Ladochori (Greek:Λαδοχώρι/Ladokhóri,Albanian:Ledhezë) is a village in thesprotia,Epirus,Greece.Until 1927 the village was known as Λέδεζδα/Lédezda.[1]



It is boarder by igoumenitsa in the north,Plataria in the south,in the east by Graikochori and by the Ioanian sea to the west.

List of Albanian toponyms in Ladochori (not a full list):

Arat e Dimërenje - nuts, North.

Ar’ e Lagjushit – Nuts, East.

Ar’ e Madhe - Nuts, East.

Bajamet e Nanushénje - nuts, East.

Bakçeja e Ahmetit – swamp, South.

Burim’ e Xarrës - Water source, Southwest.The water is used for agricultural purpouses.

Dardh’ e Irës – pear,North.

Dardh’ e Madhe – pasture, East.

Dardh’ e Lules — nuts and olives, East.

Dàuleza - foothill shaped like a pear, në JL.

Deti - Ionian sea, West.

Faqa e Xarrës — Face of a mountain, East.

Férrasi - place with olives,East.

Grav’ e Xarrës - Cave, East.

Grik’ e Kallmit - passage with olives, East.

Gonéja - Forest and olives,East.

Gropa - Olive place, East.

Hund’ e Konotopit - garden with oranges,South.

Ira – Nuts, West.

Kallmì Xhojanjit - Stream and forest, East.

Klisha e Ledhezës – Church, North.

Kollovréqi – Ground, East.

Konaqa - Field with olives,North.

Kondizma – kondizmë, Center.

Korica — Olive place, East.

Kroi (i) Dhimës -mountain stream with olives, West.

Kulat e Kàllmit – pasture, South.

Kulat e Koricës – forest, South.

Kulat e Kollovreqit –forest,South.

Kuraja - small ridge,North.

Lëm e Mëllagës - stone lëmë,East.

Lëm e Xarrës - stone lëmë , East.

Lis i Lamerkës - Big tree, North.

Lis i Shakullit – Big tree with mark, West.

Lis i Zgarbullës – Tree,South.

Lucaz - field and muck were animals drink water, South.

Mullaga - field in mountain,East.

Mulliret - Ruins of mills,East.

Paniper – Forest,East.

Patagoma - field in mountain,East. Plaf/i - Forest edge, East.

Prroi Xarrës – stream of water,South. Pus i Ledhezës - rocky well,West .

Qaf’ e Merkos – nuts, East.

Qaf’ e Mullagës - mountain neck, East.

Stërgjone - Nuts on a mountain, East.

Shkall’ e Panisperes - mountain stairs in a forest, South.

Shkëmb i Kuq - Red rock on a mountain, West.

Varikua - nuts near the sea, West.

Vidhet - nuts and screws, West.

Xarra - Nuts in a field, North. Zavalia - Orages,North.

Zavali e Mesme - nuts and olive groove,East.

Zavali e Përtejme - nuts and olives, West.[2]



Ladochori, like Kastri is populated by orthodox Albanians and Greeks [3].In 1991 the population was 297,down from 341 in 1981[4]

Families in Ladochori[5]:

Adrianj, Dhimenj, Kolòi, Kominërit, Konstandinenj, Lolènj, Mihénj, Nanushénj.


  1. ^
  2. ^ Rrapaj. Fjalori Onomastik i Epirit. 1995. f. 181-182. Shënim: Për shkak të luftës së ftohtë, komunizmit dhe kufirit të mbyllur, studiuesi Fatos Mero Rrapaj nuk ishte në gjendje për të mbledhur një listë e plotë të toponimeve së fshatrave shqipfolës ortodokse. Informatorët e tij ishin shqiptarë muslimanë, të cilët kishin ndërveprime të vogla me këto fshatra. Treguan: 1) Mehmet Ahmet Fetahu, 61 vjeç, bujk, analfabet, nga Grykohori, refugjat i 1944-ës, sot me banim, në Shenavlash - Durrës. 2) Sali Ali Muho, 72 vjeç, bari, analfabet, nga Grykohori, refugjat i 1944-ës, sot me banim në Levan - Fier. 3) Osman lbrahimi, vjeç 66, bujk, analfabet, nga Grykohori, refugjat i 1944-ës, sot me banim në Tiranë.
  3. ^ Ethnologia Balkanica. LIT Verlag Münster. 2002. p. 179.
  4. ^
  5. ^ Rrapaj. Fjalori Onomastik i Epirit. 1995. f. 181.