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Ottavio Rosati is an Italian film director, psychodramatist, producer and writer, works on the relationship between psychology and art.



He was born in Abruzzo in 1950 and has lived in Rome since the age of three. At the age of eight he decided to change his name to Ottavio. He obtained his classical high school diploma at the Mamiani high school in Rome in 1968 and graduated in philosophy at La Sapienza in 1973 with a thesis on theater and Jung's analytical psychology. He is a pupil of the writer Juan Rodolfo Wilcock and collaborates with Ciao 2001, weekly music pop and Il Mondo for which from 1972 to 1973 he interviewed personalities such as Marlene Dietrich and Ennio Flaiano[1][2]. From 1973 to 2019 he was in psychoanalytic training and supervision with Aldo Carotenuto, Paolo Aite, Nadia Neri, psychoanalyst) Mario Trevi[3], Giusi Cuomo Napolitani , Claudio Modigliani and .php Stefano Carta .

At the age of 22 he met the Americanist Fernanda Pivano with whom he will have a long relationship described in the docufilm Generations of love[4] and in the hyper-text un-ipertesto-di-ottavio-rosati-5 Four decades of Plays (the Theater of Time between Pivano and von Franz. In 1978 with the publishing house Astrolabio Ubaldini founded the magazine Atti dello psicodramma and since 1986 he has edited the Italian edition of the basic work of Jacob Levi Moreno Psychodrama and books by Didier Anzieu, Lewis Yablonsky, wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Sch%C3%BCtzenberger Anne Schützenberger and Gretel Leutz She publishes entries on psychodrama and active techniques for various publications including Enciclopedia del Teatro del Novecento[5] and the International Dictionary of Psychotherapy[6] ref>. His experimentation with psychocinema and sociodramma is discussed in articles, videos and books. After training in analytical psychodrama at the SEPT in Paris with the Lacanians Gennie and Paul Lemoine and in classical psychodrama at the Moreno Institute in Beacon (New York), he developed a new model of psychodrama and video therapy which he applied for nine years at the International School of Ceis of Rome. In the documentary The game of the clock (1988), dedicated to Mario Picchi, founder of CeIS, Rosati combines psychodrama with Six characters in search of author.


In 1990 he joined the Order of Psychologists.[7] and in the register of psychotherapists. In 2008 the MiUR recognized its School of Specialization in Psychodrama IPOD PLAYS. Rosati collaborates on Rai-radio3 for Terza pagina and Orione with interviews on James Hillman , Marie Louise von Franz, Lewis Yablonsky, Gretel Leutz, Allen Ginsberg[8] and with two documentaries: v=yOYcit-8kVQ my voice will accompany you My voice will accompany you on Milton_Erickson Milton Erickson and Jacob Levi Moreno interpreted by Dario Fo.

He realizes in Italy and abroad dozens of sociodrammi including gold-of-forgiveness The lead and gold of forgiveness for the Parents Circle of Tel Aviv ( Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rome, 2005) on peace between Israel and Palestine, (EEC and Teatro Stabile di Catania, 2008) on ecological education of children, -siena-2012 The risk of happiness (2011) in piazza del Campo in Siena with Luciana Santioli for the prevention of to addiction, L'amore in piazza[9] with flash mob for Order of Psychologists of Lazio and the series A Porte Aperte in Tuscany during the pandemic.

As activators of spontaneity and emotional involvement, he uses new pet therapy and psychoplay techniques with Teto and Isis, two cockatoo parrots who talk and interact with adults and children and with whom treats a case of psychosis. He calls them "transitional subjects". With them he also made the short film Stelle sopra, stelle sotto on wiki/Fernanda_Pivano Fernanda Pivano and Valeria Moriconi and the teaser of the film pet-therapy-2009 Cacatoa with music by Lelio Luttazzi.

As a director of psychodramas, Rosati uses actors, live music, sound effects and images, using rear-projections of photos and drawings of the characters staged, in the wake of Josef Svoboda the Prague set designer who influenced the development of contemporary multimedia theatre. This system also characterizes the project for the creation of a permanent psychodrama laboratory, "Il Teatro del Tempo" (conceived starting from the eighties with Fernanda Pivano and Aldo Carotenuto) a therapeutic space of the Faculty of Psychology and Architecture that Plays presents to the Lazio Region for the reopening of the Carlo Forlanini Hospital[10][11][12]

Theoretical model and proposals


As a psychodramatist, his theoretical model links Jacob Levi Moreno's role-playing to Donald Winnicott's conception of play and Jung's active imagination integrating it with theory of the reflective function of Peter Fonagy and Mary Target. Furthermore, he identifies a psychoneurological model for the treatment of PTSD, in the research of Jaak Panksepp on sub-cortical circuits and since 2018 he discloses them in socioplay as "Seven emotions" at the Off-Off Theater in Rome and at the Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation, dedicated to the seven basic emotions: sexuality, anger, fear, research, care, sadness, play. For Rosati the function that Jaak Panksepp calls 're-consolidation' corresponds to the 'catharsis of integration' which, in psychodrama, allows us to restructure alienating roles and emotional traumas. Rosati's approach starts from the first television experiments of Moreno produced by RTF, such as Le Psychodrame[13][14](1956, directed by Roberto Rossellini) and Psychodrame d'un mariage (1964, directed by Jean-Luc Léridon) at the basis of therapeutic cinema. Rosati has transformed the formulas of sociodrama into new theatrical and television formats for Rai, working on a spectacular as well as a clinical level.


Collaborates from 2004 to 2010, with Moreno Cerquetelli and Rosanna Cancellieri, on the TG3 space -YdHr59pc&list=PLPYEAhXhF49kDI2aZpTJ-DKOdyldgaORe è di scena Chi è di scena with interviews and reviews for the column Psyche and theater where he proposes to use the term "psychoplay" instead of "psychodrama" to translate the English word psychodrama.

The Chessboard and the Rascals


In 1986 Rosati proposes La Scacchiera, a new play therapy kinetic statuette , laser pointers and lights to move above a tower of transparent chessboards, which connects the work of Moreno to the /Immaginazione_attiva Active Imagination by Jung, to the model by Donald Winnicott and Margareth's sand play Lowenfeld.[15]. The Chessboard is a dynamic scenography within a system that offers the author of the game hundreds of action figures taken from the world of comics, cinema and archeology with which to create scenarios that emerge from the unconscious. The images can be restructured thanks to photographs and quick sequence shots made by the patient. Rosati points out that the first to fill the studio with statuettes was Freud, a collector of archaeological finds that affected patients but were not part of the analytic work, as the poet Hilda Doolittle recalls in her book The signs on the wall (1956).

The Chessboard also enters psychodramas and sociodramas such as Il Piombo e l'Oro del Perdono (2005), Sette Emozioni (2019) or The Struggle of Jacob (2017) at the Kunst-station of Cologne with Sidival Fila[16]. In 1990 he presented a new video therapy technique at the Faculty of Psychology of Rome Sapienza: Bricconaggio (cathartic games played by the protagonist outside the group, to elaborate an emotional trauma in a creative key).

2.141 / 5.000 Risultati della traduzione Risultato di traduzione In the first bricconaggio[17] video, film/131257/ The dogs of rotten water (2018), makes his coming out and the /Outing outing by his former teacher Mario Trevi[18][19][20]. The second is[21] in response to the Diaries (2009) of the writer who hide the story of their relationship four-year. The publication and promotion of the short film on the web (the antithesis of the classic psychoanalytic privacy) aim to give public prominence (and not only in therapeutic groups) to catharsis: The purpose of a scam is to get the victims of an affective trauma out of from loneliness and improper shame, to enter the role of authors and editors of their true story.

Da Storia nasce Storia: the psychocinema of Rai3


After searching in vain for the film of Psychodrame shot by Roberto Rossellni in 1956 for RTF in Paris[22], Rosati made the 1990 mini-series Playing the dream, filming the game[23]

The following year Rai 3, under the direction of Angelo Guglielmi, produces and broadcasts the series of psychodramas in prime time Da Storia nasce Storia (1991). In one episode he invites the psychoanalyst Aldo Carotenuto to a book-drama of the best seller Diary of a secret symmetry where Carotenuto staged the roles of Freud, Jung and Sabina Spielrein. Rosati turns to Emanuele Luzzati for the scene and the posters of the announcement and records two series of the program in the gym of a therapeutic community in the Superga wood. He convinces the Teatro Stabile di Torino and the Teatro dell'Opera di Torino to make their scenographic repertoire available to the experiment[24]. The program arouses criticism from the more academic psychoanalysts but the format triples the audience and the reviews[25][26][27]. In La Stampa Laura Carassai defines History is born from history as 'the year-end theatrical-television success'[28]. Of the episode where the Neapolitan actress Rosalia Maggio stages a miracle that saved her from prostitution, Beniamino Placido writes: Isn't it a story that would have interested Balzac? Isn't that a story that would have inspired de Sica?[29]. In the Corriere della sera Fernanda Pivano quotes the words of Harold Brodkey: From Storia Nasce Storia is a miracle possible only to the Italian soul[30].

Sociodramas for radio, cinema and television


Rosati staged the relationship between the Teatro della Spontaneità and the trilogy of the Teatro nel teatro by Luigi Pirandello to which, with the Stable Theaters of Rome, Turin and Catania, dedicated socioplay and conferences with the participation of PierLuigi Pirandello (nephew of the writer and son of the painter Fausto Pirandello), Fernanda Pivano and Zerka Toeman Moreno wife and collaborator of Jacob Levi Moreno, whom Osvaldo Guerrieri in La Stampa defines as vestal of psychodrama, protagonist between science and theater. When financial blackmail and scandals, similar to those imagined by Pirandello in his comedy, block the production of La Moreno (who everyone knows who he is) for Pirandello and Each in his own way. Rosati saves the production by bringing the gang of a Neapolitan pazzariello to Turin who, quoting the Totò of L'oro di Napoli, crosses the streets of the city in a Living Newspaper denouncing the situation. Critics observe that this real scandal corresponds to the one imagined by Pirandello in the play. The support of the banks remains blocked but the response of passers-by and the reaction of the newspapers[31] is such that the director of the TST, Ugo Gregoretti, reopens the doors of the Carignano. The event was a huge success with critics and the public. Osvaldo Guerrieri on La Stampa writes: Here, finally, is the mad game, expertly administered by Ottavio Rosati and offered to a very large public, enticed by flattery that is a bit witchy, a bit scientific, a bit clownish [...] Rarely have we seen the Carignano so bubbling with participation as on this evening. Up, in the boxes, some seem to go crazy, arguing at a distance. In the heated atmosphere, the ghost of futurist evenings is eyeing slyly.


He produced the first psychodramas made in Italy in theater and television calling as interpreters of the roles ("auxiliary egos") professional actors such as Milena Vukotic, Alessandro Haber, Rosalia Maggio, Urbano Barberini, Leo Gullotta to bring the language of fiction closer to the therapeutic staging of true stories. In 1991 Vittorio Gassman invited him to present psychodrama as a real theatrical genre in the program Tutto il mondo è teatro (Rai 2). In a 2021 video interview with Felice Perussia, Rosati recalls the meeting with Gassman who reveals his interest in the Psychomagic of Jodorowsky[32] Over the years Rosati has carried out research on videotherapy with the Teatro Stabile and the University of Catania and with the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Rome experimenting at the Teatro Valle in Rome, the IPOV3 filming system (integral and without editing) on the iPad platform where the immediate transition between five camera angles allows you to revisit the para-linguistic interactions of the individual players in the system at any time.Works on the program Mezzogiorno in famiglia from 1993 to 1996, on Rai 2, opening with Alessandro Cecchi Paone the popular column Letters to the family psychologist (inspired by the radio conversations of Françoise Dolto on Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française in the seventies), in which he replies to letters d and parents and presents basic books on psychoanalysis and family therapy[33]. The column is closed in the third season because Rosati refuses to replace the books with American-style quizzes. He will return to the Guardì program in 2010 with a blitz of his two cacatoa who, in an impromptu pick-up, turn upside down the live television broadcast in which Magalli interviews him on pet therapy[34]. For RaiSat in 1992 he created with Alfredo Antonaros 21 episodes of Il Pappafreud on the psychoanalysis of food: a comic 'parrot-drama' which starts from incursions with the cockatoo Teto, trained in the pet therapy, in restaurants and markets where passers-by ask questions which are then answered in the television studio of Gambero Rosso[35]. In 2006 for Rai Sat, with the photography of Mario Amura and the consultancy of Malcolm Andrews (president of the Dickens Fellowship), Rosati organized in S. Maria in Trastevere with Matteo Maria Zuppi (now cardinal, then parish priest of the basilica) the first television sociodrama since Dickens' A Christmas Carol[36].

Rosati puts forward the idea that Dickens' story is a restructuring of the parable of the rich and the poor from the Gospel of Luke which Zuppi comments at the beginning of the programme: Scrooge's repentant partner can make that brief passage from the realm of the dead to that of the living that Abraham refuses to Epulone. Bypassing the veto of Rai Sat and the firefighters, Zuppi allows Marley's appearance to be filmed in the false ceiling of the basilica to create a video-karaoke during the broadcast in which viewers interact from home with the ghost by reading aloud Scrooge replies to the specter of the partner. The actor Francesco Carnelutti in the role of Marley enters a trance and does not blink for seven minutes[37]. The director of the Rai network moves the filming to the Teatro del Gusto del Gambero Rosso and forbids Rosati from participating in the editing but the television socioplay on Dickens will be broadcast every three hours from 24 to 26 December. In 2007 the Teatro Stabile di Catania re-proposed the formula to middle school students for the reopening of the Moncada Theater in a disadvantaged district of the city[38]. The same year Rosati, with a group of students, repeats the event at the school of Jungian analysts of the AIPA in Rome[39].

Psycho-cinema, documentary films and scripts


As part of the "psychocinema" of Jacob Levi Moreno, Rosati, after Da Storia nasce Storia (Rai 3), opens the production company Plays srl which together with Cinecittà Holding made twelve short films on Ghosts written by Ezio Donato for the University and the Teatro Stabile di Catania. In Fantasmi he plays the role of Jacob Levi Moreno alongside Leo Gullotta for the first time in the role and characters of Luigi Pirandello (1992). Ghosts inaugurates the new Benedictine auditorium at the Faculty of Letters and the rector awards the two performers with the medal of the City of Catania[40].

Following the book-drama by Aldo Carotenuto on Freud, Jung and Sabine Spielrein, in 1997 he wrote for Rai 2, with Tania di Martino, the screenplay of Diary of a secret symmetry, a film that Liliana Cavani (then president of Rai) would like to entrust to the direction of Nelo Risi[41]. the first film on Carotenuto's book will be born with the production of Elda Ferri with the title Prendimi l'anima directed by Roberto Faenza. Rosati realizes with the Emilia Romagna Film Commission the script and the teaser of two films: Ciao, Teto and [https:/ /m.imdb.com/title/tt9238858/mediaviewer/rm2568450816 Cockoo: a European parrot] for protection of the species of fauna and flora protected by the Cites[42].

In 2001 he made with the Experimental Center of Cinematography Generations of love[43][44][45] a docufilm on the Americanist Fernanda Pivano, based on 20 hours of interviews and confessions, which generates conflicts between the director and the writer. When a fire at the Festival stops the presentation of another less compromising portrait of Pivano[46]< ref>Fernanda Pivano: it cannot be a coincidence - an attack against me, La Stampa, 23, 11, 2001</ref>[47] suspicions fall on Rosati who, however, was in Rome and is exonerated[48]. In 2021 Jean Vigo Italia and the Istituto Luce will publish a new version of the docufilm on DVD which talks about the fire as a synchronicity phenomenon linked to the long story with the writer[49][50].


The same year, with La Rinascita di don Romeo, Rosati tackles the theme of the trans-generational unconscious. It is a transversal event that starts from the investigation into a family secret[51]e ends with the restoration of the family chapel in Abruzzo and a socio-drama at the Faculty of Sociology in Rome for the Carotenuto Study Center Psychology and Literature[52].In 2015 he produced and co-directs with Plays and the Capucci Foundation Le tails, le ali on the exhibition In search of regality by the couturier Roberto Capucci who Adriana Mulassano presents as an artist lent to fashion. In 2019 he made the docu-film Forbidden fashion: Roberto Capucci and the future of high fashiona[53] produced by Plays and Elda Ferri for Jean Vigo Italy . After Capucci's defection at the preview at the Sala Fellini of Cinecittà, the Istituto Luce with Roberto Cicutto creates a second preview at the Ara Pacis where the couturier receives a standing ovation. Rosati sums up the seven years of production in a comic story La moda prohibited a Cinecittà[54] which describes the generational conflicts between young people of the troupe and the brilliant ninety-year-old couturier.

In 2020 for the Istituto Luce Cinecittà, he collaborated on the video book on the restoration of Psychodrame (RTF, 1956) by J. L. Moreno and Roberto Rossellini[55] and shot the short Four deformations in the Theater of Time for the DVD of Generations of love with animated drawings by Joshua Held[56].

In 2022 he is working on the screenplay of La Vita Dolce on the story of an analyst who invents "sex drama" to heal from a trauma of love. For the character of Marie-Louise von Franz (who appears as a mentor in the protagonist's active imaginations) Rosati turns to org/wiki/Marina_Confalone Marina Confalone[57]. It is a double fraud: "Marina and I write her lines together because in the plot Jung's great pupil appears on condition that she looks like a great Neapolitan comedian. And Marina for me today is the greatest ."[58]

Partial filmography








Production Designer

  • Christmas Carol Socioplay
  • The chessboard
  • Generations of love
  • The rebirth of Don Romeo
  • The lead and gold of forgiveness
  • Ghosts in the Valley
  • Seven Emotions
  • Big parties with fire

TV Shows



  • Orione (Rai Radio Tre, 1974-1991)
  • Third Page (Rai Radio Tre, 1974-1991)
  • My voice will accompany you (Rai Radio Tre, 1985)
  • The pleasure of acting out (Rai Radio Tre, 1985)
  • Zelda Fitzgerald (Rai Radio Uno, by Pier Paola Bucchi with Fernanda Pivano (1985)

Theatre, sociodrammi and socioplay

  • Tonight we recite a subject with Zerka T. Moreno and Fernanda Pivano, Teatro Flaiano, Rome, 1983[60]
  • Turandot Clinic with Sylvano Bussotti and Simonetta Puccini, Casa Puccini, Torre del Lago, 1983[61]
  • La Moreno (who everyone knows who she is) for Pirandello and Each in his own way with Zerka T. Moreno and Dario Fo, Teatro Carignano, Turin, 1986[62]
  • The curtain of the soul at the Teatro della Società di Lecco, 1986[63]
  • La rudeness mafia with Michela Buscemi pentita di mafia, Teatro di piazza Armerina, 1994[64]
  • Socioplay for Tiritituf and the ghosts of Luigi Capuana with Ezio Donato and Pippo Pattavina, Teatro Alfieri, Catania, 1997[65]
  • Masters of weapons and games with Enzo Musumeci Greco, Teatro Alfieri, Catania, 1998[66]
  • Socioplay on Ionesco's Lesson, with Pippo Pattavina and the cockatoo Teto, Teatro Alfieri in Catania, 2000[67]
  • Greek tragedy, crime news with Renata Biserni, Greek Theater of Syracuse, Capuchin Crypt, 2000[68]
  • The rebirth of don Romeo at the Conference on Rebirth, Faculty of Sociology - Uniroma - Sapienza, 2001[69]
  • Ghosts with Ezio Donato and Leo Gullotta, Auditorium dei Benedettini, Catania, 2001[70]
  • Socioplay for Ferrari-Formula Uomo, Ferrari factory in Maranello, 2003
  • The psychodrama of Lady Macbeth, Cavallerizza Reale, Turin, 2006[71]
  • Incest in Perrault's 'Peau d'ane, with Ezio Donato, University of Catania, 2006
  • The Christmas Carol by Dickens at the basilica of S. Maria in Trastevere RaiSat, 2006[36]
  • The Christmas Carol in the Librino neighborhood by Kenzo Tange, TSC Teatro Moncada, Catania, 2007[72]
  • The Christmas Carol at the AIPA in Rome, 2008[73]
  • Gli Sporcosauri with the school of the Teatro Stabile di Catania, Teatro Alfieri, Catania, 2008[74]
  • La mia Nanda edited by Enrico Santori, with Milena Vukotic, Vibo Valentia Library, 2009[75]
  • Stars above Stars below, with Giulio Casale, Teatro Valeria Moriconi, Jesi, 2010[76]< ref>"STELLE SOPRA STELLE SOTTO un socioplay-reading di Ottavio Rosati per Fernanda Pivano". YouTube. 14 July 2015.</ref>
  • A homemade theater, with Accursio Gennaro and Pier Luigi Pirandello, Teatrino di casa Pirandello, Rome, 2011[77]
  • Therapeutic structures and IPOV3 multi-angle video shooting, with Luciana Santioli, Siena and surroundings, 2012[78]
  • The risk of happiness, for two hundred students and two cockatoos, edited by Luciana Santioli, from the Orto de' Pecci in Piazza del Campo, Siena, 2011[79]
  • Fantasmi al Valle with Pier Luigi Pirandello and Tonino Tosto, Teatro Valle, Rome, 2012[80][81]
  • New frontiers of psychodrama Students and Spontaneity, edited by prof. Maria Armezzani, School of Psychology of the University of Padua, 2015[82]
  • Socioplays on PTSD and EMDR, Chianti Banca, Siena, 2015[83]
  • The struggle of Jacob, a socio-bibliodrama with Emanuela Zurli and Sidival Fila, Sankt Peter Köln, Cologne, 2016[84]
  • Resurrexit: a naked and dark socioplay for Caterina Varzi new wife of Tinto Brass, Ipod specialization school, Rome, 2016[85]
  • Love in the square for the Order of Psychologists of Lazio, with the Ponentino Trio (from the Festival of Psychology to the wedding of Tinto Brass and Caterina Varzi) Historic center of Rome, Isola Farnese, 2017[86]
  • Socioplay for scientists and chessboards, for Pier Luigi Luisi's Cortona Weeks in Todi, 2018
  • Sociodramas on Anger and Jealousy according to the model of by Jaak Panksepp, Monte de' Paschi di Siena Foundation, 2018[87]
  • Seven sociodramas on Jaak Panksepp and the preview of Grande Feste con fuoco on Fernanda Pivano, Off Off Theatre, Rome, 2019[88]
  • A socioplay for Mercury, Mercury Museum of Abbadia San Salvatore, curated by Luciana Santioli, 2021
  • Open doors, a sociodrama on kids after Covid curated by Luciana Santioli with music by Dario Zanoboni, Tartarugone (Market Square), Siena, 2022.


  • Classical Psychodrama, Forms of Psychodrama, Psychoanalytic Psychodrama and Theater Therapy in Dictionary of Psychiatry by M. Cuzzolaro and G. Zanda, Rome Astrolabio, 1979
  • Psychodrama in 'Encyclopaedia of the Theater of the Twentieth Century' edited by Antonio Attisani, Feltrinelli, 1980
  • Pirandello and psychodrama in Italy, special issue of Proceedings of Psychodrama, Ubaldini Editore, 1982
  • Tonight we recite a subject, special issue of Proceedings of Psychodrama, Ubaldini Editore, 1983
  • The technique of psychodrama in relation to the thought of C.G. Jung in Child psychotherapy edited by F. Montecchi, 1984
  • Clinica Turandot - Puccini and the game of the soul, in Exoticism and local color in Puccini's work - Proceedings of the first international conference on the work of Giacomo Puccini) edited by J. Maehder, Pisa, Giardini, 1985
  • Psychodrama and active methods, 1986, in Historical Journal of Dynamic Psychology, n. 19, Liguori, Rome, 1986
  • Moreno for Pirandello and Each in his own way , special issue of Proceedings of Psychodrama, Ubaldini Editore, 1987
  • The Morello between Moreno and Pirandello in Each in his own way , Notebook n. 39, of the Teatro Stabile Friuli-Venezia Giulia, edited by Mario Brandolin, 1988
  • Psychodrama, in Which psychotherapy? edited by S. Marhaba and M. Armezzani, Padua, Liviana Editrice, 1988
  • Play interpretation and play interpretation in psychodrama in Review of analytical psychology, Ubaldini, 1988
  • Psychodrama between analysis and action, in Illness and Psychotherapy, edited by P. Colamonico and G.P. Lombardo, Bulzoni, 1989
  • Professional training in psychodrama, in The workshop of the soul edited by S. Benvenuto and O. Nicolau, Franco Angeli. 1990
  • The activation of the image in Jungian psychoplay, 1992, in Aldo Carotenuto, Treatise on Analytical Psychology, vol.2, UTET, 1992
  • The triple psychodrama of Aldo Carotenuto, in Forms of knowledge in psychology. Essays on Aldo Carotenuto, edited by Giorgio Antonelli, Bompiani, 1993
  • Multi-layered interview with Aldo Carotenuto, Di Renzo, Rome (with DVD), 1994
  • Lago dei Teti in the Historical Journal of Dynamic Psychology, n.47, Di Renzo, Rome, 2000
  • The rebirth of Don Romeo in the Historical Journal of Dynamic Psychology, n.49, Di Renzo, Rome, 2001
  • Men and parrots and Game and Pet Therapy in Exotic pets, edited by Amerio Croce, Poletto Editore, Rome, 2002
  • Psychodrama, Role-playing, Catharsis and Active Techniques in International Dictionary of Psychotherapy edited by Giorgio Nardone, Garzanti, 2013
  • Four decades of Plays between Pivano and Marie-Louise von Franz (first and second decade) in www.plays.it/iPod/writings, 2016
  • Great parties with fire, comedy script (registered at SIAE), Plays ed. with OFF-OFF Theatre, Rome, 2018.
  • Four decades of Plays between Pivano and Marie-Louise von Franz (third and fourth decades) in www.plays.it/iPod/writings, 2018
  • Roberto Capucci and the future of high fashion, booklet of the DVD La Moda Proibita, Istituto Luce Cinecittà, 2019
  • Which psychocinema?, in the booklet of the DVD Psychodrame by J. L. Moreno and Roberto Rossellini, Istituto Luce Cinecittà, 2019
  • Generations of love - Fernanda Pivano's theater of time, booklet of the DVD The Four Americas of Fernanda Pivano, Istituto Luce Cinecittà, 2020


  • Fernanda Pivano Special Award (1988) to Ottavio's Pazzarielli[89].
  • Medal of the City of Catania (1992) awarded to O.R. and Leo Gullotta by the Rector of the University for the interpretation of Ghosts at the Teatro Stabile of Catania[90].
  • Jacob Levi Moreno Medal (1994) awarded to O. R. and Zerka Toeman Moreno by Don Mario Picchi for ten years of psychodrama teaching at CeIS[91].
  • Puccini Prize (1984) conferred by Sylvano Bussotti at the Torre del Lago Puccini Festival for the essay "Clinica Turandot"[92].
  • "Friends of Luigi Pirandello" Award (2011) conferred (ex aequo with Professor Accursio Gennaro) by Pier Luigi Pirandello[93]


  1. ^ The Italian does not laugh. Interview with Ennio Flaiano with the old name 'Gianni Rosati', in “Il Mondo”, 14 April 1972, pp. 16-17, now in Works. Scritti postumi, edited by Maria Corti and Anna Longoni, Classici Bompiani, Milan, 1988, pp. 1201-1202
  2. ^ "INTERVISTA A ENNIO FLAIANO di Ottavio Rosati". www.plays.it.
  3. ^ "PIRANDELLO E JASPERS di Mario Trevi". www.plays.it.
  4. ^ plays.it/ipod/writings/fernanda-pivano/76-ottavio-tra-pirandelli-e-pazzarielli Fernanda Pivano, Ottavio Rosati, psychodrama and the "pazzariello", in Other friends, other writers, Milan, Mondadori, 1997, p. 145.
  5. ^ Psychodrama in Encyclopaedia of the Theater of the Twentieth Century edited by Antonio Attisani, Feltrinelli, 1980
  6. ^ Psychodrama, Role Playing, Catharsis and Active Techniques in the 'International Dictionary of Psychotherapy' edited by Giorgio Nardone, Garzanti, 2013
  7. ^ article title [1]
  8. ^ Ottavio Rosati, Hydrogen Jukebox with Philip Glass, Memoradio, 20, 07, 1990, Raiplayradioit
  9. ^ ""Festival della Psicologia"". Festival psychology.it.
  10. ^ .it/content/dallo-psicocinema-al-teatro-del-tempo- The Teatro del Tempo project takes place in collaboration between the faculties of Psychology and Architecture of the "Sapienza" University of Rome.
  11. ^ [2] Architetti and Psychologists for the Theater of Time
  12. ^ [3] Interview by Marco Greco with Ottavio Rosati on Theater and Psychodrama
  13. ^ /45/9099/psychodrame-di-rossellini-restaurato.aspx Page of the Istituto Luce Cinecittà
  14. ^ -psychodrame Pagina del Moreno Museum Association
  15. ^ Interview with Francesco Marzano ref>Diana Botti, Interview with Ottavio Rosati on AIPSIM "Interview with Ottavio Rosati".
  16. ^ "Interview with Ottavio Rosati".
  17. ^ [4] Definition and first studies
  18. ^ "I cani dell'Acqua Marcia - 2012 - film usciti 2000 - 2022 - film & docu". Filmitalia.
  19. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/images/Documenti/Commento_Stupiggia_Cani_Acqua_Marcia.pdf
  20. ^ "I cani dell'acqua marcia (2018)". IMDb.
  21. ^ Perdo-nanda Pivano (2018)
  22. ^ The film will finally be found in 2020 by Marco Greco and Maria Cristina Sidoni in the archives of A. Ancelin Schutzenberger.
  23. ^ Luciana Sica (28 April 1990). "Excuse me, are you an actor? No, a patient who stages their dreams in front of video cameras".
  24. ^ The tendency towards 'assemblage' scenographic is the basis of La Scacchiera because: a problem of the active imagination made with painting and drawings is that in some cases (despite the continuous dialogue with the unconscious) it becomes painful to disassemble and reassemble a creation we are satisfied with aesthetically.
  25. ^ Paolo Brogi, There is also a TV that is good for the psyche, L'EUROPEO, 26 April 1991
  26. ^ Gian Luca Favetto, When life goes on stage: History is born from history from Superga to Raitre, LA REPUBBLICA, 7 June 1991
  27. ^ Dario Buzzolan, Psychodrama, suffering lights up TV, STAMPA SERA, November 5, 1991
  28. ^ Laura Carassai, " Stories of incest and prostitution on TV - Rosalia Maggio: Pope John saved me from the sidewalk" La Stampa, November 6, 1991
  29. ^ Beniamino Placido, Is there just one TV or are there many? LA REPUBBLICA, 26 November 1991
  30. ^ Quoted in Fernanda Pivano, preface to the book by Ottavio Rosati, Da Storia nasce storia, Nuova Eri-Rai, 1994, p . 9.ISBN 8839707956
  31. ^ "La Moreno per Pirandello". www.plays.it.
  32. ^ Psychodrama and Active Techniques Online - Opportunities & Limits://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4JQ5fpXnpw YouTube-Perussia]
  33. ^ "Lettere allo Psicologo (Rai 2) - 1993". www.plays.it.
  34. ^ "OTTAVIO E ISIDE SUL BALCONE DEL COMITATO ("I fatti vostri" Rai2, 13 dicembre 2010)". 8 January 2016 – via www.youtube.com.
  35. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/il -pappafreud-of-raisat-2001
  36. ^ a b "Canto di natale (RaiSat) - 2006". www.plays.it.
  37. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ8Z5zaiCzE&list=PLPYEAhXhF49n2zXbG4nsz2oq2kCIKmzMS&index =2&t=1s
  38. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKxG0YlZkrw&list= PLPYEAhXhF49n2zXbG4nsz2oq2kCIKmzMS&index=5&t=6s
  39. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/ socioplay-del-canto-di-natale-all-aipa-2008
  40. ^ Giovanna Caggegi, In the name of Pirandello - The Rector awards the two performers of Ghosts the medal of the City of Catania, Sicily, 2 March 2002 press review of Ghosts
  41. ^ http://www.plays.it/ ipod/diary-of-a-secret-symmetry-1997
  42. ^ "Ciao, Teto". www.plays.it.
  43. ^ How Fernanda's life is cinematic, Panorama, 7 September 2000 p.147
  44. ^ "Generazioni d'amore - Le quattro Americhe di Fernanda Pivano - 2020 - documentari - film & docu". Filmitalia.
  45. ^ Alessandra Levantesi, This is how Nanda fell in love with free America, LA STAMPA, 20 Nov. 2001
  46. ^ Fiamme al cinema - terror at the Film Festival, fifteen hundred on the run, La Stampa, 23, 11, 2001.
  47. ^ Fire in Turin. The film on Fernanda Pivano blocked, Corriere della sera, 23, 11, 2001
  48. ^ G. Lon. Beautiful and unfortunate review, La Stampa, 24, 11, 2001
  49. ^ https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art /from-lee-masters-kerouac-when-fernanda-pivano-means-america-ADszh2x?refresh_ce=1
  50. ^ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2115321/?ref_= nm_flmg_dr_23
  51. ^ Rosati discovers that the father's brother whose name they had given him (intuitively rejected since he was a child) belonged to the Italian SS.
  52. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/la-rinascita-di- don-romeo-2001
  53. ^ "The forbidden fashion".
  54. ^ "LA MODA PROIBITA A CINECITTA'". www.scuolapsicodrammaipod.it.
  55. ^ "Psychodrame by Rossellini restored". Istituto Luce - Cinecittà News.html.
  56. ^ Generations of love edited by Vera Fazio and Francesco Marzano .it/plays/produzioni/generationi-d-amore Plays, Jean Vigo with Istituto Luce Cinecittà
  57. ^ "Così parlò Bellavista: Rachilina, la scena della lavastoviglie e la festa della donna". Napoli Fanpage.
  59. ^ A series of food and wine-themed socioplays conducted with the writer Alfredo Antonaros
  60. ^ https://www.plays.it/plays/rassegna-stampa/questa-sera-si -recite-to-subject
  61. ^ "Psicodramma di Turandot - 1983". www.plays.it.
  62. ^ https://www.plays.it/ plays/press-review/la-moreno-per-pirandello
  63. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/il-sipario-dell-anima-al-teatro-della-societa-di -lecco-1986
  64. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/sociodramma-de-la-maleducazione-mafiosa-a-cura- by-ezio-donato-piazza-armerina-1994
  65. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/tiritituf-di-luigi-capuana-tsc -1997
  66. ^ "Psicodramma Alla Scuola del TSC - 1998".
  67. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/socioplay-de-la -ionesco-lesson-2005
  68. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/tragedia-greca-cronaca-nera-psicodrammi-a -syracuse-2000
  69. ^ "La Rinascita di Don Romeo - 2001". www.plays.it.
  70. ^ "Fantasmi in Sicilia". www.plays.it.
  71. ^ ""LADY MACBETH" UN SOCIODRAMMA DI OTTAVIO ROSATI". 2 June 2009 – via www.youtube.com.
  72. ^ "Il socioplay del Canto di Natale al Teatro Moncada di Catania". 4 December 2014 – via www.youtube.com.
  73. ^ "SOCIOPLAY DEL CANTO DI NATALE ALL'AIPA - 2008". www.plays.it.
  74. ^ "Gli Sporcosauri". www.plays.it.
  75. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/la-mia-nanda-un-reading-di -o-rosati-with-milena-vukotic-in-a-socioplay-by-and-santori-on-poetry-2010
  76. ^ "Stelle Sopra, Stelle Sotto - 2010". www.plays.it.
  77. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/un-teatro-fatto-in- home-2011
  78. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/psicodrammi-con-riprese-video-ipov3-in-comunita -therapeutics-of-siena-edited-by-luciana-santioli-2012
  79. ^ http://www.plays.it/ ipod/the-risk-of-happiness-megasocioplay-for-students-and-shit-with-open-letters-to-passers-by-siena-2012
  80. ^ "Fantasmi al Valle". www.plays.it.
  81. ^ ""FANTASMI" con Leo Gullotta e Ottavio Rosati - Stabile di Catania - YouTube". www.youtube.com.
  82. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/seminario-di-o-rosati-sullo-psicodramma-a-cura-della-prof-m- armezzani-unipadova-2015
  83. ^ "LO PSICODRAMMA DEI TRAUMI - 2015". www.plays.it.
  84. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/the-struggle-of-jacob -a-bibliodrama-in-cologne
  85. ^ "Resurrexit". www.plays.it.
  86. ^ "L'Amore in Piazza - Due Socioplay per Il Festival della Psicologia - 2017".
  87. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/socioplay-su-rabbia-e- jealousy-at-the-monte-dei-paschi-foundation-of-siena-or-rosati
  88. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/sette -emotions-psychodramatic-tribute-to-panksepp-at-the-theater-off-off
  89. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/writings/ottavio-rosati/640-breve-storia-del-premio-pivano-88-per-i -pazzarielli-di-ottavio
  90. ^ "Medaglia della Città di Catania per "FANTASMI" - 2002". www.plays.it.
  91. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/don-mario-picchi-presidente -of-the-ceis-of-rome-confers-the-j-l-moreno-medal-to-zerka-moreno-and-ottavio-rosati-1990
  92. ^ "PREMIO TURANDOT di Ottavio Rosati". www.plays.it.
  93. ^ http://www.plays.it/ipod/un-teatro-fatto-in -home-2011

Category:Italian directors Category:Italian psychologists

