Developer(s)Carlos Bataller Cucurella
Stable release
2.7.15 / 25 August 2024
Written inPHP
Operating systemCross-platform
TypeContent Management System

rapid_CMS is a Content Management System launched on January 15, 2016, focused on the creation of any type of web page and/or images gallery.

rapid_CMS is developed in the PHP language, and does not use databases.

It is designed to be easily moved to different servers.

It uses a GPL license, and stands out for its ease of use as a content manager.



Lead Developer:

  • Carlos Bataller



rapid_CMS is an easy-to-use personal web publishing system that stands out for its speed and light weight.

It creates responsive content that automatically adapts to all types of screens.

rapid_CMS pays special attention to aesthetics, web standards and usability.

It is free, and licensed under the GPL.


  • Activitats. Provides a web-based environment for publishing and managing the activities of a school, small institution or business.
  • backup. Create a backup of your entire rapid_CMS, including photos, videos, galleries, html, and all application code, so you can easily restore the backup on the same server, or move rapid_CMS to another server.
  • blog. A blog with comment support.
  • comptador. A visit counter with monthly graphs in SVG.
  • diskQuota. Displays the current user's disk quota. Supports the ext3/ext4 filesystem on GNU/Linux, and UFS on FreeBSD, with disk quotas enabled.
  • form_contact. An environment to create/edit a contact form within rapid_CMS.
  • slideShow. Written in PHP and javascript, it is an environment to create/edit/view an image carousel within rapid_CMS.


  • Classic
  • DeepBlue
  • DeepBlue+
  • DeepBlue2+
  • PinkPanter
  • BlackSabath
  • HandMade
  • default

External code


Filemanager HTML editor based on ckeditor. Copyright © 2003-2018, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. [1]

Gallery based on PhotoSwipe. Copyright © 2017, Dmitry Semenov. [2]




Category:Free software Category:Free software programmed in PHP Category:Content management systems Category:Software using the Open Software License Category:Website management