Draft:Roxas Isabella Barangay Rizal

Barangay Rizal (Poblacion), Is a Barangay located in the Province of Isabela, and city of Roxas.




Household/Historical populations
Year Population/Household Amount of Households Growth/%
1990 3,849 694 -
1995 4,888 949 +4.58%
2000 5,133 988 +1.05%
2007 5,368 1,115 +0.62%
2010 5,502 1,245 +0.90%
2015 6,026 1,385 +1.75%
2020 6,265 N/A +0.82%

The household population of barangay Rizal in the 2015 Census was 6,026 broken down into 1,385 households or an average of 4.35 members per household.

Age Group Population 1-29 Years of age (2015)
Age Population %
Under 1 131 2.17
1-4 481 7.98
5-9 605 10.04
10-14 582 9.66
15-19 552 9.16
20-24 541 8.98
25-29 509 8.45

According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the highest population in Rizal is 5 to 9, with 605 individuals. Conversely, the age group with the lowest population is 75 to 79, with 52 individuals.

List of Barangay Captain of Rizal, Roxas, Isabella & History


[edit] (Term start/end Dates may be inaccurate)

Barnagay Captains
No. Name Political


Term start Term end
1. Issac Ibarra KBL 1980 1986
2. Antonio Abad KBL or Lakas 1986 1992
3. Francis Lipao Lakas-NUCD 1992 1998
4. (N/A) Delos Santos Independent 1998 2004

In 1980, then Mayor of Roxas, Inocencio Uy appointed Issac Ibarra as Barangay captain of Roxas Isabella in 1980 as the office was previously vacant.



Social Media for Brgy. Rizal



Statistics and Information

