz (ed.), Ch. 12. Hungarian Comets in the Sky of Electrochemistry, Springer, 2015.


  1. ^ "Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Chemistry Institute Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry". 2024-07-27.
  2. ^ "F. Scholz, M. A. Vorotyntsev: György Inzelt - a tribute on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 15: 2277–2278 (2011)". 2024-07-27.
  3. ^ "Fellows of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)". 2024-07-27.
  4. ^ "Babes-Bolyai University Honoris Causa doctors". 2024-07-27.
  5. ^ "G. G. Láng: George Inzelt: a tribute on the occasion of his 70th birthday. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 20: 2913–2914 (2016)". 2024-07-27.
  6. ^ "B. B. Berkes, V. Kertész, Á. Kriston: George Inzelt: a tribute on the occasion of his 75th birthday. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 25, 2703–2704 (2021)". 2024-07-27.
  7. ^ "Google Scholar". 2024-07-04.
  8. ^ "F. Scholz, G. G. Láng: Congratulations to George Inzelt on the occasion of his 75th birthday. J. Solid State Electrochemistry 25: 2701 (2021)". 2024-07-27.
  9. ^ "ELTE Chemistry PhD School". 2024-07-27.
  10. ^ "Hungarian Doctoral Council". 2024-07-27.