

JadooTV is a South Asian IPTV software and TV box which has a variety of TV boxes, like the most popular being the Jadoo 7, Jadoo 5s, and Jadoo 4, mostly from a YouTuber called TheGreatUnknown Productions.



The history isn't really known, but it's history started off with the Jadoo 1. Over all, in it's start, the Jadoo 3 was the best. Then came on the Jadoo 4, supporting VPNs and using Android 4/4.1, while handling YouTube.



• Jadoo • Jadoo 2 • Jadoo 3 • Jadoo 3s • Jadoo 4 • Jadoo 5 • Jadoo 5s • Jadoo 7

Fake Creations


The whole fake creations on Jadoo TV boxes are popular now-days.

• The Anti-Piracy Software

The software includes and starts when you watch a video on the media player, which it will give the " Error 1: Possible Piracy Error" and a "Please proceed to fix the problem!" sign on the front and bottom left.

Then it leads to a verification test, which has the user put in the box code on the back of the TV box.

Then the startup becomes glitchy and leads to a "Do not pirate Jadoo 4.It has serious consequences!" glitched sound after the startup ends, with a skull shaped with text.

• The 100 above degree overheating cooling system

Not many information on the system, but it is terrible, and can cause your Jadoo 4 or other model to go on fire.

Current History


Has now stopped production of anything.