Lakatabu is a Nigerian crime drama film directed by Odunlade Adekola, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Akorede Ibrahim. The film explores themes of corruption, betrayal, and social insecurity while relying heavily on familiar tropes from Adekola's earlier works, including Mufu Olosa Oko (2013), Oyenusi (2014), and Alani Pamolekun (2015).



The story follows Lakatabu, a once loyal enforcer who turns against society after being betrayed by the king he helped ascend to power. His reign of terror, marked by kidnapping, murder, and chaos, serves as a metaphor for the destructive consequences of unchecked power and systemic corruption. The narrative is interwoven with flashbacks that explore Lakatabu’s motivations and his fraught relationships with key figures, including the Babalawo who granted him mystical powers.[1]




  1. ^ Afriff (2024-07-22). "5 Things to Know About the Nollywood Blockbuster 'Lakatabu'". Afriff. Retrieved 2024-11-20.