Draft:Kharkiv Humanitarian Pegagogical Academy

  • Comment: All sources are primary sources from the school's own website. We need independent sources. WikiDan61ChatMe!ReadMe!! 13:12, 31 January 2024 (UTC)

Municipal establishment "Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv Regional Council


Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy is a municipal higher education institution of III accreditation level in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy Logo



In 1920, by the decision of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR, a professional and pedagogical school was opened in Kharkiv. In 1921, it was renamed to pedagogical courses named after H. S. Skovoroda.

In 1925, the courses were reorganized into a pedagogical technical school. In 1937, the Pedagogical Technical School was renamed to the Pedagogical School. In 1957, the music and pedagogical department was opened.

In the 1970s and 1980s there were 2,000 students in three departments – school, preschool, and music-pedagogical. They were taught by 215 teachers.

In 1993, by the decision of the board of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine dated May 26, the school was granted the status of a pedagogical college – a higher education institution of II accreditation level, and since October 2004 the college was reorganized into a higher education institution of III accreditation level – Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, with the Pedagogical College in its structure.

In 2011, the institute acquired the status of an academy (Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy).

Structure, specialties


The Academy has 4 faculties (Preschool, Special Education and History; Psychological and Pedagogical; Socio-Pedagogical Sciences and Foreign Philology; Physical Education and Arts), and 16 departments. Training is provided in 14 majors, and 15 minors in full-time and extramural forms of education. Kharkiv College is an inseparable structural unit of the Academy. Fields of study: • Primary Education; • Pre-School Education; • Secondary Education (Musical Art); • Secondary Education (Language and Foreign Literature (English)); • Secondary Education (Physical Education); • Secondary Education (Informatics); • Social Work; • Special Education; • Physical Culture and Sports; • Musical Art; • Cultural Studies; • Philology; • Psychology; • Biology and Biochemistry; • History and Archaeology; • Educational and Pedagogical Sciences.



Halyna Ponomaryova is the rector of Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, eminent educator of public education of Ukraine, academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, academician of the National Academy of Human Problems, the author of a monograph, 36 educational methodological and research works, Knight of the Order of Princess Olha III and II degrees, winner of the «Business Woman of Ukraine» contest.



Preschool, Special Education and History


The dean of the faculty is Khrystyna Shaparenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Students are trained in the following fields: 012 «Preschool Education», 016 «Special Education», 032 «History and Archeology».

The term of study is 3 years and 9 months based on basic comprehensive secondary education; 3 years and 9 months based on complete comprehensive secondary education; 1 year 9 months based on the educational qualification level «junior specialist/bachelor» and 1 year 4 months based on basic or higher education. Training in major disciplines is provided by the following departments: Theory and Methods of Preschool Education (head of the department is M. Rohanova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor), Special Education, Special Psychology and Inclusive Education (interim head of the department is A. Piekharieva, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor), History and Social and Economic Disciplines (interim head of the department is E. Khriapin, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor). All graduates of the faculty have the opportunity to work as educators of preschool education institutions, leaders of art clubs, educators of speech therapy groups, and organizers of physical education. Facilities: lecture halls with modern equipment. Students of the faculty participate and win in all-Ukrainian, international, and regional olympiads and competitions.

Psychological and Pedagogical


The dean of the faculty is Oksana Babakina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

The deputy dean is Liudmyla Chetaieva.

The faculty trains specialists in field 013 Primary Education according to the degree system of education. Current curricula and programs of academic disciplines provide training:

  • at the college – specialists in field 013 Primary Education at educational qualification level «junior bachelor», qualification awarded: primary school teacher with one of the additional qualifications. The term of study is 3 years 9 months based on basic comprehensive secondary education;
  • in the academy – bachelor's degree in field 013 Primary Education, qualification awarded: primary school teacher, 034 Cultural Studies, 035 Philology, 053 Psychology, 091 Biology and Biochemistry. The term of study is 3 years and 9 months based on complete comprehensive secondary education.
  • Bachelor's degree based on the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist/bachelor (provided the appropriate direction of training) with 1 year 9 months term of study;
  • masters degrees based on the educational and qualification level of a specialist or a bachelor's degree.

Additional qualifications:

  • leader of the informatics club;
  • leader of the fine arts club;
  • English language teacher in primary school;
  • leader of the children’s choreographic club.

The educational process at the faculty is provided by three departments: the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Primary Education and Educational Management, the Department of Natural Sciences, and the Department of Ukrainian Linguistics, Literature, and Teaching Methods.

Alumni’s field of activity


Graduates of the faculty work as teachers in education institutions of various types. According to the additional qualification, graduates have the right to teach English and lead computer science and fine art clubs or children’s choreographic groups.



Classrooms with modern equipment, classrooms for individual music lessons, computer classrooms connected to a local network with Internet access, gyms and fitness centers, and rooms for rhythmic classes. Students’ extracurricular activities. The teaching staff of the faculty is the initiator and organizer of various educational events. Among them, the following are particularly popular: «Miss of the Faculty», the artistic amateur competition «Our Talents», «Debut», «Festival of Lovers’ Hearts», a competition for teaching skills, and a photo exhibition. Students of the faculty are winners of the stages of the Petro Yatsyk International Competition, winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student’s research work, and All-Ukrainian Internet projects within the framework of international programs.

Socio-Pedagogical Sciences and Foreign Philology


The dean of the faculty is Tamara Otroshko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Training is conducted in the following fields:

  • 014 Secondary Education (Informatics);
  • 014 Secondary Education (Language and Foreign Literature (English));
  • 231 Social work.

The term of study is 3 years and 9 months.

Training in special disciplines is provided by the departments of Mathematics and Physics; Computer Science; Social Work; and Foreign Philology. Classes are conducted by highly qualified academic staff.

Alumni’s field of activity


All graduates of the faculty have the opportunity to work as teachers in comprehensive education institutions of all types, social educators in those institutions in case such a position is available. Students’ extracurricular activities. The faculty has dance clubs and sports sections. Students of the faculty participate in olympiads and competitions.

Physical Education and Arts


The dean of the faculty is Viktoria Beskorsa, Candidate of Art Studies, Associate Professor.

Training is conducted in the following fields:

  • 014 Secondary Education (Physical Education);
  • 014 Secondary Education (Musical Arts);
  • 017 Physical Culture and Sports;
  • 034 Cultural Studies.

Training in special disciplines is provided by the departments: Piano (head of the department is O. Tsuranova, Candidate of Art Studies, Associate Professor), Musical and Instrumental Teacher Training (interim head of the department is V. Tyshchyk, Candidate of Art Studies, Senior Lecturer), Vocal and Choral Teacher Training (head of the department is O. Khalieieva, Candidate of Art Studies, Associate Professor); Theories and Methods of Physical Education (head of the department is L. Shesterova, Candidate of Physical Education and Sport, Professor), Physical Education and Advanced Training in Sports (head of the department is O. Shkola, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor), Cultural Studies and Arts (head of the department is S. Nikulenko, Candidate of Art Studies, Associate Professor).

Alumni’s field of activity


All graduates of the faculty have the opportunity to work as physical education teachers in comprehensive education institutions of all types, sports coaches in children's and youth sports schools, physical education instructors in preschool educational institutions, and music teachers.

Students’ extracurricular activities


There are scientific student groups, a theater club, choir and dance groups, instrumental, vocal-instrumental ensembles, a folk vocal group "Girls’ Singers", and 13 sports sections at the faculty. Students of the faculty participate and win in all-Ukrainian and international olympiads, festivals, contests in various kinds of sports, World, European, and Ukrainian championships, etc.



Lecture halls with modern equipment, computer classrooms, sports and fitness centers, gyms, and rhythmic halls, playgrounds for basketball, volleyball, football, and handball games, and a sufficient amount of sports equipment and inventory.

Notable Alumni


More than 75,000 specialists have graduated from the educational institution, and 98% of alumni work in educational institutions of the Kharkiv region.



The library is an important structural unit that provides information support to the educational process at the academy. It has been operating since 1925.

The director of the library is Svitlana Samoilova.

The main tasks of the library are:

  • formation of industry information resources;
  • information and bibliographic service for information users.

The library consists of the Department of Document Collection and Accounting; the informational and Bibliographic Department; Department of Maintenance and Preservation of the Fund. All subdivisions serve 6,829 readers. The number of readers according to a single account is 3,010, of which 2,650 are students.

The fund includes more than 175,000 sources, among them tutorials and textbooks; fiction; periodicals; reference literature; scientific and methodological literature; and methodological support, which is the information prepared for students by teachers in electronic form (lectures, practical classes, laboratory, and self-work). There is a wide selection of works by Academy researchers: textbooks, tutorials, methodological recommendations, monographs, reference books, and materials from scientific conferences.

Cultural and educational events, including book and illustrated exhibitions (over 17 annually), organized by the library, are aimed at popularizing literature, and highlighting the historical development of Ukraine, and its culture. «Information Days» and «Department Days» organized by the library are very popular. The library participates in cultural and artistic events held at the academy.

The library has an automated information library system «UFD/Library», which made it possible to automate most of the library processes.



[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

  1. ^ "Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy".
  2. ^ "Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy Library".
  3. ^ "Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy Repository".
  4. ^ "Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy Telegram Channel".
  5. ^ "National agency for higher education quality assurance".
  6. ^ "Department of science and education".
  7. ^ "Profit Works".
  8. ^ "Modern education in Ukraine and abroad".