Draft:Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council

Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC) is responsible for supporting national policies in nanotechnology development and supervising their implementation[1]. INIC's main mission is to enable Iran to achieve a prominent place among advanced countries in nanotechnology as well as leveraging nanotechnology in economic development of the country. By providing facilities, creating market and removing the impeding obstacles, INIC aims to pave the road for private sector activity in the field of nanotechnology and generation of wealth in the country.Background

The history of the establishment of the council dates back to late 1999 and early 2000. During this time, Professor Gholamali Mansouri, a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, in a meeting with the late Dr. Mohammad Taghi Ebtekar, who was the science and technology advisor to Mr. Khatami at that time, expressed the importance and status of nanotechnology and its impact on the scientific and industrial future of the world. Dr. Ebtekar subsequently, in a letter that later became the main document of the Iranian government's attention to nanotechnology, requested Seyed Mohammad Khatami to establish a cohesive organization to focus on the topic of nanotechnology, and his initial proposal was the formation of such an organization in the Office of Technological Cooperation of the President, which was considered and approved by Khatami. After that, the Nanotechnology Policy Studies Committee was established in the Office of Technological Cooperation of the Presidency, which operated under the same name from 2001 to 2003 and was transformed into the Special council for the Development of Nanotechnology in 2003."


  1. ^ "IRAN Nanotechnology Innovation Council". IRAN Nanotechnology Innovation Council. Retrieved 2024-09-18.