Name: priya alveraz

Pronouns: she/her

Age:13 in the first book (looks around 14 bc she’s dead and ages very slowly) and 15 in current time

God/parents: her mother is nyx(she doesn’t know this) and her father is Jae alveraz, she assumes her mother is her stepmother Caroline alveraz.(they look similar) and her parents never correct her on it

Book she is in: Magnus chase/percy Jackson universe

Powers:unknown to her she can control the night and shadows

Weapons: in the first book(of Magnus chase before

they met) she found a ring in a temple made of moon stone, she didn’t know this yet but the ring was placed there by her mother for her. She put it on and out of habit of fidgeting with things (common adhd trait) it transformed into a weapon, Ingraved on it “urumi” so that’s what she calls it, it’s a sword that’s also a whip(search up sword whip if you don’t know what it looks like) Looks: brown skin, Afro puffs, and jean shorts, she wears a sunflower yellow tank top. She wear a moon ring on her ring finger.

Priya died on January 31st 2002 in the second book of Magnus chase she met Alex and joined their group. At the end of the MC series her and Magnus got pushed down to tartarus but her mother caught them and dropped them through a portal to the mortal realm- in the middle of a mini WAR between camp Jupiter and camp half-blood-they were both really confused until Magnus saw his cousin, Annabeth well Magnus talked to his cousin she was getting treated for the cuts on her arms and legs. Jack was singing Selena Gomez music well Magnus is trying to shut it off, priya is freaking out because unknown to magnus, the titan woman has told her a prophecy “the child of the night shall rise..but they must find the thunder.. what did that mean? Thunder? Isn’t that Zeus’s/Jupiter’s thing?? She didn’t know what to do, she was freaking out and this guy went and talked to her, he said his name was Percy so she just said to call her pri. Magnus eventually caught up with her and he was low key freaking out because he didn’t know what happened to their friends- specifically Alex- so she teased him a little about it, they sat in silence on the edge of the hill and she spoke up. “The lady.. the one who saved us she told me something” magnus just looked at her weirdly and then Priya spoke up “she told me the child of the nigh-“ there was a rustle in the bushes and she stopped talking and the both of them locked eyes. She fidgeted with her ring, ready to take out urumi if needed. Percy and some guy were fighting in the bushes and her and Magnus just looked at them awkwardly “should we stop them?..” she asked awkwardly and they both stopped realizing the two were there. It was an awkward walk home Magnus was just fidgeting with a photo of Alex and then the blonde kid spoke up, “I’m Jason I don’t think we’ve met” Magnus just said “I’m Magnus, and this is priya” Jason smiled and said “I’m jupiters son, who are you’re guys godly parents?” Magnus and pri just looked at eachother and he responded “my dads the god of summer, and we’ll priya..” she finished his sentence “I’m a mortal, I died and we got sent here after.. we uh saved someone” Magnus looked at her knowing she was lying(about them being sent here) but didn’t say anything. priya stared at the ground, the prophecy echoing in her head “they must find the thunder” that blond- jason was jupiters son? Is this what the prophecy meant?

