
Melanolipofuscin is a form of melanosome that contains lipofuscin. It is accumulating in the retinal pigment epithelium of aged human eyes. It is of greatest risk to develop age related macular degeneration [1] It was recently shown that it originates when melanin loose the capacity to degrade lipofuscin and its precursors [2] Melanolipofuscin can be degraded by melanin and drugs [3]


  1. ^ Feeney L. Lipofuscin and melanin of human retinal pigment epithelium. Fluorescence, enzyme cytochemical, and ultrastructural studies. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1978;17(7):583-600.
  2. ^ Lyu Y, Tschulakow A, Schraermeyer U. Melanosomes degrade lipofuscin and precursors that are derived from photoreceptor membrane turnover in the retinal pigment epithelium—an explanation for the origin of the melanolipofuscin granule. 2022.; bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.02.16.480523
  3. ^ Lyu Y, Tschulakow AV, Wang K, Brash DE, Schraermeyer U. Chemiexcitation and melanin in photoreceptor disc turnover and prevention of macular degeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023;120(20):e2216935120.