Draft:Sarcophaga argyrostoma

Sarcophaga argyrostoma


Sarcophaga Argyrostoma (Sar-co-phage-uh, ar-guy-ro-sto-ma) is a member of the flesh flies. Sarcophaga Argyrostoma is also known as the silver-faced flesh fly, of the Order Diptera, family Sarcophagidae.

Sarcophaga argyrostoma
Sarcophaga argyrostoma
Scientific classification  
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Sarcophagidae
Subfamily: Sarcophaginae
Genus: Sarcophaga
Meigen, 1826[1]
Type species
Sarcophaga argyrostoma

As a member of the flesh flies, the species are known to consume flesh from living organisms.



With the classification from the order Diptera, which is the order encompassing the 'true-flies', distinguishing features would be the presence of only a single pair of wings, very large compound eyes, and mouthparts specialized for sucking, piercing and/or sponging.

insert mouthparts image here

With a classification of the family Sarcophagidae, the mouthparts would be primarily used for sponging and sucking, as opposed to mosquitos with piercing proboscis' of the same order Diptera.

insert video of Sarc argyro





Sarcophaga translates to 'meat eater', in which S. argyrostoma would typically inhabit necrotic tissue. Larvae of the species are detritovores (dead tissue). Although S. argyrostoma typically inhabit dead tissue, the larvae may also parasitize other invertebrates or decaying vegetable matter. Adult female flies also may deposit larvae, of the first instar, as opposed to eggs in suitable environments; the idea of this as opposed to decreased parental care of simply depositing eggs, is believed to give larva a head start over other species of flies that deposit eggs in decaying tissue. Because of this reason, flesh flies are able to be utilized for forensic entomology due to the necrophagy of the species (link subsection Forensic Ento HERE).



Environmental effects


Fresh liver


In fresh liver at standard temperatures, S. argyrostoma are shown to have similar developmental processes to the common fly.


In addition to the environment effects on reproduction (liver), temperature effects are added in addition to the fresh liver, S. argyrostoma exhibit an increase in larval density.

Fresh minced pork


In contrast to the liver environment, both the environment and temperature effects did not effect the larval density between fly species.

91-day decayed liver and 840-day decayed liver


Decayed liver tissue in addition to temperature also dud not have an effect on larval density of S. argyrostoma.

Temperature effects


Temperature effects may have significant effects on the development of this species of flesh-eating flies. An in-depth breakdown, at 20oC.

0 hours

Prepupae stage. Prepupae very soft and not yet sclerotized (darkened).

1st-9th hour

Pupae-form. Pupae with jelly-like appearance with cephalopharyngeal skeleton anterior (which will later become the head), and puparium of the anal area which will later develop to the abdomen.

22nd-27th hour

Cryptocephalic stage. Anterior and posterior-ends have now separated completely from the puparium. Larvae-like form without distinct head, thorax and abdomen structures.

29th-33rd hour

Leg and wing buds can be observed from the ventral aspect, respiratory horns can be observed from anterior end of dorsal view.

43rd-52nd hour

Respiratory horns separating posteriorly.

60th-65th hour

Phareocephalic stage. Head pushed anteriorly due to haemolymph pressure, respiratory horns pushed anterolaterally behind compound eyes and head, thorax and abdomen with more distinct borders formed. Wings and legs have now elongated towards end of abdomen.

73rd-85th hour

Pupal-adult ecdysis stage. Pupal skin beginning to be shed at the end of abdomen.

99th-102nd hour

Antennae begin to form and appear.

104th-110th hour

End/completed pupal-adult ecdysis. Pharate adult covered in pupal cuticle.

148th-172nd hour

Depression formed on dorsal side of abdomen.

194th-227th hour

Eye pigmentation change. Pigmentation from white to yellow with ocelli beginning to appear.

insert Ocelli image

248th-250th hour

Orange band formation in middle of eye.

252nd-259th hour

Orange pigmentation spread to entire eye contour.

261st-270th hour

Pigmentation spread to entire eye.

275th-295th hour

Eye pigmentation now orange-red in colouration.

309th-315th hour

Eyes continue to darken, and ocelli more distinct.

322nd-336th hour

Bristles around eyes, below antennae, and mouthparts orange in colouration and more distinct.

348th-357th hour

Further darkening of bristles. Bristles on thorax also not orange in colouration.

364th-370th hour

Bristle forming on abdomen. Antennae more distinct with pigmentation of costal vein on the wing increased.

381st-411th hour

Checkered pattern on abdomen distinct.

448th-455th hour

Beginning to shed pupal cuticle around pharate adult shed. Respiratory horns now removed from pupal cuticle.

458th-460th hour

Adult emergence.

S. argyrostoma adult emergence times can vary and become delayed under fluctuating temperatures. It can be observed that under constant temperature conditions, the early stages of intrapuparial tend to develop faster than environments that tend to fluctuate. In contrast, the pupal-adult apolysis can be observed to be longer within the constant temperature group. With the crucial development of specific body regions (bristles on the cephalo-thorax region) until adult emergence, constant temperatures are known to be superior at this phase.

Development rate, if not fluctuating, determines that as temperatures increase so does the development and the ability to undergo instars becomes available. It appears that as temperatures increase upward to the 30oC mark, the development of the species decreases.

Life cycle


Impact (disease)




Myiasis is defined as the parasitic infection via fly larvae inside of a living organism.

Human impact


Other areas can be affected such as, cutaneous surfaces (accidental/traumatic wound or furuncular creeping), or cavitary (nasal, aural/ear, ophthalmic/eye, nasopharyngeal, gastrointestinal, urinogenital, and rectal).

Wound Myiasis

Cases for wound myiasis are within the category of 'nosocomial myiasis agents' and are typically found in wound myiasis affecting hospital patients. The usual patients that are affected are those who are immobilized, often elderly or poorly cared for individuals. Due to the prevalence at the site (hospital), flies are attracted to fresh, untreated and infected wounds and utilize this to lay eggs. This action tends to exacerbate wounds and create necrotic (dead) tissue.


Symptoms associated with weakness, gastrointestinal pain, vomiting, cramps, fever, fatigue and weight loss; another symptoms is watery stool/diarrhea.

Due to the environment being alive, the environment tends to not be suitable, however, due to the presence of fly eggs in human excrement, the term of 'pseudomyiasis'. The most common method of transmission of fly eggs are typically due to contaminated food ingestion.

With myiasis of the ear, symptoms include pruritus (itching), serosanguineous discharge (blood and serum). These symptoms also vary based on the severity and degree of myiasis.

Other animal impacts

In cases where live animals are affected by myiasis, whether domestic or wild, are typically due to open wounds in conjunction with a lack of grooming. A potential symptom that can occur is decubitus ulcers (pressure ulcer), which, in humans, are commonly known as bedsores. These ulcers are localized soft tissue injuries due to prolonged exerted pressure(s). In animals, this can be due to being wounded and to avoid pain responses, choose to limit mobility. Another factor that can exacerbate myiasis in animals can be due to unhealthy lifestyles such as being overweight and sedentary.

Medication/treatment for disease impact


Immunomodulatory and antioxidants


The application for Sarcophaga may be also used for medical applications such as utilizing the species as a mediator for antioxidants and anti-inflammation for disease control. The utilization is through the haemolymph found in the larvae of S. argyrostoma; a study is performed with snails and schistosomiasis in which the presence of cytokines in inflammation and other pathological processes (like parasitic infection).

Forensic Entomology


The use of Sarcophaga in forensic entomology is namely due to the species of fly that tends to inhabit indoor environments of dead necrotic tissue. The understanding of each developmental stages and instars of the fly help to determine the mortality of a corpse post-mortem. This concept is analogous to the concepts of co-evolution in which one evolution coincides with another, where the developmental phase coincides with post-mortem time of death. The use of Sarcophaga can and have been used for the determination of forensic studies, especially for the use of criminal cases; due to the species of fly that tend to feed on human cadavers.




Barlaam, A., Putignani, L., Pane, S., Bianchi, P. M., Papini, R. A., & Giangaspero, A. (2022). What’s in a child’s ear? A case of otomyiasis by Sarcophaga Argyrostoma (Diptera, Sarcophagidae)[3]. Parasitology International, 87, 102537. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.parint.2022.102537

Bradley, H. K., & Saunders, D. S. (1985). The selection for early and late pupariation in the flesh‐fly, Sarcophaga argyrostoma, and its effect on the incidence of pupal diapause[4]. Physiological Entomology, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3032.1985.tb00059.x

Draber-Mońko, A., Malewski, T., Pomorski, J., Łoś, M., & Ślipiński, P. (2009). On the morphology and mitochondrial DNA barcoding of the flesh fly sarcophaga (liopygia) argyrostoma (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) – an important species in forensic entomology[5]. Annales Zoologici, 59(4). https://doi.org/10.3161/000345409x484865

Giangaspero, A., Marangi, M., Balotta, A., Venturelli, C., Szpila, K., & Di Palma, A. (2017). Wound myiasis caused bysarcophaga (liopygia) argyrostoma(robineau-desvoidy) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae): Additional evidences of the morphological identification dilemma and molecular investigation[6]. The Scientific World Journal, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/9064531

Gunn, A. (2020). The colonisation of remains by the sarcophagid fly sarcophaga argyrostoma (Robineau-Desvoidy) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)[7]. Forensic Science International, 315, 110465. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110465

Hediyeloo, S., Akbarzadeh, K., Rezaei, M., & Oshaghi, M. A. (2024). Colonization pattern and thermal needs of immature phases of sarcophaga argyrostoma (Diptera: Sarcophagidae): Significance for estimating postmortem interval[8]. Heliyon, 10(5). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26576

Mashaal, A., Abo Elqasem, A. A., Abou El-Khashab, L. A., El-Menyawy, H. M., Abou El-Nour, B. M., Abdullah, E. M., Abdalkareem, A. M., Al-gebaly, R. A., El-sayed, A. M., Mabrok, G. R., Mahmoud, R. R., Ali, D. A., Mohamed, A. R., Ali, H. H., Bishop, S. Y., Merai, N. M., Abdullah, N. M., Shahata, T. M., Mahmoud, F. H., … Sadek, A.-S. M. (2024). Immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties of sarcophaga argyrostoma larval hemolymph: Utilizing the Biomphalaria alexandrina snail as a model[9]. Biologia, 79(7). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11756-024-01687-5

Najjari, M., Dik, B., & Pekbey, G. (2020). Gastrointestinal myiasis due to sarcophaga argyrostoma (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) in Mashhad, Iran: A case report. Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases[10]. https://doi.org/10.18502/jad.v14i3.4565

Pezzi, M., Whitmore, D., Bonacci, T., Del Zingaro, C. N., Chicca, M., Lanfredi, M., & Leis, M. (2017). Facultative myiasis of domestic cats by Sarcophaga Argyrostoma (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), Calliphora Vicina and Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in Northern Italy. [11]Parasitology Research, 116(10). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00436-017-5582-z

Sert, O., Örsel, G. M., Şabanoğlu, B., & Özdemir, S. (2019). A study of the pupal developments of sarcophaga argyrostoma (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)[12]. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12024-019-00198-z

Sert, O., Özdemir, S., & Şabanoğlu, B. (2021). Effect of constant and fluctuating temperature on the intrapuparial development of sarcophaga argyrostoma (robineau‐desvoidy, 1830; Diptera: Sarcophagidae).[13] Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 336(6). https://doi.org/10.1002/jez.b.23036

Severini, F., Nocita, E., & Tosini, F. (2015). Myiasis of the tracheostomy wound caused bysarcophaga(liopygia)argyrostoma(diptera: Sarcophagidae): Molecular identification based on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene:[14] Fig. 1. Journal of Medical Entomology, 52(6). https://doi.org/10.1093/jme/tjv108

  1. ^ Meigen, J.W. (1826). Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäische n zweiflugeligen Insekten. Hamm: Vierter Theil. Schulz-Wundermann. pp. xii + 412 pp., pls. 42–54.
  2. ^ J. M. Aldrich (2009) [Originally published 1916]. Sarcophaga and Allies in North America. BiblioBazaar. ISBN 978-1-115-40881-3. Read the original edition of Sarcophaga and Allies in North America at Google Books.
  3. ^ Barlaam, Alessandra; Putignani, Lorenza; Pane, Stefania; Bianchi, Pier Mario; Papini, Roberto Amerigo; Giangaspero, Annunziata (April 2022). "What's in a child's ear? A case of otomyiasis by Sarcophaga argyrostoma (Diptera, Sarcophagidae)". Parasitology International. 87: 102537. doi:10.1016/j.parint.2022.102537. ISSN 1383-5769. PMID 34995772.
  4. ^ BRADLEY, HELEN K.; SAUNDERS, D. S. (December 1985). "The selection for early and late pupariation in the flesh-fly, Sarcophaga argyrostoma, and its effect on the incidence of pupal diapause". Physiological Entomology. 10 (4): 371–382. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3032.1985.tb00059.x. ISSN 0307-6962.
  5. ^ Draber-Mońko, Agnieszka; Malewski, Tadeusz; Pomorski, Jan; Łoś, Marta; Ślipiński, Piotr (2009-12-30). "On the Morphology and Mitochondrial DNA Barcoding of the Flesh Fly <I>Sarcophaga</I> (<I>Liopygia</I>) <I>argyrostoma</I> (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) – An important Species in Forensic Entomology". Annales Zoologici. 59 (4): 465–493. doi:10.3161/000345409x484865. ISSN 0003-4541.
  6. ^ Giangaspero, Annunziata; Marangi, Marianna; Balotta, Antonio; Venturelli, Claudio; Szpila, Krzysztof; Di Palma, Antonella (2017). "Wound Myiasis Caused bySarcophaga (Liopygia) Argyrostoma(Robineau-Desvoidy) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae): Additional Evidences of the Morphological Identification Dilemma and Molecular Investigation". The Scientific World Journal. 2017: 1–9. doi:10.1155/2017/9064531. ISSN 2356-6140. PMC 5303603. PMID 28251174.
  7. ^ Gunn, Alan (October 2020). "The colonisation of remains by the sarcophagid fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma (Robineau-Desvoidy) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)". Forensic Science International. 315: 110465. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110465. ISSN 0379-0738. PMID 32853971.
  8. ^ Hediyeloo, Saba; Akbarzadeh, Kamran; Rezaei, Majid; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali (March 2024). "Colonization pattern and thermal needs of immature phases of Sarcophaga argyrostoma (Diptera: Sarcophagidae): Significance for estimating postmortem interval". Heliyon. 10 (5): e26576. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26576. ISSN 2405-8440. PMC 10906406. PMID 38434386.
  9. ^ Mashaal, Alya; Abo Elqasem, Asmaa A.; Abou El-Khashab, Lina A.; El-Menyawy, Hend M.; Abou El-Nour, Basma M.; Abdullah, Eman M.; Abdalkareem, Asmaa M.; Al-gebaly, Rawda A.; El-sayed, Asmaa M.; Mabrok, Ghada R.; Mahmoud, Rawda R.; Ali, Dina A.; Mohamed, Alaa R.; Ali, Hiba H.; Bishop, Suhaylah Y. (2024-04-23). "Immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties of Sarcophaga argyrostoma larval hemolymph: utilizing the Biomphalaria alexandrina snail as a model". Biologia. 79 (7): 2109–2117. doi:10.1007/s11756-024-01687-5. ISSN 1336-9563.
  10. ^ Najjari, Mohsen; Dik, Bilal; Pekbey, Gamze (2020-11-07). "Gastrointestinal Myiasis Due to Sarcophaga argyrostoma (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) in Mashhad, Iran: a Case Report". Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases. doi:10.18502/jad.v14i3.4565. ISSN 2322-2271. PMID 33644245.
  11. ^ Pezzi, Marco; Whitmore, Daniel; Bonacci, Teresa; Del Zingaro, Carlo Nicola Francesco; Chicca, Milvia; Lanfredi, Massimo; Leis, Marilena (2017-08-12). "Facultative myiasis of domestic cats by Sarcophaga argyrostoma (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), Calliphora vicina and Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in northern Italy". Parasitology Research. 116 (10): 2869–2872. doi:10.1007/s00436-017-5582-z. ISSN 0932-0113. PMID 28803354.
  12. ^ Sert, Osman; Örsel, Gülşah Merve; Şabanoğlu, Burcu; Özdemir, Senem (2019-12-23). "A Study of the pupal developments of Sarcophaga argyrostoma (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)". Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 16 (1): 12–19. doi:10.1007/s12024-019-00198-z. ISSN 1547-769X. PMID 31873911.
  13. ^ Sert, Osman; Özdemir, Senem; Şabanoğlu, Burcu (2021-02-18). "Effect of constant and fluctuating temperature on the intrapuparial development of Sarcophaga argyrostoma (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830; Diptera: Sarcophagidae)". Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 336 (6): 511–521. doi:10.1002/jez.b.23036. ISSN 1552-5007. PMID 33600622.
  14. ^ Severini, Francesco; Nocita, Emanuela; Tosini, Fabio (2015-08-19). "Myiasis of the Tracheostomy Wound Caused bySarcophaga(Liopygia)argyrostoma(Diptera: Sarcophagidae): Molecular Identification Based on the Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase I Gene: Fig. 1". Journal of Medical Entomology. 52 (6): 1357–1360. doi:10.1093/jme/tjv108. ISSN 0022-2585.