From the Blue book of Optometrists p 582 -lots of text.

1963 Baird's page 505 has complete list.

The fraternity was founded at the Northern lllinois College of Optometry on May 21, 1917, by C. I. Josephson, Jr., of MoHne, I., and L. Gessett, of Hammond, Ind. So successful was the local chapter in its first endeavors that its members, ever mindful of the future of optometry and the great benefits that might be derived from national organization, undertook the problem of expansion. Ac cordingly, the Needles Institute of Optom' etry, at Kansas City, and the Los Angeles School of Optometry, now affiliated with the University of Southern California, were approached; and, as a result of the efforts expended, the national fraternity of Omega Delta was founded May 1, 1919. From then on, its progress has been rapid and unfaltering. Ideals and precedents were established to which the fraternity has rigidly adhered and which it will con- tinue to follow in all its activities.

Omega Delta's aims are twofold: (1) To foster and support ethical and profes- sional optometry in every way possible; and (2) to further the social and fraternal phases of college life, and, through these associations to build a finer and more close- ly coordinated background for the optom- etric profession. To carry these to comple- tion requires the unselfish cooperation of each and every member in the organization. It is with this thougLt in mind that the regional conclaves and the national con- vention are held annually.

All chapters east of the Mississippi are in the Eastern Regional District, and those west of the Mississippi are in the Western District. Conclaves alternate each year thus giving delegates the opportunity of personally meeting the men of the different chapters. In this manner, closer coopera- tion and harmony are developed. It is at these conclaves that matters pertinent to the respective chapters are discussed and recommendations made to the grand chap- ter which are taken under advisement at the annual national convention.

To those practicing optometrists who have made especially notable contributions to the profession as a whole, and who have labored diligently for the advance- ment of ethical optometry. Omega Delta, from time to time, extends the privilege of honorary membership. So that now there may be found on the fraternity roster the names of most of the outstanding men in the country in the field of optometry today.

So that all of its members may continue the work started in their college days, there is the National Alumni Association of Omega Delta. Through this organization, with which each member affiHates on grad- uation, the ideals and traditions of the fra- ternity are carried directly on. Plans and practices formulated while still in college are put into effect, and in this manner Omega Delta is carried directly into the private practice of each of its members, where the ideals to which they pledged themselves may be faithfully followed.