Draft:Sadok abdelaziz

Pr. Abdelaziz SADOK completed a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering in 1980 from Mohamedia School of Engineers(EMI) affiliated to Mohamed V University, Morocco. He earned both a Research Masters in 1984 and Ph.D degree in 1987 in Civil Engineering from Polytechnic School of Engineers affiliated to Montreal University. He achieved a Post-Doc program in 1987 at Montreal in dam’s numerical modeling and graduated with a certificate in 1996 from Switzerland Engineering School (Ecole Polytechnique Fedérale de Lausanne) in Environment impact studies’ field. He earned in 2009 MBA degree from the Business School of French Engineering School at Paris (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées1).

Pr. SADOK previously was President of Mohamed First university based in three cities (Oujda, Nador et Al Hoceima) during the period 2011-2015.As a CEO and leader, he developed using a participative approach a strategic plan for the development of all activities of the university: scientific politics, fundamental and practical curriculum, operational investment budgets planning and implementation, fiscal management, HR management for faculty and staff, national and international cooperation, visibility and ranking. He was responsible for 11 schools and colleges with more than 60000 students in different fields of sciences (engineering, technical, arts, economics and business, laws, trading and management, medicine).

Pr. SADOK was a Dean of Ain Chock Science School affiliated to Hassan II University, Moroccofrom2005 to 2009. He worked closely with the university’s president, reported to him and to the university’s Council. He was responsible for the university’s action plan of implementation in Science and Technics fields. He was the leader and manager of the school with more than 4000 students; responsible of all its activities development and implementation (Finance, curriculum, research, cooperation, HR, etc.)

In parallel of his activities he was during an advisor and consultant for the Moroccan’s Education and Higher Education Ministry between 2008 and 2011 in charge of infrastructures development and strategy’s implementation. He participated in the Moroccan’s Education Strategical Program called Najah for the period 2009-2012 during its preparation and implementation.

During the period of 1989 to 2003, he worked as consultant and associate researcher at the leading Moroccan public organization called LPEE (Laboratoire Public d’Etudes et Essais). During this period Dr. SADOK and his team published more than 70 technical documents and science studies on several fields and research contracts. We launched and developed many numerical tools that address problems related to river systems.  dam’s silting, water erosion of watersheds, drinking water supply plans, water intakes, bank protection, Fluvial hydraulics’ modeling, bridge scouring, dam break, floods, environmental impact studies.

Pr. SADOK has 40 years in Civil Engineering teaching and research in many countries (Morocco, Canada, France, Senegal). His academic career started in 1980 as an Assistant professor at Hassania School of Engineers(EHTP), Morocco. He joined in 1983 Montreal’s Polytechnic school of engineers and became teacher, PhD and Post-Doc student between 1984 and 1987.He was previously Full Civil Engineering Professor at Hassania School of Engineers for 25 years, and at Mohamedia School of Engineering (EMI) for 7 years. Hi taught and developed about 20 courses in different fields: Fluid Mechanics, General and Applied Hydraulics, fluvial Hydraulics, sediment Transport, sedimentation and erosion, hydraulic structures, hydraulic modeling and computing, dam engineering, fire hydraulics, coastal hydraulics, design, measurement systems.

Pr. SADOK worked extensively in the field of sediment transport and fluvial engineering. He has about 30 years’ experience dedicated to civil, water and environmental engineering field. He made significant contributions to computer modeling of Moroccan’s fluvial systems sedimentation and erosion processes. His research and expertise works focused on river engineering, especially sediment transport and its impact on hydraulics infrastructures: dam’s silting, water intake problems, floods, bridge scouring, earth canals. He developed numerical models to estimate bed load and suspension sediment load capacity of rivers. He made numerous contributions in Morocco in hydraulics’ numerical modeling by launching and developing one, two and tree numerical models to investigate open channel flow problems using finite difference and finite element methods.

Pr. SADOK has participating in many international scientific conferences as a speaker, participant, administration or scientific committee member. Particularly in: Canada, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Brazil, the United States, Tunisia, Algeria, China and Japan. He co- authored more than 250 scientific publications including full papers in scientific journals, seminars and conference papers, research and technical reports. He coached more than 300 graduate students to completing their degrees in Bachelor, Master and PhD Programs.

During his activities as University’s President, Science School Dean, or Full Professor, he organized with national and international partners, many conferences and meetings in different fields: Archeology, silting dams, environment impact studies, dam break modeling, dynamic structure analysis, Flood modeling, water river quality, water supply, E-learning, innovative pedagogy, TICE development in universities, university’s governance, Remote sensing and GIS applications, international cooperation between engineering schools, curriculum reform, foreign language learning, innovation and R&D;, graduate employability and career’s evolution, medicine, dam’s engineering, Moroccan’s water strategy, water economy, g

