

    • Hana Bath**
    • Born:** 3 March, 2010
    • Nationality:** Australian
    • Occupation:** Figure Skater
    • Early Life and Background**

Hana Bath was born in Hobart, Tasmania, and later moved to South Perth. She began skating at the age of 2 and started formal lessons when she was 5. Hana trains under Evgeni and Maria Borounov at Cockburn Ice Arena in Perth.

    • Career Highlights**

Hana gained media attention as the first Australian woman to land a triple axel in competition. She has competed in both junior and senior national championships, winning multiple titles.

    • 2022-2023 Season**

- Won the junior national title and a silver medal in the senior competition. - Competed in the Junior Grand Prix (JGP) in Bangkok, placing 6th.

    • 2023-2024 Season**

- Won two national titles with flawless performances. - Made her debut at the Junior World Championships in Taipei, finishing 26th.

    • 2024-2025 Season**

- Started the season with JGP Bangkok, placing 7th. - Noted for her impressive jumps and ice coverage.

    • Training**

Hana trains 18 hours a week and is known for her strong jumping skills. She is currently focusing on improving her artistry.

    • Personal Life**

Hana's dedication to figure skating is supported by her coaches and family. Her home rink, Cockburn Ice Arena, plays a significant role in her training and development.