Draft:List of death tolls by leaders

Here are the deaths caused by specific political leaders. The deaths are attributed both to the domestic situation due to state policy and to active killings by the military loyal to the leader in question.

leader low estimate high estimate synergistic avg place start finish period remarks
Mao Zedong 20,185,000 84,929,000[1][2] 41,404,008 People's Republic of China 1946 1976 30 years Critics of Mao Zedong have argued Mao's China saw unprecedented losses of human life through inhuman economic policies such as the Great Leap Forward, slave labor through the Laogai, violent political purges such as the Cultural Revolution the Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries, and class extermination through land reform The estimate of the minimum death toll is the sum of the minimum estimate of famine dead (11.6 million),[3] land reform and Campaign to Suppress Counterrevilutionaries dead (200,000)[4], China Civil War (8,000,000) and Cultural Revolution dead (400,000)[5] plus the minimum killed in the 1959 Tibetan uprising (85,000 to 87,000)

「History of the People's Republic of China (1949–1976)」も参照

Genghis Khan 30,000,000 57,000,000 41,352,146 Eurasia 1206 1227 21 years The number of the death toll containes the result of the conquests of Mongol Empire which he started and passed down to his descendants.
Adolf Hitler 35,740,000 45,759,692 40,440,715 Europe under Nazi Germany 1934 1945 11 years The estimate includes number of deaths in Europe under Nazi rule (excluding Italian military deaths) and Soviet famine in 1946-1947 and Fight and expulsion of Germans.
  • 4,900,000 to 6,200,000 Jews killed (2/3s to 78% of European Jewry killed)
  • 7,405,000 to 17,244,692 civilians and 13,000,000 to 19,350,000 German and Soviet soldiers alone 13,000,000 to 19,350,000 killed by Generalplan Ost and Hunger Plan
    • 2,470,000 to 11,149,692Non Jewish and Roma Soviet civilians killed
      • (500,000 died from Bombing of Soviet civilians alone)
    • 3,135,000 to 3,325,000 Non-Jewish Soviet POWs killed by Nazis
    • 1,800,000 to 2,770,000Poles and other Non-Jews killed by Nazis in Poland
    • 1,500,000 to 3,500,000 Civilians in Germany killed by Killed by Soviet retaliation
  • 130,000 to 500,000 killed in Porajmos (1/4 of Roma population)
  • 300,000 to 600,000 Serbians killed by the Ustaše
  • 300,000Great Famine (Greece)
  • 275,000 to 300,000 killed in Aktion T4
  • 80,000 to 200,000 killed in Elimination of Freemasons
  • 77,000 members of German resistance against Nazism executed
  • 20,000 to 25,000 Slovenes
  • 18,000 to 22,000Dutch famine of 1944–45
  • 7,000 Spanish Republican killed
  • 5,000 to 15,000 Homosexuals killed
  • 1,250 to 5,000 Jehovah's Witnesses killed
Hong Xiuquan 10,000,000 100,000,000 31,622,777 China (Qing) 1851 1864 13 years See also: Taiping Rebellion
An Lushan 13,000,000 36,000,000 21,633,308 China (Tang) 755 763 8 years See also: Anshi Rebellion
Joseph Stalin 14,183,790 27,159,386 19,627,099 Soviet Union 1922 1953 31 years Given the number of deaths due to his direct policies,



Participation in the war against Japan


Siberian internment


Continuation War


Winter War


Forced relocation


(See the original article for the source)

The Great Purge


Deportation of Germans

2 million people

Also, given the number of deaths due to his indirect policies,

Famine in the immediate aftermath of the Great War


Korean War

1.5 million ~

Deaths at the hands of communist governments in other countries established by Stalin



Bulgaria: 31,000


Poland: 22,000

Hungary: 27,000

East Germany: 70,000~100,000

Wilheim II 14,413,868 German Empire 1888 1918 30 years There is a lot of debate about war responsibility.

His imperialist policies led to the collapse of the Bismarck regime. If Germany had not invaded Serbia with its allies and fueled a confrontation with Russia, World War I would not have occurred. The estimate on the left is the sum of all the casualties of the First World War, excluding the civilian deaths in the Ottoman Empire, which were often attributable to internal affairs.

What is the basis for the specific figures? See Victims of the First World War

Fumimaro Konoe 6,976,197 22,910,000 12,642,178 Provisional Government of the Empire of Japan and the Republic of China 1937 1941 4


The Sino-Japanese War was the main factor in the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War due to the dispatch and invasion of China decided by him, and the deterioration of Japan-US relations due to the invasion of France and India.

The estimate on the left is the sum of all the casualties of the Second Sino-Japanese War and the casualties of the Japanese and American forces in the Pacific War. However, the victims of incidents unrelated to the policies of the Japan government, such as the Yellow River burst caused by the Chinese Nationalist government, were excluded.

In addition, there is still a lot of debate about Japan's responsibility for the war.

Timur 8,000,000 17,000,000 11,661,904 Timurid Dynasty 1370 1405 35 years
Chiang Kai-shek 5,965,000 18,522,000 10,511,124 Republic of China 1928 1946 18 years Primarily from conscription campaigns but also grain confiscations and other atrocities.

「Mass killings under the Chinese Nationalist government」も参照

Nicholas II 9,994,180 10,437,549 10,213,458 Russian Empire 1868 1918 50 years There is a lot of debate about war responsibility.

The Russian Empire, while allied with France under his rule, was hostile to the Central Powers, and suffered many casualties by the lead. (See also the articles on World War I, the Ottoman Empire's entry into World War I, and the Russian Empire's entry into World War I.) In addition, the southward policy also caused the Russo-Japanese War.

The estimates on the left also include the war dead in Russia, France, Germany, Austria=Hungary in World War I, the war dead in the Ottoman Empire, and the war dead in the Russo-Japanese War. Also, for the basis of the specific number of casualties, see also "Victims of World War I"

Vladimir Lenin 1,250,000 15,000,000 4,330,127 Soviet Union 1917 1924 7 years See also: Russian Revolution, Russian Civil War, Russian Famine (1921-1922)
Ferdinand II 4,000,000 12,000,000 6,928,203 Holy Roman Empire 1619 1637 18 yeas See also: Thirty Years' War
Leopold II 3,000,000 13,000,000 6,244,998 Congo Free State 1885 1908 13 years Private forces under the control of Leopold II of Belgium carried out mass murders, mutilations, and other crimes against the Congolese in order to encourage the gathering of valuable raw materials, principally rubber. Significant deaths also occurred due to major disease outbreaks and starvation, caused by population displacement and poor treatment.  Estimates of the death toll vary considerably due to the lack of a formal census before 1924, but a commonly cited figure of 10 million deaths was obtained by estimating a 50% decline in the total population during the Congo Free State and applying it to the total population of 10 million in 1924.  See also: Atrocities in the Congo Free State
Hideki Tojo 7,390,000 Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

(Empire of Japan)

1941 1944 3 years The estimates on the left exclude deaths in India, which was heavily influenced by the British, among the deaths in the newly occupied territories of the Pacific War that he led.
Aurangzeb 5,000,000 Mughal Empire 1658 1707 49 years See also: Deccan War
Napoleon Bonaparte 3,500,000 7,000,000 4,949,747 French Empire 1803 1815 13


See also: Napoleonic Wars
Hernán Cortés 729,000 24,300,000 4,208,883 Spanish Empire 1519 1547 28 years We don't know the exact figures, but we calculated the lowest estimate because the Aztec Mexico he conquered had a decline of 24.3 million natives (from which the maximum estimate was calculated), and at least 3% of them were due to non-disease

See also: Conquistador, Spanish conquest of the Aztec kingdom

Laurent Kabila 2,738,000 6,285,000 4,148,292 Democratic Republic of the Congo 1997 2001 4 years "第一・第二コンゴ戦争」
Kim il sung 1,900,000 6,000,000 3,376,389 North Korea 1949 1994 55 years Korean War

1.5 million ~

concentration camp


(Including those made by successors after death)

Pol Pot 1,816,734 4,030,000 2,705,815 Cambodia 1963

(Appointed General Secretary of the Party)


(Resignation of the Anti-Vietnam Alliance)

22 years Cambodian Genocide

Number of victims: 1,386,738 ~3,400,000

(Deaths due to arbitrary torture, execution, starvation, and forced labor among the population of Cambodia under the rule of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, including both killings of ethnic Khmer (the majority ethnic group) as well as a genocide of religious and ethnic minorities by the Khmer Rouge. Minimum death toll is the number of corpses found in the Killing Fields. [要出典])

Cambodian Civil War

Number of victims: 400,000 ~ 600,000

Cambodia-Vietnam War

Number of victims:

Radama I 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 Madagascar 1829 1842 13 years Putting an end to most foreign trade relationships, Ranavalona I pursued a policy of self-reliance, made possible through frequent use of the long-standing tradition of fanompoana—forced labor in lieu of tax payments in money or goods. Ranavalona continued the wars of expansion conducted by her predecessor, Radama I, in an effort to extend her realm over the entire island, and imposed strict punishments on those who were judged as having acted in opposition to her will. Due in large part to loss of life throughout the years of military campaigns, high death rates among fanompoana workers, and harsh traditions of justice under her rule, the population of Madagascar is estimated to have declined from around 5 million to 2.5 million between 1833–39, and from 750,000 to 130,000 between 1829–42 in Imerina.  These statistics have contributed to a strongly unfavorable view of Ranavalona's rule in historical accounts.
Winston Churchill 1,500,000 4,000,000 2,449,490 United Kingdom 1940 1945 6 years War-related administrative policies in India by him ultimately helped to cause the massive death toll (Bengal famine).
Lyndon Johnson 966,000 3,800,000 2,383,000 America 1963 1969 6 years See also: Vietnam War
Kim Jong-il 760,000 5,600,000 2,063,008 North Korea 1993 2011 18 years Deaths from the March of Hardship


~5 million


Death toll in concentration camps


(In the left estimate, assuming that the number of deaths in the above period is the same every year, the number of deaths in 1993~2011 is estimated with two significant digits.)

Also, for the situation in North Korea that continues to the present, see also "North Korean human rights issues"

Talaat Pasha 1,489,000 2,810,000 2,045,505 Ottoman Empire 1913 1918 5 years Under the Young Turks' regime whose leader is him, the Ottoman Empire committed various genocides and ethnic cleansings. The death toll is derived from the sum of the death tolls of the Armenian Genocide (800,000 to 1,500,000), Assyrian Genocide (150,000 to 300,000), Greek Genocide (289,000 to 750,000), ethnic cleansing of the Thracian Bulgarians in 1913 (50,000 to 60,000), and the Great Famine of Mount Lebanon (200,000).
Yakub Gowon 2,045,000 2,075,000 2,059,945 Nigeria 1966 1975 9 years See also: Biafra War
Charles X 1,380,000 2,980,000 2,027,905 Kingdom of France 1824 1830 6 years 980,000~1,480,000 in the invasion of Algeria, and the Algerian war that was later caused by it

40~1.5 million people were killed. Please refer to each article for the basis of specific figures.

Leonid Brezhnev 2,015,000 2,015,000 2,015,000 Soviet Union 1964 1982 18 years See also: Afghanistan conflict
Toyotomi Hideyoshi 1,000,000 3,440,000 1,854,724 Japan 1591 1599 8 years This is only for the victims of the Bunroku and Keicho roles performed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and does not include the deaths of the leaders who took place before the unification of Japan.
Herbert Henry Asquith 1,796,597 British Empire 1908 1916 8 yeas The estimate on the left is the sum of the casualties of the country and the African theater due to its participation in World War I.

The basis for the detailed figures is See also: Victims of the First World War

Omar Al = Bashir 1,063,000 2,530,000 1,639,936 Sudan 1989 2019 29 years 1 to 2 million: Second Sudanese Civil War

63,000 to 530,000:Darfur genocide

Suharto 680,500 3,418,000+ 1,525,106+ Indonesia 1965 1998 33 years 65/66 Politicide: 500,000 to 3,000,000 "communists"

East Timor Atrocities: 60,000 to 308,000 East Timorese West Papua Atrocities: 100,000 papuans Petrus Killings: 2,000 to 10,000 suspected criminals

Francisco Pizarro 256,350 8,582,000 1,483,238 Spanish Empire 1531 1541 10 years I don't know the exact figures, but in the area he conquered most of today's Chile, Peru, and Bolivia, 8,545,000 ~ 8,582,000 natives declined, at least 3% of which (the maximum estimate was used) was due to non-diseaseThe lowest estimate was calculated from this.

See also: Conquistador, Spanish conquest of the Aztec kingdom

Gaius Julius Caesar 1,460,000 Ancient Rome BC




17 years See also: Gallic Wars
Shaka Zulu 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,414,214 South Africa 1816 1828 12 years See also: Mfecane
Mengistu Haile Mariam 1,400,000 Ethiopia 1977 1987 10 years 1983-1985 Ethiopian Famine,

See also: Ethiopian Civil War

Appius Claudius Caudex 1,170,000 1,260,000 1,214,166 Ancient Rome BC


? He instigated the First Punic War, which was also the cause of the Second Punic War. The high estimate also includes the number of Carthaginian rebel soldiers in the mercenary war.
Yahya Khan 400,000 3,600,000 1,200,000 Pakistan 1969 1971 2 years See also: Bangladesh War of Independence
Zhang Xianzhong 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 China (Ming) 1644 1646 2 years
Du Wenxiu 1,000,000 China (Qing) 1856 1873 17 years See also: Pansee Rebellion
Bagosora 750,000 1,174,000 938,349 Rwanda 1994 1994 1 years See also: Rwandan genocide
Charles I 876,000 876,000 876,000 British Isles 1629 1649 20 years His tyranny led to the Triple War, and many people were killed until the constitutional monarchy he rejected was established.

See also "Puritan Revolution" above

Ferdinand I 700,000 Kingdom of Romania 1914 1927 13 years The estimate on the left is the number of casualties in the country due to its participation in World War I.

What is the basis for the specific figures? See also: Victims of the First World War

Nicholas I 615,378 673,015 643,552 Russian Empire 1825 1855 30 years See also: Crimean War
Saddam Hussein 200,000 2,000,000 632,456 Iraq 1979 2003 24 years see Human rights in Ba'athist Iraq#Number of victims
Ho Chi Minh 328,000 1,169,000 619,219 Vietnam 1953 1956 3 years land reform in North Vietnam


Massacres of civilians (including those by successors) 133,000~304,000

Charles de Gaulle 597,000 597,000 597,000 France 1944 1946 2 years See also: First Indochina War
Ante Pavelic

Nikola Mandić

300,000 1,088,000 571,314 Croatia 1941 1945 4 years See also: Independent State of Croatia
André Masangaissa

English version

300,500 1,025,500 555,124 Republic of Mozambique 1977 1979 2 years The estimate on the left is the sum of all the deaths from the war dead, starvation, and genocide of the RENAMO in the Mozambican civil war that he started.
Hadrian 500,000+ 600,000+ 547,723 Ancient Rome 117 138 19 years See also: Bal Kokba's rebellion
Zamora Machel 255,500 1,150,500 542,174 Republic of Mozambique 1975 1986 11 years The estimate on the left is the sum of all the deaths in battle, starvation, and FRELIMO repression in the Mozambican civil war led by FRELIMO.
Gessius Florus 250,000 1,100,000 524,404 Ancient Rome 64 66 2 years First Jewish–Roman War」も参照
Bharaji Bhaji Rao 490,000 550,000 519,134 Maratha Kingdom 1740 1761 21 years
Alexander III Hundreds of thousands (estimated by GPT-4) Kingdom of Argean Macedonia 356 BC 323 BC 33 years Answer by Copilot below

"Some historians estimate that the death toll from Alexander the Great's expedition to the East was in the hundreds of thousands. Such speculations take into account many factors, including the population density at the time, the scale and frequency of the fighting, and the size of the area affected by the war.

William McKinley 230,200 1,024,200 485,562 America 1897 1901 4 years See also: Philippine-American War
Pope Innocent III 200,000+ 1,000,000+ 447,214+ Europe 1198 1216 18 years The figures on the left are for the Albigensian Crusade only, and do not include other massacres such as the Fourth Crusade
Raghuzy Bonesleigh 400,000+ Maratha Kingdom


1738 1755 17 years Maratha invasions of Bengal」も参照
Mehmed IV 380,000+ Ottoman Empire 1648 1687 39 years The figures on the left are based only on the casualties of the Great Turkish War
Benito Mussolini 158,000 628,000 314,998 Italy, Libya, Ethiopia, Yugoslavia, Greece 1922 1945 24 years
  • 80,000 to 125,000[信頼性要検証] or over 1/4 of the CyrenaicanPacification of Libya
  • Ethiopia in which 62,000 to 485,000 Second Italo-Abyssinian War[信頼性要検証]
  • 11,000War crimes in Greece
  • 5,000 to 7,000. War crimes in Yugoslavia
Lu Hong peach

(English edition)

250,000 400,000 316,228 Vietnam 1072 1128 56 years "Song–Dai Viet warSee also
George W. Bush 244,124 266,427 255,031 America 2001 2009 8 years The war on terror he provoked involved many civilians. For details http://www.icti-e.com see /,http://icta.m-shonan.jp/
Francisco Franco 195,000 265,000 227,321 Spain, Australia, Russia 1939 1975 36 years Diseases and starvation: 130,000 (1939–1943)

Repression: 30,000–100,000 (1939–1948) Prison camps: 20,000 (1939–1943) Spanish Maquis: 5,548 (1939–1965) World War II: 5,000 (Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria) Blue Division: Casualties in the Russo-German conflict totalled 22,700. In action against the Blue Division, the Red Army suffered 49,300 casualties.

「Francoist Spain」も参照

Idi Amin 100,000 500,000 223,607 Uganda 1971 1979 8 years Idi Amin's rule of Uganda saw excessive and egregious human rights abuses toward ethnic minorities and political opposition, earning him the nickname "The Butcher of Uganda."
Josip Broz Tito 60,000 802,000 219,363 Yugoslavia 1944 1980 36 years
Oliver Cromwell 250,000 260,000 254,951 Ireland Island 1653 1658 3 years See also: Cromwell's invasion of Ireland
Abu Bakr al-= Baghdadi 232,500+ Iraq 2014 2019 5 years See also: Islamic State, fighting in Iraq (2013-2017)
Lee Seung-wan 200,00+ Republic of Korea 1919 1960 41 years See also: "Guardian League Case"
Claudius 132,935 292,935 197,336 Ancient Rome 41 54 13 years The estimated value on the left is also due to his conquest of the island of Britain
Harry S. Truman 150,000 246,000 192,094 America 1945 1953 8 years See Atomic bomb dropped on Japan
Ferdinand 187,500 Bulgaria 1887 1918 28 tears Deaths in their home countries due to participation in World War I
Gheorghe Gheorghiu = Desi 60,000 435,000 161,555 Romania 1945 1989 44 years The estimate on the left includes all the number of people who were sacrificed by the rule of Romania by the Romanian Communist regime with which he was in place.
Ivan IV 60,000  [Confidence to 検証]. 260,000 124,900 Russian Empire 1533 1584 51 years
Mohammed Siad Barre 50,000 200,000 100,000 Somalia 1988 1991 3 years See also: Isaaq genocide
Bashar Assad 100,000 100,000 100,000 Syria 2011 present 9 years See also: Syrian Civil War
Huyen Thong Bat

English version

95,000 95,000 95,000 South Vietnam 1975 1976 1 years See also: refresher camp
Holy Father 90,000+ Khitan

(Northeast China)

982 1031 49 years See also: Khitan's invasion of Goryeo
Jean = Bedel Bokassa 90,000 Central African Republic 1966 1976 10 years
King Salman 85,000 85,000 85,000 Saudi Arabia 2016 present 3 years See also: Famine in Yemen
Vlko Chervenkov 31,000 220,000 81,240 Bulgaria 1944 1954 5 years The estimate on the left includes all the numbers of people who were killed by the rule of Bulgaria by the Bulgarian Communist regime with which he was established.
Henry VIII 72,000 72,000 72,000 England 1509 1547 38 years
Tokugawa Ieyasu 30,350 162,600 70,249 Japan 1600 1616 6 years The number of deaths from the battles he led

・Battle of Sekigahara (there are various theories) 12,000-42,600

・Osaka-no-jin 18,350-120,000

Walter Ulbricht 70,000 70,000 70,000 East Germany 1950 1971 21 years The estimate on the left includes all the people who were killed by the rule of East Germany by the Socialist Unity Party of Germany government, which he instituted.
Vlad III 43,903 100,000 66,259 Wallachia 1456 1462 6 years
Clement Gottwald 65,000 65,000 65,000 Czechoslovakia 1948 1968 20 years The estimate on the left includes all the victims of the communist regime established by the political upheaval of 1948 that he led.
Francisco Macias Nguema 50,000 80,000 63,246 Equatorial Guinea 1968 1979 11 years Macías Nguema is regarded as one of the most kleptocratic, corrupt, and dictatorial leaders in post-colonial African history. Sources vary, but he was responsible for the deaths of anywhere from 50,000 to 80,000 of the 300,000 to 400,000 people living in the country at the time. [要出典]
Rafael Trujillo 50,000 50,000 50,000 Dominican Republic 1930 1938 8 years
François Duvalier 30,000 60,000 42,426 Haiti 1957 1971 14 years Duvalier's rule based on a purged military, a rural militia known as the Tonton Macoute, and the use of cult of personality, resulted in the murder of 30,000 to 60,000 Haitians, and the exile of many more. [要出典]
Issen Habre 40,000 40,000 40,000 Chad 1982 1990 8 years In May 2016, Hissène Habré was found guilty of human-rights abuses, including rape, sexual slavery, and ordering the killing of 40,000 people. He was sentenced to life in prison. He is the first former head of state to be convicted for human rights abuses in the court of another nation.
Tiberius 38,000 Ancient Rome 14 37 23 years
Matsukura Katsuya 28,130 42,712 34,662 Shimabara Domain

(Edo Shogunate)

1630 1638 8 years See also: Shimabara Rebellion
Feder Castro 9,240 92,400 29,219 Cuba 1961 2006 45 years Human rights in Cuba are under the scrutiny of Human Rights Watch, which accuses the Cuban government of systematic human rights abuses. This includes offenses such as arbitrary imprisonment, unfair trials, and extrajudicial execution.
Ayatollah Khomeini 10,482 48,000 22,431 Iran 1979 1989 10 years 4,482 to 30,000 in P.O.C. massacre

6,000 to 18,000 child soldiers killed (refer to earlier tables on page)

Bolesław Bierut 22,000 22,000 22,000 People's Republic of Poland 1948 1956 44 years First leader of the United Workers' Party of Poland

The estimate on the left also includes all victims up to the democratization (1987).

Tomás de Torquemada 2,000 124,621 15,787 Spanish Empire 1480 1498 18 years Minimum death toll only includes lowest estimate of those burned at the stake, whereas the maximum death toll also includes those who died from hunger and torture.
Rākosi Matthias 27,000 27,000 13,748 Hungary 1948 1956 8 years 150,000 perished in concentration camps, and only counts the 5,000 alleged spies and 2,000 party members executed, noting that 5,000 spies came from only 98,000 out of 700,000 alleged spies. 「ハンガリー共産党」も参照
Enver Hoxha 5,000 28,000 11,832 Albania 1941 1985 44 years
Daniel-François Marin 18,997  [Credible Certificate]. 21,000 19,999 South Africa 1948 1954 6 years The estimate on the left is an estimate of the number of victims of the apartheid policy that he established.
Ferdinand Marcos 3,257 80,000 16,142 Philippines 1965 1986 21 years The conservative estimate is recorded from 1975 to 1985, while the maximum estimate is recorded from 1965 to 1976. Also Includes those from the Moro conflict.
Tiberius 9,500  [Confidence to 検証]. 9,500 9,500 Ancient Rome 14 37 23 years
Caligula 9,000 9,000 9,000 Ancient Rome 37 41 4 years
Johnny Paul Coloma 6,000 6,000 6,000 Sierra Leone 1997 1998 1 year
Nero 5,750 5,750 5,750 Ancient Rome 54 68 14 years
  1. ^ "Communist Body Count". Scott Manning. 2006-12-04. Retrieved 2024-08-19.
  2. ^ Template:Cite web2
  3. ^ Template:Cite web2
  4. ^ Gruson, Sidney. "Mao Text Shows Reds 'Liquidated' 800,000 Since '49". New York Times.
  5. ^ Template:Cite book2