Draft:List of natural materials with artificial or synthetic alternatives

This is a list of natural products that also have artificial or synthetic alternatives. Not in this list should be included decorative replicas which only replicate optical features.

Minerals and Jewelry

Natural product artificial alternative
Diamond Synthetic diamond
Salt Salt substitute
Sapphire Synthetic sapphire
Emerald Synthetic emerald
Gemstone Artificial gemstones
Pearl Imitation pearl
Ruby Artificial ruby
Rutile Synthetic rutile
Opal Synthetic opal
Quartz Synthetic quartz

Building materials, textiles and decorations

Natural product artificial alternative
Stone Artificial stone
Wood Engineered wood
Turf Artificial turf
Plant Artificial plants
Tree Artificial tree
Fiber Synthetic fiber
Paper Synthetic paper
Nacre Manufactured nacre
Marble Artificial marble
Natural rubber Synthetic rubber
Ivory Synthetic ivory
Silk Artificial silk

Crops and edibles

Natural product artificial alternative
Rice Artificial rice
Coffee bean Coffee substitute
Sugar Sugar substitute
Palm oil Synthetic palm oil

Animal products

Natural product artificial alternative
Meat Cultured meat, Meat alternative
Honey Inverted sugar syrup, Bee Free Honee
Milk Milk substitute
Fur Fake fur
Wool Mineral wool
Leather Artificial leather
Butter Margarine, Artificial butter flavoring
Egg Egg substitutes
Cheese Cheese analogue
Fat Fat substitute
Sponge Sponge (tool)
bacterial Vaccine Synthetic vaccine

organs and medicine

Natural product artificial alternative
Heart Artificial heart
Lung Artificial lung
limbs Artificial Limb
Ear Artificial ear, Direct acoustic cochlear implant, Cochlear implant, Auditory brainstem implant
Eye Artificial eye, Retinal implant, Visual prosthesis,Artificial iris
Bladder Artificial bladder
Brain Artificial brain
Penis (Corpora cavernosa) Penile implant, Dildo
Foreskin Artificial foreskin
Vagina Artificial vagina, Fleshlight
Liver Artificial liver
Uterus Artificial uterus
Skin Artificial skin
Ovary Artificial ovary
Pancreas Artificial pancreas
Kidney Artificial kidney
Bone Artificial bone
Hip Artificial hip
Tooth Dentures
Larynx Artificial larynx
White blood cell Artificial white blood cells
Hormone Synthetic hormones
Cell (biology) Artificial cell
Neuron Artificial neuron
Immune system Artificial immune system
Muscle Artificial muscle, Pneumatic artificial muscles
Chromosome Artificial chromosome
Ligament Artificial ligament
Enzyme Artificial enzyme
Tongue Electronic tongue
Nose Electronic nose
Urethral sphincters Artificial urinary sphincter
Saliva Artificial saliva

Beauty and Acting

Natural product artificial alternative
Beard Fake moustache
Hair Artificial hair integrations
Nail (anatomy) Artificial nails
Tears Artificial tears
Blood Theatrical blood

Natural concepts and proccesses

Natural product artificial alternative
Intelligence Artificial intelligence
Gravity Artificial gravity
Empathy Artificial empathy
Flying and gliding animals Aircraft, Ornithopter
Diving animals Underwater vehicle
Swimming Watercraft
Fertilisation In vitro fertilisation,Assisted reproductive technology
Insemination Artificial insemination
Feeding Artificial rearing
Sunlight Artificial sunlight, Tanning lamp, Sunless tanning
Biosphere Artificial biosphere
Pollination Hand-pollination
Egg incubation Incubator (egg)
Hibernation Suspended animation
Life Artificial life
Photosynthesis Artificial photosynthesis
Vision Computer vision
Animal locomotion Robot locomotion
Color Artificial color

Geography and Weather

Natural product artificial alternative
Island Artificial island
Planet Artificial planet
Universe Fictional universe, Synthetic environment
River Canal
Lake Artificial lakes
Land Land reclamation
Beach Artificial beach
Reef Artificial reef
Sky Artificial sky
Wetland Constructed wetland
Cave Artificial cave
Cloud Anthropogenic cloud
Weather Weather modification
Smoke and Fog Theatrical smoke and fog
Snow Artificial snow
Ice Artificial ice, Synthetic ice
Wave Artificial wave
Whitewater Artificial whitewater


Natural product artificial alternative
Seawater Artificial seawater
Watering hole Artificial watering point
Coal, Petroleum or biomass fuel Synthetic fuel, Synthetic oil, Syngas
Cannabis (drug) Synthetic cannabinoids

