Draft:Hanna Nordenhök

Hanna Nordenhök (born 1977) is a Swedish author.

Hanna Nordenhök was born in Malmö, Sweden. She is the author of five novels, of which Caesaria [1] has been translated into English by Saskia Vogel [2]. In the Telegraph review Caesaria was described as "a magnificent, gothic tal of a doctor who imprisons his patient" and a "sharp, haunting fable about the dangers of male violence" [3]. Nordenhök is also a literary critic and a translator from Spanish. She has translated Alia Trabucco Zerán, Fernanda Melchor, Gabriel García Márquez and Eduardo Halfon, among others, into Swedish.



[1] https://nord.news/en/2021/04/23/hanna-nordenhok-wins-swedish-radios-novel-prize-2021/

[2] https://www.heloisepress.com/book/caesaria

[3] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/review-caesaria-hanna-nordenok/